700 High Ranking National Security Officials endorse Kamala


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Over 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.”

“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael Smith told The Hill. “We saw as much during the debate.”


To think there are still adults who think Trump would be better for National Security than Harris.

Trump would be disaster for our national security and boon to our enemies. Trump would sow discord in our national politics and destroy our alliances.

Our national security people sees the threat Trump poses to our nation. Many of these folks crossed party lines as they put the Country before party. Something MAGAs should try.
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Over 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.”

“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael Smith told The Hill. “We saw as much during the debate.”


To think there are still adults who think Trump would be better for National Security than Harris.

Trump would be disaster for our national security and boon to our enemies. Trump would sow discord in our national politics and destroy our alliances.

Our national security people sees the threat Trump poses to our nation. These folks all cross party lines as they put the Country before party. Something MAGAs should try.
“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael Smith told The Hill.
did he retire or was he forced out?

there has to be a reason he retired.

senility, maybe?
Just about everyone who has worked with Trump have called him unfit. Open your friggin eyes.
I was referring to his praise of kammie.

I think he's unfit too

have since before he was elected in 2016.

700 High Ranking National Security Officials endorse Kamala​

Now you have to ask if these traitors know Iran is sending stolen Trump's campaign documents to the Harris campaign.... who are these traitors and where did they come from....
Are any of these the same idiots that claimed the Biden computer was Russian disinformation? Are any of these the same idiots that were so interested in the so called pee pee tape? See I have problems with a lot of the so called experts. But the democrats are desperate.
Are any of these the same idiots that claimed the Biden computer was Russian disinformation? Are any of these the same idiots that were so interested in the so called pee pee tape? See I have problems with a lot of the so called experts. But the democrats are desperate.
Many of them are Republicans.
Many of them are Republicans.
That did nothing to answer the questions, but you do you. Your cult requires you to try your best to help a lying nit wit.
You should be aware that Republican means very little more then democrat to me. Though they are higher in the thought process
To think there are still adults who think Trump would be better for National Security than Harris.

Trump would be disaster for our national security and boon to our enemies. Trump would sow discord in our national politics and destroy our alliances.
Trump would be far better because he will put ANERICAN security above the security of any other nation. THST is the proper task of a POTUS. Not BATO. Not the UN. Not Ukraine, Israelnor Taiwan.
Over 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.”

“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael Smith told The Hill. “We saw as much during the debate.”


To think there are still adults who think Trump would be better for National Security than Harris.

Trump would be disaster for our national security and boon to our enemies. Trump would sow discord in our national politics and destroy our alliances.

Our national security people sees the threat Trump poses to our nation. Many of these folks crossed party lines as they put the Country before party. Something MAGAs should try.
Most important on their minds is Trump's threat of interfering with the war against Russia. This is openly expressing their opinions that Trump needs to watch his back!

It could also be a signal to the upper levels that they need to affirm the loyalty of the lower ranks. There could be a divide that already exists!
Over 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.”

“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael Smith told The Hill. “We saw as much during the debate.”


To think there are still adults who think Trump would be better for National Security than Harris.

Trump would be disaster for our national security and boon to our enemies. Trump would sow discord in our national politics and destroy our alliances.

Our national security people sees the threat Trump poses to our nation. Many of these folks crossed party lines as they put the Country before party. Something MAGAs should try.
Another meaningless endorsement letter LOL No shortage of Trump haters from the old "Establishment". Intelligence Officers, Economists, Historians, blah blah blah they got nothing else to do sure they'll sign a letter. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
We know for a fact that Trump is a threat to national security.

During his four years of failure in the WH Trump coddled dictators and despots and attacked our allies.

Trump was – and is – unfit to be president.
Trump pulled a Lincoln. "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer".
He insisted that our allies pay their full share of their own defense. It worked and the alliance is still together and militarily stronger. Several European leaders have admitted that only Trump could have done this.
Can you imagine what Trumpers would say if 700 National Security officials called Kamala a threat to our national security? They would be going ballistic, literally.

Face it, Trump is a danger to our national security and those in the business of safeguarding our nation and those who have worked with Trump know it as well.
Many of them are Republicans.
The same ones who keep resisting their voters? The same ones who show up to vote Progressive legislation into law. The same ones who are unelected and know how the grease in the swamp keeps them lubed and privileged and empowered. All greased and ready to screw anyone who gets in their way. Pointing it out will not last forever. The door is closing on making comments on this.

Sure, sure, while you are making up numbers then why not 1500?

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