A feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Leave it to the left and that Utopian pipe dream fail...

Why Feminism Failed Cologne's Women

A feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women.
January 12, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Big Feminism, fresh from fighting pitched battles against swimsuit posters in European subways and other phantoms of "rape culture", failed the women who were attacked by violent Muslim migrant mobs in Cologne, Berlin and Hamburg who were the products of an actual rape culture dating back to Mohammed's injunction to his men that Muslim women must wear burqas to avoid being "molested" while non-Muslim women captured in the House of War could be raped by Muslim Jihadis at will.

Big Feminism has a great deal of interest in rape as an abstract idea that can be unpacked to represent everything the left hates from Valentine's Day to environmental degradation to the college frat, but it has little interest in rape as a crime or rape victims as people. Eve Ensler exploited the idea of rape to build up her brand while her PR was being handled by Trevor FitzGibbon, a progressive sexual predator who was also representing Julian Assange, another progressive rapist. Eve Ensler had a great deal of interest in rape as an ideological tool, but none in the women who were raped by her allies.

Feminism is only another of the many manipulative masks that the left wears. Its acolytes cannot see rape as a personal crime, only as an ideological one. To the left, rape, like racism, is a form of institutional oppression practiced by the stronger white male against everyone else. Sexual assaults that don't fit this structural template won't be acknowledged and when they become so public that they must be acknowledged, it will be only to change the conversation.

That process is already underway in Germany as feminists insist that all the coverage of the Muslim rape mob attackers (a coverage that took place despite the best efforts of their left-wing colleagues to bury the politically incorrect story before anyone had even heard about it) is distracting attention from domestic sex crimes. The obligatory feminist protests emphasized opposition to sexism and racism, but they did not mean the form of racism that led large numbers of asylum seekers to see native women as fair game to be abused, degraded and spit on, but the racism involved in calling them out for it.

The hundreds of women who were attacked in a single day by Muslim mobs are inconvenient victims. Like the Peace Corps workers abused by the locals or female activist raped by the Palestinian Muslims they came to help, their stories don't fit the intersectional paradigm and have to be covered up in a politically correct burka.


As long as feminism remains a slave to the left, it will be responsible for causing more women to be beaten, assaulted and raped. And then it will cover up the crimes and use the victims to sell more red t-shirts.

As Cologne, where over a hundred women were assaulted in one day, reminds us, a feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women.

Why Feminism Failed Cologne's Women
I don't think it is distracting. I think it is bringing out the global trafficking and rape going on. Even in China, the forced abortions are a constant process of genocide happening there, and it's not in the name of Islam.

It is raising more awareness, where no such violence, abuse or bullying is going to be tolerated anywhere.

Same with the raising of outcries from merely "Black lives matter" to greater calls for responsibility such as "STAND America" and "NO MORE BLOODSHED" denouncing Black on Black violence and demanding even deeper change. Not just superficial politics in the media. But the real thing.

This is all coming out in the open. By the time people are done yelling and screaming, we'll finally see we're all in the same mess together. And it will take all of us putting our best resources together to get out.
Two leftist sacred cows at odds with each other. Which wins? Kowtowing to Muslims or defending women from animals. Decisions, decisions...
All correct, except the premise. Feminism is not enthralled to the left. The left is enthralled to feminism.

the author is sucking female phantom dick. An old tactic and a failed one.

progresivism IS Feminism. It is the segregation of the sexes and the homosexualisation of all women. The dry humpers are rising. They want muslim pedo grooming rings to distract from their own grooming rings.

wake up morons. The reality is THIS horrific and sick.
The Cultural Jihad Proceeds: USA Today Declares Hijab a Symbol of Feminism
Make Hijabs Feminist Again


Michael Horn



Mogahed did not cite her sources of women in the Muslim world who wear hijabs as a choice. Nor did she explain how criticism of the practice is racist, since Islam is not a race.


Since the election of Trump, the hijab has emerged as a new symbol of resistance and feminism. http://usat.ly/2nYX7Ul #MuslimWomensDay

2:50 PM - 27 Mar 2017

Hijab becomes symbol of resistance, feminism in the age of Trump
“No one forced me to dress this way."


Student Fatima Khan says her hijab "limits how much someone can objectify me and instead have the power to only be judged for my intellect, abilities and personality rather than simply my appearance."

The move to make the hijab feminist again also includes Nike, which included a hijab as one of its athletic wear products.

“The Nike Pro Hijab has been a year in the making, but its impetus can be traced much further back to Nike’s founding mission, to serve athletes, with the signature addendum: If you have a body, you’re an athlete,” the company said in an announcement.

The Cultural Jihad Proceeds: USA Today Declares Hijab a Symbol of Feminism

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All correct, except the premise. Feminism is not enthralled to the left. The left is enthralled to feminism.

the author is sucking female phantom dick. An old tactic and a failed one.

progresivism IS Feminism. It is the segregation of the sexes and the homosexualisation of all women. The dry humpers are rising. They want muslim pedo grooming rings to distract from their own grooming rings.

wake up morons. The reality is THIS horrific and sick.

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