A Brief Moment of Clarity and Sanity in Florida


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Florida Supreme Court removes judge for running ministry from the bench

The Florida Supreme Court handed down the most severe available penalty to a judge accused of having used her courtroom to advertise her for-profit ministry.

Leon County Judge Judith Hawkins was accused of running Gaza Road Ministries out of her offices at the county courthouse. According to court documents, Judge Hawkins sold ministry products in the courthouse, both to lawyers and her employees — one of whom she tasked with helping her sell her wares.

“Your involvement with [Gaza Road Ministries] caused you to devote less than your full time and full attention to your judicial duties,” the court found, noting that she would also “take trips” without informing “the attorneys or parties in advance of [her] absences.”

I have no problem with a public officials praying in the morning before work, asking God to guide them throughout their working day.

But when you start forcing your conception of God, your beliefs on others, you need to get fucked IMO.
You would think that a Judge would know it is unconstitutional to promote ANY religion (selling religious wares in the courthouse??!!??) at a government facility, but no.

She deserved firing just for dumbassedness.

Regards from Rosie
You would think that a Judge would know it is unconstitutional to promote ANY religion (selling religious wares in the courthouse??!!??) at a government facility, but no.

She deserved firing just for dumbassedness.

Regards from Rosie
This is how most judges look at their jobs:

"Ok Counselors, what can we do to speed this all up, have everyone plead so I can get out to the golf course by no later than 3:00?"

Justice and the Rule of Law only apply in those TV shows you watch.
This has nothing to do with religion. This woman was running a scam business out of her chambers. The purpose of which was to give her money to travel. She called it a ministry. It's not a ministry. It is one woman who is the sole member, founder, speaker and presenter for her "ministry". To support her travel she sold products. She sold these products out of her chambers impressing on attorneys and court employees the necessity of buying them. She impressed her staff of the necessity of becoming sale agents themselves.

Nothing to do with religion. It is a scam.

Next she will say that she's being oppressed because she's black.

Gaza Road Ministries - Welcome
You would think that a Judge would know it is unconstitutional to promote ANY religion (selling religious wares in the courthouse??!!??) at a government facility, but no.

She deserved firing just for dumbassedness.

Regards from Rosie

Yes, you would think.

But look at all the dicks in Congress who spew their twisted version of Christianity on the floor.

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