A Few Facts About The Palestinians

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Of course. You lose again and claim victory. You are so transparent. How much does Hasbara pay you?
It goes way beyond just those few incidents. But good post. The world needs to be made aware of who the viable peace partner is and who isn't. The revisionist history writers will spin just about anything. But the truth will out. The palestinians are a mob with no leaders able to engage in peace, let alone in security and are rewarded right and left for their terrorist actions.

My personal take is that restrictions should be even harsher than they are now until some significant time has elapsed without ANY terrorist acts by ANY palestinians.

Not since the Mayans has there been a culture that engaged in child sacrifice as the depraved Palestinians have. But at least the Mayans who were a great civilization, did it because they thought it pleased "the gods".
Israel has no future, much less a bright future. It's future is that of white-ruled South Africa, hopefully, and Rhodesia, probably.

The bigotry and hatred will not win out. Israel's economy is stronger now than ever and growing all the time. Its Arab neighbors have quietly aligned themselves with its interests in peaceful relations and more are following every day.


Israel's Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry

What's behind Israel's biggest economic boom? The ...

Explaining Israel's Booming Economy - Newsweek

So regardless of the nay sayers and the haters constantly predicting doom and gloom for hard working Israeli's, the truth of the matter is Israel's economy is a vibrant, diversified and strong one. Not likely to fail anytime soon.

Israel flourishes and rushes into the 21st century while Palestinians, along with their fellow Arabs race backwards to 7th century savagery. Maybe one of Monte's fellow anti Semites should throw in the white towel for him. You're beating his ass so badly it's humiliating. :clap2:
The hubris is astounding, I love the declaration of victory in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. LOL its really quite entertaining

Lets review shall we ;--)


But we all know that the revisionist rhetoric, things like apartheid and stolen palesinian land, are just that, revisionist rhetoric.

The Israeli's are making every effort to find peaceful solutions amid a difficult situation. Constant palestinian acts of violence require that restrictions be placed and remain in place until some reasonable period of peace has past. At which point restrictions can be eased and the palestinians might earn their way back into polite society.

The accusation of apartheid like may of the revisionist claims is demonstrably false. Anyone who studies the issue will quickly see that Israeli Arabs enjoy more rights in Israel than they do in most Arab countries. Woman specially are fully able to participate in lives of equality within the Israeli sphere that they'd never be able to enjoy in much of the Arab world.

Need I really document the numerous rights enjoyed by ALL Israeli Arabs ?


Jews are the majority within Israel, but the non-Jewish minority (Arab, Christians, Bedouin, Druze, Baha'i and others) enjoy full citizenship with voting rights and representation in the government. Israel’s Declaration of Independence even specifically calls upon the Arab inhabitants of Israel to “participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.” The Arab minority comprises 20% of Israel's population.

It is illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race and Arab citizens of Israel are represented in all walks of Israeli life. Arabs have served in senior diplomatic and government positions and an Arab - Salim Joubran - currently serves as a justice on the Supreme Court.

Israeli Arabs have their own political parties and representation in the Knesset; Arabs are also members of the major Israeli political parties.

In apartheid South Africa, laws dictated where Non-whites could live, work and travel and the government imprisoned, and sometimes killed, those who protested against these policies. By contrast, Israel allows freedom of movement, assembly and speech and some of the government’s harshest critics are Arab Knesset members.

Arab students and professors study, research and teach freely at Israeli universities. At Haifa University, for example, approximately 20 percent of the students are Arabs.

Israeli society is not perfect - discrimination and unfairness exist there as it does in every other country. These differences, however, are nothing like the horrors of the apartheid system. Moreover, when inequalities are identified, minorities in Israel have the right to seek redress through the government and the courts, and progress toward equality has been made over the years.

The situation of Palestinians in the territories is different. Many Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip openly refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist; by contrast, non-whites never sought the destruction of South Africa, only of the apartheid regime.

Unlike South Africa, where restrictions were totally racially motivated, Israel'srestrictions in the territories - such as checkpoints and the security fence - was forced by incessant Palestinian terrorism. Israel has consistently demonstrated a willingness, however, to ease restrictions when violence subsides.

Meanwhile, Palestinians from the territories are allowed to work in Israel and receive similar pay and benefits to their Jewish counterparts. They are allowed to attend schools and universities. Palestinians have been given opportunities to run many of their own affairs. None of this was true for South African blacks.

Even such, 98% of the Palestinians in the territories are governed by the rules of the Palestinian Authority, which amazingly do not permit their own resident with freedoms of speech, religion, assembly or other rights taken for granted by Westerners and guaranteed in Israel.

The clearest refutation of the calumny against Israel comes from the Palestinians themselves - when asked what governments they admire most, more than 80 percent of Palestinians consistently choose Israel because they can see up close the thriving democracy in Israel, and the rights the Arab citizens enjoy there.

End Quote
Can an Arab-Israeli become PM? No.

Can Arab-Israeli's commemorate Nakba? No.

Can an Arab-Israeli bring in his wife from the West Bank? No.

Why can Jews from all over the world come to Israel, but an Arab-Israeli citizen cannot bring in his wife from the West Bank?
Can you or I realistically become President of the U.S.?
So we must be victims of a apartheid government.
Not a bit of rhetoric. Just a factual description of an event, as usual. Keep digging.
Israel flourishes and rushes into the 21st century while Palestinians, along with their fellow Arabs race backwards to 7th century savagery. Maybe one of Monte's fellow anti Semites should throw in the white towel for him. You're beating his ass so badly it's humiliating. :clap2:
You want to go back to the 2nd century BC with all this ancestral home BS. The way I see it, they're society is 9 century's more advanced than yours.
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Oh Please. How often is it that when Israel exorcises its right to apprehend criminals within the palestinian population its painted as a violation of a cease fire rather than a resumption of normal police function ?

the Oslo accords were broken when Israel police who were supposed to be working with palestinian security were turned on by those palestinian security forces.

The Road map for peace was also broken by the palestinians when the palestinian authority was unable to control various internal terrorits splinter groups and The Israeli's of course responded.

So tell us again about "Israel who's breaking all the ceasefires"
Israel has no jurisdiction in the West Bank or Gaza.

Don't talk about Oslo, Israel was in breach of that agreement a long time ago.
Israel has no future, much less a bright future. It's future is that of white-ruled South Africa, hopefully, and Rhodesia, probably.

The bigotry and hatred will not win out. Israel's economy is stronger now than ever and growing all the time. Its Arab neighbors have quietly aligned themselves with its interests in peaceful relations and more are following every day.


Israel's Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry

What's behind Israel's biggest economic boom? The ...

Explaining Israel's Booming Economy - Newsweek

So regardless of the nay sayers and the haters constantly predicting doom and gloom for hard working Israeli's, the truth of the matter is Israel's economy is a vibrant, diversified and strong one. Not likely to fail anytime soon.

Israel flourishes and rushes into the 21st century while Palestinians, along with their fellow Arabs race backwards to 7th century savagery. Maybe one of Monte's fellow anti Semites should throw in the white towel for him. You're beating his ass so badly it's humiliating. :clap2:

Israel flourishes as long as the U.S. and world Jewry continue to finance it. The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem did quite well for over a century. Then demographics caught up and support from abroad dried up. To think that a small minority can rule over a majority for the long term is not very clever thinking.
Yada yada yada. Keep dreaming fantasies of the imminent demise of Israel. Like a rabid dog howling at the crescent moon of Islam. Nobody gives a Shiite, or a Sunni, howling troll.
Yada yada yada. Keep dreaming fantasies of the imminent demise of Israel. Like a rabid dog howling at the crescent moon of Islam. Nobody gives a Shiite, or a Sunni, howling troll.

No fantasies, just an observation that minority rule has a short shelf-life, historically.
For 700 years the Ottomans ruled over Israel and there wasn't a Palestine or Palestinians. They even invited Jews to resettle there in the 1500's and 1600's. Palestine and Palestinians is a hoax and a recent invention. :clap2:
Yada yada yada. Keep dreaming fantasies of the imminent demise of Israel. Like a rabid dog howling at the crescent moon of Islam. Nobody gives a Shiite, or a Sunni, howling troll.

No fantasies, just an observation that minority rule has a short shelf-life, historically.
Yeah sure. Rabid Muslims infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) have dreamed of the destruction of Israel militarily or demographically for the last 70 years. Instead Israel succeeds, flourishes and prospers against all odds. Ain't going to happen, Achmed.
Can you or I realistically become President of the U.S.?
So we must be victims of a apartheid government.
What are you talking about, I can become President.

I'm over 36 and I'm a US citizen.

And will run on the "You'll do what the fuck I want or go fuck yourself" platform, which will go over real well with contributors to your failed campaign.
No, you CANNOT become President.
I love how the palestinian apologists make one wild claim after another with absolutely not a shred of supporting evidence

So can you substantiate a singe one of those very interesting assertions ?
Of coarse I can.

Can an Arab-Israeli become PM? No. (I need to amend this one. Apparently, no law prevents it, but there have been bills submitted to the Knesset on this issue).

There is of course no constitutional reason that a non-Jew cannot be elected president, though there have been legal attempts to prevent that from happening. These attempts have generated a sharp debate.

Can Arab-Israeli's commemorate Nakba? No.

The Nakba Bill{2011}16,22 - Persons marking Nakba Day as a day of mourning for the establishment of the State of Israel will be sentenced to prison. In the wake of public protests, its wording was changed to state that persons marking Nakba Day shall be denied public funds.
Can an Arab-Israeli bring in his wife from the West Bank? No.

Family Unification {2003}5,22– Under the 2003 policy for "family unification" non-citizen spouses and children of Arab Israeli citizens are prohibited from entering Israel [and living with their spouse/parent]. This means if you are a Palestinian from outside Israel, married to an Israeli, you are barred from living with your spouse in Israel. This does not apply to any other nationality beside Arabs. This “interim” provision has been regularly extended, most recently in January, 2011.

Now go fuck yourself!
Oh Please. How often is it that when Israel exorcises its right to apprehend criminals within the palestinian population its painted as a violation of a cease fire rather than a resumption of normal police function ?

the Oslo accords were broken when Israel police who were supposed to be working with palestinian security were turned on by those palestinian security forces.

The Road map for peace was also broken by the palestinians when the palestinian authority was unable to control various internal terrorits splinter groups and The Israeli's of course responded.

So tell us again about "Israel who's breaking all the ceasefires"
Israel has no jurisdiction in the West Bank or Gaza.

Don't talk about Oslo, Israel was in breach of that agreement a long time ago.

The hell it doesn't
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