A Cure For Societal Plague


Jul 6, 2014
Introduction to the Cure:

The human is a sickly animal, and brutal, monolithic authoritarianism is the only possible means to its salvation. Humanity is largely a group of cowards and crooks that only serve to maim and distort anything that may be considered good or just when they are allowed to function as free actors. The ideal occurrence would be for humanity to extinguish itself in an orgy of murder/suicide, but as exhilarating as it would be to see the streets of every city run red, and as brilliantly and brightly that the new society of worthwhile human animals would function, most of humanity actually believe (incredibly!) that they are of BENEFIT to themselves and others.

Since humanity is too dense to even recognize what evil creatures they are, let alone take steps to rectify the problem (i.e., mass murder and suicide), I advocate strict meritocratic fascism. Global society should be ruled by a group of maleficent dictators, handing down iron-clad edicts, violations of which to be punished by public torture and death.


I have broken this essay into many separate parts. The next section will define some of my basic terms, delve further into the plans for an optimal society, and will set forth a brief introduction into plans to greatly reduce the world's population. -


Man has been allowed free reign over his decisions for far too long. In an ideal society, the privileges to choose one's home, work as he sees fit, and reproduce would be granted to him only after he has earned them through physical prowess, hard work and devotion to the elites. Most will be found wanting, and as such their value will be determined by how efficiently they can be used as "grist for the mill". Physical labor is the primary work for these men. Men to be killed off will earn their death through brutal and permanent work. The second their bodies are fully consumed, their life ends.

Of course, even for those we deem profitable to keep alive, work should rarely cease, lest these men find themselves thinking. An unthinking, dumb, "happy" animal is what we should strive for. For the average man, "thought" is a harmful exercise, and will gradually be eradicated.

Humans will be separated into broad classes:

1. Elites
a. Lords -- Architect, Tribe of SuperElites, Regional lords
b. Entertainers -- those dominant at sport, music, etc.
2. Inferiors
a. workers (90+%)
b1. servants (sex-slaves)
3. Death-slaves

Note: There are various sub-strata contained within, to be discussed later.

Eventually, through many generations, the elites will separate themselves genetically, with ever-increasingly few outliers amongst the Inferiors. It's true that the Elites will attain their position largely through Architect fiat, but we will find that, thanks to selective breeding, most will earn their place through merit.


Introduction to How Our Society Will Raise Children:

The "family unit" will soon be a forgotten anachronism. The act of child bearing will be reduced to a simple mundane physical act for the vast majority of women, with no emotional attachment. Obviously, the moment a child is born, he will need to be immediately taken away from the mother, so no familial bonds can be formed.

Schooling: For inferior children, there will not be much room for what we now refer to as "education". The primary concern for development will be physical. Children will grow into strong adults, useful for both domestic work and national defense. This branch of humankind does not deserve access to any tools that might "elevate their consciousness". No, for these dumb animals, they will eventually simply see it as natural to devote their entire life to serving the Elites, and advanced thought will be seen as totally beyond comprehension.
I see that ISIS is on the board...

Broken for ease of reading...

You've got the brain of a four-year-old boy, and I'll bet he was glad to get rid of it.


I'd horsewhip you if I had a horse!


Your insane if you think it could ever work...
Sounds like The Hunger Games is on to something, then.

Odd that Hollywood sees it comin' before we do, eh? :badgrin:
cultsmasher puppet

I'm not positive what this means, but I think you are claiming that I am a regular poster using a gimmick account. I assure you that this is not true, but just in case, I offer an IP bet for 1,000$. Might as well profit from your ignorance.
This ideology generally transcends the liberal-conservative spectrum, but it is fair enough to claim that it exists mainly as an extreme- or far-right wing philosophy:

1. Hatred of lazy statists -- Many men currently exist as parasites or sponges of all the benefits of a soft democracy. These men are net negative for society. Under my conditions, these men will all find employ - voluntarily or not - and suddenly we have a great source of labor.

2. Homogenous cultural norms -- We definitely disagree on the norms themselves, but both recognize the idea of cultural relativism as an atrocity.

3. Economics -- The consumer base is the source of power. Whichever business exploits this best should reap the spoils. Inferior companies will quickly fall apart, and the entire process is streamlined.

There are many things the far right gets right. Certainly more than the far left. But liberals are closer to the mark on some issues, such as art, science and the general disinterest in the disgusting current religions.

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