A Few Facts About The Palestinians

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I love how the palestinian apologists make one wild claim after another with absolutely not a shred of supporting evidence

So can you substantiate a singe one of those very interesting assertions ?
Of coarse I can.

Can an Arab-Israeli become PM? No. (I need to amend this one. Apparently, no law prevents it, but there have been bills submitted to the Knesset on this issue).

There is of course no constitutional reason that a non-Jew cannot be elected president, though there have been legal attempts to prevent that from happening. These attempts have generated a sharp debate.

Can Arab-Israeli's commemorate Nakba? No.

The Nakba Bill{2011}16,22 - Persons marking Nakba Day as a day of mourning for the establishment of the State of Israel will be sentenced to prison. In the wake of public protests, its wording was changed to state that persons marking Nakba Day shall be denied public funds.
Can an Arab-Israeli bring in his wife from the West Bank? No.

Family Unification {2003}5,22– Under the 2003 policy for "family unification" non-citizen spouses and children of Arab Israeli citizens are prohibited from entering Israel [and living with their spouse/parent]. This means if you are a Palestinian from outside Israel, married to an Israeli, you are barred from living with your spouse in Israel. This does not apply to any other nationality beside Arabs. This “interim” provision has been regularly extended, most recently in January, 2011.

Now go fuck yourself!

LOL you actually shot yourself on all counts except that last which you might just be right about. From what I can see since the second intifada Israel changed its policies on this issue and now exorcizes its right to control its own borders and restrict access just like any other country. I'll continue looking into it but from what I can see thus far, Israel does not always allow access to spouses of Israeli citizens Arab or not.


Kinda screws up your whole program when someone is able to admit when they might be wrong ;--))

Unlike some others I know ;--)

Does Israel Hassle non-Jewish Spouses? - Magazine ...

"go fuck yourself" is hardly an intelligent response
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The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

The Adalah database of 50 discriminatory laws in Israel -

See more at: The Adalah database of 50 discriminatory laws in Israel
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

The Adalah database of 50 discriminatory laws in Israel -

See more at: The Adalah database of 50 discriminatory laws in Israel
Hee hee hee. Criticizing Israel for "discriminatory" laws considering the shariah shitholes surrounding it? You is funny, Achmed!

Keep digging...


Its laughable that you claim these supposedly discriminatory laws in Israel (which even your link confirms are not actually discriminatory in legislation) in comparison to Arab laws which prevent sale of land to anyone who is Jewish, as an example.

I guess the US is also an apartheid state given the appalling way you treat black people. All those discriminatory laws about how to treat black people. Tsk tsk.
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

One more reason why there will never be " Right of Return"
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Its laughable that you claim these supposedly discriminatory laws in Israel (which even your link confirms are not actually discriminatory in legislation) in comparison to Arab laws which prevent sale of land to anyone who is Jewish, as an example.

I guess the US is also an apartheid state given the appalling way you treat black people. All those discriminatory laws about how to treat black people. Tsk tsk.

UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/22/NGO/1 12 February 2013 Original: English Human Rights Council Twenty-second session Agenda item 7 Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territoUNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/22/NGO/1 12 February 2013 Original: English Human Rights Council Twenty-second session Agenda item 7 Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territory.

"Three related fundamental laws interact to mandate preferential treatment of Israeli Jews: The Law of Return: It gives all Jews in the world the right to “return” to Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship automatically. Palestinian refugees in the Diaspora who were forcibly evicted from their homes and driven out of their lands have, under international and natural law, the right to return, but are not allowed to. The Law of Citizenship: Arabs in Israel, who are the indigenous people of PalestineIsrael, may acquire citizenship if they were born in present-day Israel. But these Arabs do not have the same rights as Jews because Jews are both citizens and nationals, while Arabs are only citizens. The Status Law: It officially sanctions “national” institutions to provide “national” benefits exclusively for a “nation” that Israeli law identifies as “the Jewish people” or “citizens by return.” Arabs, not possessing “nationality” status in the state of Israel, are not legally eligible for “nationality” benefits. They cannot live or work on “national” land, participate in “national” housing, nor share government benefits of “national” agriculture. These three “fundamental” laws convey the false impression Israel tries hard to make as a so-called democracy where all citizens have equal rights. Racial discrimination is by definition “any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin.” By this definition, discrimination against Arabs in Israel would, correctly, be called “racist,” because it is based on differences in “national or ethnic origin.” United Nations as well as United States laws have expanded the strictly biological definition of “racism” to recognize also as “racist” any discrimination based on religious differences. The very laws that require Israel to “in-gather” Jews, regardless of race, are the same laws that discriminate against Arabs. Israel is legally obliged to “in-gather” Jews, provide benefits to Jews immigrating from foreign countries, and to deny the same benefits to native-born Arabs who are already Israeli citizens. This is certainly “racist” by UN and US criteria. Is Zionism responsible for this discrimination? Yes, because Israel’s laws and internal policies derive from the ideology of Zionism which insists that Israel be a “Jewish” state. This means demographically and politically and not only symbolically Jewish. To maintain a Jewish majority in the face of the Arabs’ greater natural population increase, some of Israel’s population already agrees with the proposition that Arabs should be expelled from their native land."


Its laughable that you claim these supposedly discriminatory laws in Israel (which even your link confirms are not actually discriminatory in legislation) in comparison to Arab laws which prevent sale of land to anyone who is Jewish, as an example.

I guess the US is also an apartheid state given the appalling way you treat black people. All those discriminatory laws about how to treat black people. Tsk tsk.

UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/22/NGO/1 12 February 2013 Original: English Human Rights Council Twenty-second session Agenda item 7 Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territoUNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/22/NGO/1 12 February 2013 Original: English Human Rights Council Twenty-second session Agenda item 7 Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territory.

"Three related fundamental laws interact to mandate preferential treatment of Israeli Jews: The Law of Return: It gives all Jews in the world the right to “return” to Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship automatically. Palestinian refugees in the Diaspora who were forcibly evicted from their homes and driven out of their lands have, under international and natural law, the right to return, but are not allowed to. The Law of Citizenship: Arabs in Israel, who are the indigenous people of PalestineIsrael, may acquire citizenship if they were born in present-day Israel. But these Arabs do not have the same rights as Jews because Jews are both citizens and nationals, while Arabs are only citizens. The Status Law: It officially sanctions “national” institutions to provide “national” benefits exclusively for a “nation” that Israeli law identifies as “the Jewish people” or “citizens by return.” Arabs, not possessing “nationality” status in the state of Israel, are not legally eligible for “nationality” benefits. They cannot live or work on “national” land, participate in “national” housing, nor share government benefits of “national” agriculture. These three “fundamental” laws convey the false impression Israel tries hard to make as a so-called democracy where all citizens have equal rights. Racial discrimination is by definition “any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin.” By this definition, discrimination against Arabs in Israel would, correctly, be called “racist,” because it is based on differences in “national or ethnic origin.” United Nations as well as United States laws have expanded the strictly biological definition of “racism” to recognize also as “racist” any discrimination based on religious differences. The very laws that require Israel to “in-gather” Jews, regardless of race, are the same laws that discriminate against Arabs. Israel is legally obliged to “in-gather” Jews, provide benefits to Jews immigrating from foreign countries, and to deny the same benefits to native-born Arabs who are already Israeli citizens. This is certainly “racist” by UN and US criteria. Is Zionism responsible for this discrimination? Yes, because Israel’s laws and internal policies derive from the ideology of Zionism which insists that Israel be a “Jewish” state. This means demographically and politically and not only symbolically Jewish. To maintain a Jewish majority in the face of the Arabs’ greater natural population increase, some of Israel’s population already agrees with the proposition that Arabs should be expelled from their native land."


Interesting, as "racist" would thus apply to virtually every Islamist majority nation.

Its laughable that you claim these supposedly discriminatory laws in Israel (which even your link confirms are not actually discriminatory in legislation) in comparison to Arab laws which prevent sale of land to anyone who is Jewish, as an example.

I guess the US is also an apartheid state given the appalling way you treat black people. All those discriminatory laws about how to treat black people. Tsk tsk.

UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/22/NGO/1 12 February 2013 Original: English Human Rights Council Twenty-second session Agenda item 7 Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territoUNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/22/NGO/1 12 February 2013 Original: English Human Rights Council Twenty-second session Agenda item 7 Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territory.

"Three related fundamental laws interact to mandate preferential treatment of Israeli Jews: The Law of Return: It gives all Jews in the world the right to “return” to Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship automatically. Palestinian refugees in the Diaspora who were forcibly evicted from their homes and driven out of their lands have, under international and natural law, the right to return, but are not allowed to. The Law of Citizenship: Arabs in Israel, who are the indigenous people of PalestineIsrael, may acquire citizenship if they were born in present-day Israel. But these Arabs do not have the same rights as Jews because Jews are both citizens and nationals, while Arabs are only citizens. The Status Law: It officially sanctions “national” institutions to provide “national” benefits exclusively for a “nation” that Israeli law identifies as “the Jewish people” or “citizens by return.” Arabs, not possessing “nationality” status in the state of Israel, are not legally eligible for “nationality” benefits. They cannot live or work on “national” land, participate in “national” housing, nor share government benefits of “national” agriculture. These three “fundamental” laws convey the false impression Israel tries hard to make as a so-called democracy where all citizens have equal rights. Racial discrimination is by definition “any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin.” By this definition, discrimination against Arabs in Israel would, correctly, be called “racist,” because it is based on differences in “national or ethnic origin.” United Nations as well as United States laws have expanded the strictly biological definition of “racism” to recognize also as “racist” any discrimination based on religious differences. The very laws that require Israel to “in-gather” Jews, regardless of race, are the same laws that discriminate against Arabs. Israel is legally obliged to “in-gather” Jews, provide benefits to Jews immigrating from foreign countries, and to deny the same benefits to native-born Arabs who are already Israeli citizens. This is certainly “racist” by UN and US criteria. Is Zionism responsible for this discrimination? Yes, because Israel’s laws and internal policies derive from the ideology of Zionism which insists that Israel be a “Jewish” state. This means demographically and politically and not only symbolically Jewish. To maintain a Jewish majority in the face of the Arabs’ greater natural population increase, some of Israel’s population already agrees with the proposition that Arabs should be expelled from their native land."


Interesting, as "racist" would thus apply to virtually every Islamist majority nation.

As would the term apartheid given that in many if not most the Judaic people are restricted in some way or another based on their Jewish heritage.
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

Firstly, Arab citizens of Israel represent only a portion of the non-Jews under Israeli rule and they do not have the same rights as Jews. The "right of return", for example is only a Jewish right. And regarding land, even the U.S. State Department reports that:

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews. "


Most non-whites ruled by Apartheid South Africa were not citizens of South Africa, they were citizens of various Bantustans, similar to the Israel Occupied Territories. The few non-white citizens of Apartheid South Africa, for example the Cape Coloureds had limited rights in Apartheid South Africa, like the Arab citizens of Israel have limited rights in Israel. The Apartheid analogy is close to perfect.
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

Firstly, Arab citizens of Israel represent only a portion of the non-Jews under Israeli rule and they do not have the same rights as Jews. The "right of return", for example is only a Jewish right. And regarding land, even the U.S. State Department reports that:

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews. "


Most non-whites ruled by Apartheid South Africa were not citizens of South Africa, they were citizens of various Bantustans, similar to the Israel Occupied Territories. The few non-white citizens of Apartheid South Africa, for example the Cape Coloureds had limited rights in Apartheid South Africa, like the Arab citizens of Israel have limited rights in Israel. The Apartheid analogy is close to perfect.

You are confused about what you are cutting and pasting.

There is no Israeli apartheid in connection with the areas controlled by the Islamic terrorists of the PA and Gaza.
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

Firstly, Arab citizens of Israel represent only a portion of the non-Jews under Israeli rule and they do not have the same rights as Jews. The "right of return", for example is only a Jewish right. And regarding land, even the U.S. State Department reports that:

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews. "


Most non-whites ruled by Apartheid South Africa were not citizens of South Africa, they were citizens of various Bantustans, similar to the Israel Occupied Territories. The few non-white citizens of Apartheid South Africa, for example the Cape Coloureds had limited rights in Apartheid South Africa, like the Arab citizens of Israel have limited rights in Israel. The Apartheid analogy is close to perfect.

Does anybody know what this guy is blabbering about again? About 1.8 million Arab Muslims 20% of the population of Israel, are Israeli citizens and enjoy the same exact rights as Israeli citizens and prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab Muslim shithole including West Bank and Gaza.


LOL you actually shot yourself on all counts except that last which you might just be right about. From what I can see since the second intifada Israel changed its policies on this issue and now exorcizes its right to control its own borders and restrict access just like any other country. I'll continue looking into it but from what I can see thus far, Israel does not always allow access to spouses of Israeli citizens Arab or not.
Just saying I "shot myself", without stating why, is all bark and no bite.

Israel doesn't restrict Jews coming to Israel. Just Arabs.

So I was right on all 3.

Kinda screws up your whole program when someone is able to admit when they might be wrong ;--))
Might be wrong, is not the same as "I was wrong".

Unlike some others I know ;--)
Looking in the mirror again?

You have to have a subscription to read the article, so it didn't prove anything.

"go fuck yourself" is hardly an intelligent response
It wasn't meant to be.

I just like saying it to hypocrites who think their shit don't stink.
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

Firstly, Arab citizens of Israel represent only a portion of the non-Jews under Israeli rule and they do not have the same rights as Jews. The "right of return", for example is only a Jewish right. And regarding land, even the U.S. State Department reports that:

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews. "


Most non-whites ruled by Apartheid South Africa were not citizens of South Africa, they were citizens of various Bantustans, similar to the Israel Occupied Territories. The few non-white citizens of Apartheid South Africa, for example the Cape Coloureds had limited rights in Apartheid South Africa, like the Arab citizens of Israel have limited rights in Israel. The Apartheid analogy is close to perfect.

Does anybody know what this guy is blabbering about again? About 1.8 million Arab Muslims 20% of the population of Israel, are Israeli citizens and enjoy the same exact rights as Israeli citizens and prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab Muslim shithole including West Bank and Gaza.



The Arabs in Israel were in Palestine long before the European invasion took place and were able to avoid eviction by the Europeans. Why would they leave their homeland.

Even the U.S. State Department states that Arab citizens of Israel do not have equal rights. The non-whites of Apartheid South Africa did not want to leave Apartheid South Africa either, what's your point.

Keep digging

So, if they are part of Israel, why do the inhabitants of this part of Israel not have the right to vote?
LOL you actually shot yourself on all counts except that last which you might just be right about. From what I can see since the second intifada Israel changed its policies on this issue and now exorcizes its right to control its own borders and restrict access just like any other country. I'll continue looking into it but from what I can see thus far, Israel does not always allow access to spouses of Israeli citizens Arab or not.
Just saying I "shot myself", without stating why, is all bark and no bite.

Israel doesn't restrict Jews coming to Israel. Just Arabs.

So I was right on all 3.

Kinda screws up your whole program when someone is able to admit when they might be wrong ;--))
Might be wrong, is not the same as "I was wrong".

Unlike some others I know ;--)
Looking in the mirror again?

You have to have a subscription to read the article, so it didn't prove anything.

"go fuck yourself" is hardly an intelligent response
It wasn't meant to be.

I just like saying it to hypocrites who think their shit don't stink.

Yikes, you sound both violent and angry. Yet are supposedly stumping for peace ? This is something I bump into all the time, the Israeli side relying on facts and history, calm words and discussion to defend their country. The terrorist sympathizers on the other hand, often using foul language and belligerence to foist their views off on an unwilling public.
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

Firstly, Arab citizens of Israel represent only a portion of the non-Jews under Israeli rule and they do not have the same rights as Jews. The "right of return", for example is only a Jewish right. And regarding land, even the U.S. State Department reports that:

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews. "


Most non-whites ruled by Apartheid South Africa were not citizens of South Africa, they were citizens of various Bantustans, similar to the Israel Occupied Territories. The few non-white citizens of Apartheid South Africa, for example the Cape Coloureds had limited rights in Apartheid South Africa, like the Arab citizens of Israel have limited rights in Israel. The Apartheid analogy is close to perfect.

Does anybody know what this guy is blabbering about again? About 1.8 million Arab Muslims 20% of the population of Israel, are Israeli citizens and enjoy the same exact rights as Israeli citizens and prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab Muslim shithole including West Bank and Gaza.



The Arabs in Israel were in Palestine long before the European invasion took place and were able to avoid eviction by the Europeans. Why would they leave their homeland.

Even the U.S. State Department states that Arab citizens of Israel do not have equal rights. The non-whites of Apartheid South Africa did not want to leave Apartheid South Africa either, what's your point.

Keep digging

Apparently you don't know the difference between Israel and West Bank and Gaza, or you're too dumb to know it, or enjoy constant humiliation, or you're a lying propagandist. Or all of the above. Yup.

Again, Arabs living in Israel PROPER (not the West Bank and Gaza, as your document discusses) enjoy the same exact rights as other Jewish and Christian Israeli citizens.

That's a fact, deal with it, or not, Achmed. Who cares!

Keep digging.

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