A billion people hacked on Yahoo.



I think that is hilarious. Republicans always going on about letting private industry show us how it's done. Remember the Obamacare website? Private industry should be doing healthcare.

Planes giving away free tickets. Private industry.

Amazon selling $100 books for a buck. Oops.

And how many times has AOL been hacked. AOL. Yea, THAT AOL. The AOL where GOP SOS Colin Powell had his account.

Republicans have no idea what's going on and rules only apply to Democrats.

The question now is "Will Trump violate the constitution on his first day of office?" :desk:

We know what Republicans think of the Constitution. The paper is too stiff to wipe with. But it doesn't keep them from trying.
I think that is hilarious. Republicans always going on about letting private industry show us how it's done. Remember the Obamacare website? Private industry should be doing healthcare.

Planes giving away free tickets. Private industry.

Amazon selling $100 books for a buck. Oops.

And how many times has AOL been hacked. AOL. Yea, THAT AOL. The AOL where GOP SOS Colin Powell had his account.

Republicans have no idea what's going on and rules only apply to Democrats.

The question now is "Will Trump violate the constitution on his first day of office?" :desk:

We know what Republicans think of the Constitution. The paper is too stiff to wipe with. But it doesn't keep them from trying.
"A Senate investigation of poor health care at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Tomah, Wis., found systemic failures in a VA inspector general’s review of the facility that raise questions about the internal watchdog’s ability to ensure adequate health care for veterans nationwide.

The probe by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee found the inspector general’s office, which is charged with independently investigating VA complaints, discounted key evidence and witness testimony, needlessly narrowed its inquiry and has no standard for determining wrongdoing.

One of the biggest failures identified by Senate investigators was the inspector general’s decision not to release its investigation report, which concluded two providers at the facility had been prescribing alarming levels of narcotics. The facility's chief of staff at the time was David Houlihan, a physician veterans had nick-named “candy man” because he doled out so many pills."

Senate investigation finds 'systemic' failures at VA watchdog

So this is the kind of healthcare you want for everyone?
But rdean doesnt believe clintons server was hacked......he just owns himself. I cant take credit for it anymore

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