800K government workers are...


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
Non-essential. Not necessary to the functioning of our nation and therefore expendable.

These are the people we are making the center point of our panic to reopen government as fast as possible. 800 thousand worthless people that the government they work for didn't even qualify them as necessary.

Let's just stay as we are. Eventually the rangers keeping you out of national forest's will get tired of not getting paid and go home. Then you can actually walk through nature all by yourself and probably be just fine. You can walk through an open memorial that normally doesn't have any park rangers there during open hours but need a bunch during shutdown hours, which they are supposed to not be on duty during this shutdown.

What are we actually missing out on here? The pain the government is sending our way isn't a lack of forest rangers it's an increase in them denying people access to a f*cking forest.

What else are we not missing here? 18% of the government has gone away and I'm pretty sure aren't missed in the least. Why not keep this same level of funding?
I could work without my ad assistants and the mail room but it makes it a hell of alot harder to run a business.
Who's gonna clean the bathrooms? That would be a sight all Of those "essential workers" scrubbing the toilets.
Perhaps after this, government workers will learn their lesson before signing up to work for what may as well be the 4th Reich for lack of a better term.
Non-essential. Not necessary to the functioning of our nation and therefore expendable.

These are the people we are making the center point of our panic to reopen government as fast as possible. 800 thousand worthless people that the government they work for didn't even qualify them as necessary.

Let's just stay as we are. Eventually the rangers keeping you out of national forest's will get tired of not getting paid and go home. Then you can actually walk through nature all by yourself and probably be just fine. You can walk through an open memorial that normally doesn't have any park rangers there during open hours but need a bunch during shutdown hours, which they are supposed to not be on duty during this shutdown.

What are we actually missing out on here? The pain the government is sending our way isn't a lack of forest rangers it's an increase in them denying people access to a f*cking forest.

What else are we not missing here? 18% of the government has gone away and I'm pretty sure aren't missed in the least. Why not keep this same level of funding?

Yes, indeed.
Actually, Congress passed and the President signed a back-pay bill this week. Those 800,000 government workers are on a paid vacation.

But before you get too pissed off, they are seriously screwed if no deal is made soon. Remember those mysterious 'extraordinary measures' the Treasury Secretary referred to this summer when we reached the borrowing limit, but still kept spending money? Well it turns out that those 'extraordinary measures' involve borrowing the money from government employees retirement funds. So they have that going for them.
Non-essential. Not necessary to the functioning of our nation and therefore expendable.

These are the people we are making the center point of our panic to reopen government as fast as possible. 800 thousand worthless people that the government they work for didn't even qualify them as necessary.

Let's just stay as we are. Eventually the rangers keeping you out of national forest's will get tired of not getting paid and go home. Then you can actually walk through nature all by yourself and probably be just fine. You can walk through an open memorial that normally doesn't have any park rangers there during open hours but need a bunch during shutdown hours, which they are supposed to not be on duty during this shutdown.

What are we actually missing out on here? The pain the government is sending our way isn't a lack of forest rangers it's an increase in them denying people access to a f*cking forest.

What else are we not missing here? 18% of the government has gone away and I'm pretty sure aren't missed in the least. Why not keep this same level of funding?

The National Park Service expenditure is $30 billion annually. The past few days I believe we can see that we can do without most of these people. They are there to open and close the parks and right now working overtime to be sure no one enters the National Malls, Parks and visitor bureaus. We can do that with half the rangers that we have. There's a decent cut right now. The mean spirited rangers could have just knocked themselves out of a job.
Non-essential. Not necessary to the functioning of our nation and therefore expendable.

These are the people we are making the center point of our panic to reopen government as fast as possible. 800 thousand worthless people that the government they work for didn't even qualify them as necessary.

Let's just stay as we are. Eventually the rangers keeping you out of national forest's will get tired of not getting paid and go home. Then you can actually walk through nature all by yourself and probably be just fine. You can walk through an open memorial that normally doesn't have any park rangers there during open hours but need a bunch during shutdown hours, which they are supposed to not be on duty during this shutdown.

What are we actually missing out on here? The pain the government is sending our way isn't a lack of forest rangers it's an increase in them denying people access to a f*cking forest.

What else are we not missing here? 18% of the government has gone away and I'm pretty sure aren't missed in the least. Why not keep this same level of funding?

The National Park Service expenditure is $30 billion annually. The past few days I believe we can see that we can do without most of these people. They are there to open and close the parks and right now working overtime to be sure no one enters the National Malls, Parks and visitor bureaus. We can do that with half the rangers that we have. There's a decent cut right now. The mean spirited rangers could have just knocked themselves out of a job.

Yea, we don't need them. When the vandals come and destroy everything and tag our monuments with their graffiti, it won't matter. When forests burn down and people die because there was nobody there to warn people to get out, it won't matter, because we will be saving money. When people start eating contaminated food and dying because nobody is inspecting our food, who gives a shit.

You guys crack me up because you are just so damn ignorant.
Non-essential. Not necessary to the functioning of our nation and therefore expendable.

These are the people we are making the center point of our panic to reopen government as fast as possible. 800 thousand worthless people that the government they work for didn't even qualify them as necessary.

Let's just stay as we are. Eventually the rangers keeping you out of national forest's will get tired of not getting paid and go home. Then you can actually walk through nature all by yourself and probably be just fine. You can walk through an open memorial that normally doesn't have any park rangers there during open hours but need a bunch during shutdown hours, which they are supposed to not be on duty during this shutdown.

What are we actually missing out on here? The pain the government is sending our way isn't a lack of forest rangers it's an increase in them denying people access to a f*cking forest.

What else are we not missing here? 18% of the government has gone away and I'm pretty sure aren't missed in the least. Why not keep this same level of funding?

The National Park Service expenditure is $30 billion annually. The past few days I believe we can see that we can do without most of these people. They are there to open and close the parks and right now working overtime to be sure no one enters the National Malls, Parks and visitor bureaus. We can do that with half the rangers that we have. There's a decent cut right now. The mean spirited rangers could have just knocked themselves out of a job.

Yea, we don't need them. When the vandals come and destroy everything and tag our monuments with their graffiti, it won't matter. When forests burn down and people die because there was nobody there to warn people to get out, it won't matter, because we will be saving money. When people start eating contaminated food and dying because nobody is inspecting our food, who gives a shit.

You guys crack me up because you are just so damn ignorant.

When vandals hit monuments the park rangers or a citizen calls the cops. Forests burn every few years. It's what they do to balance out new growth with old. If you need someone to tell you there's a fire you're too fucking stupid to leave you apartment complex and shouldn't be in the forest.

Food inspectors have been around for years yet they don't ever catch anything until it's out in the public and we get a recall. Not because some inspector caught it but because the company wants to keep customers.
It's a paid vacation on my dime!

Yup. All those furloughed Fed workers should do what you and I would have to do.

USE THEIR VACATION TIME or dont' get payed.

Another kick in the teeth the taxpayers of this country.

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