A Civics Dialysis: TrumpUSA


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock metaphysics dialogue about American consciousness.

What can we say about 'civics clarity' under the umbrella of media-hyper TrumpUSA?

I'm becoming a bigger and bigger fan of First Lady Melania Trump (or maybe I'm just tired of Donald).


GOD: Why do Americans like movies about psychos and hero-cops?
SATAN: It's the 'pioneer' tradition catering to Utopian civics daydreams/nightmares.
GOD: True, but some of these psychos are cannibals, and some of these cops seem 'superhuman.'
SATAN: Americans like drama, since America is a land of drama (confluence, urban intrigue, hitchers, etc.).
GOD: I remember the stories of 'copycat crimes' modelled after the incendiary film Natural Born Killers!
SATAN: People like to 'exorcise' their anxieties about 'mismanaged manpower' in a land of intrigue...
GOD: There should be more light-hearted stories about everyday fishermen and musicians.
SATAN: Well, you can't have spirituality and romance without paying some attention to labors.
GOD: How do you properly separate bravado from graffiti?
SATAN: You need to focus on 'everyday idealism.'
GOD: What do you mean?
SATAN: Watch episodes of Hawaii Five-O to get a taste of American crime stories.
GOD: I prefer Alice in Wonderland.
SATAN: Modern problems call for modern paranoia...
GOD: I'll stream episodes of NYPD Blue on my iPhone then...
SATAN: Many Americans today are dissatisfied with President Trump's brand of 'vaudeville civics.'



It would be interesting to do a study of how youthful paparazzi related hype/hysteria in the modern age of media and celebrity affects our perspective on capitalism/consumerism under the umbrella of a 'pedestrianism-academic' TrumpUSA.

Here's a mock dialogue about modern ethics between the two socially iconic American celebrities/actors Johnny Depp (star of creative 'culture' films such as Edward Scissorhands, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and The Tourist) and Leo DiCaprio (star of symbolic 'society' films such as Romeo + Juliet, The Beach, and Inception).


DEPP: What do you think of First Lady Melania Trump?
DICAPRIO: If Donald Trump is a 'token-capitalist' President, then Melania will not be too respected...
DEPP: That's a shame, since she (just like Michelle Obama --- our previous First Lady) is beautiful and rather intelligent.
DICAPRIO: Some called President Obama a 'token-minority' President.
DEPP: So we have two token presidents in succession!
DICAPRIO: Maybe Oprah Winfrey will be the next U.S. President --- a 'token-minority-female-celebrity'!
DEPP: That's crazy. This is really the Era of the Magazine!
DICAPRIO: True, but we can use such 'energy' to focus on symbolic matters such as eco-activism.
DEPP: No one cares about eco-activism.
DICAPRIO: Well, the media does not 'advertise' the profitability of renewable energy.
DEPP: Maybe Industrialization has created a host of 'unethical tourists.'
DICAPRIO: People think celebrities simply do not care about politics.
DEPP: I'm excited about the new exploration-paranoia film Alien: Covenant.
DICAPRIO: So am I; it seems to represent a new age fascination with pedestrian transit (interstellar!).
DEPP: I think TrumpUSA just might be able to eke out some progressive politics regarding modern pedestrian values.
DICAPRIO: We'll see if President Trump exhibits true interest in environmentalism in this age of consumerism.
DEPP: I think the First Lady might be able to nudge him in the right direction.
DICAPRIO: Melania should be on the cover of TIME magazine if she does!



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