A Few Facts About The Palestinians

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LOL you actually shot yourself on all counts except that last which you might just be right about. From what I can see since the second intifada Israel changed its policies on this issue and now exorcizes its right to control its own borders and restrict access just like any other country. I'll continue looking into it but from what I can see thus far, Israel does not always allow access to spouses of Israeli citizens Arab or not.
Just saying I "shot myself", without stating why, is all bark and no bite.

Israel doesn't restrict Jews coming to Israel. Just Arabs.

So I was right on all 3.

Kinda screws up your whole program when someone is able to admit when they might be wrong ;--))
Might be wrong, is not the same as "I was wrong".

Unlike some others I know ;--)
Looking in the mirror again?

You have to have a subscription to read the article, so it didn't prove anything.

"go fuck yourself" is hardly an intelligent response
It wasn't meant to be.

I just like saying it to hypocrites who think their shit don't stink.

Yikes, you sound both violent and angry. Yet are supposedly stumping for peace ? This is something I bump into all the time, the Israeli side relying on facts and history, calm words and discussion to defend their country. The terrorist sympathizers on the other hand, often using foul language and belligerence to foist their views off on an unwilling public.
It's the Palestinian version of negatiating for peace, you stop defending and negotiate for peace, while they continue to try to kill you. :cuckoo:
LOL you actually shot yourself on all counts except that last which you might just be right about. From what I can see since the second intifada Israel changed its policies on this issue and now exorcizes its right to control its own borders and restrict access just like any other country. I'll continue looking into it but from what I can see thus far, Israel does not always allow access to spouses of Israeli citizens Arab or not.
Just saying I "shot myself", without stating why, is all bark and no bite.

Israel doesn't restrict Jews coming to Israel. Just Arabs.

So I was right on all 3.

Kinda screws up your whole program when someone is able to admit when they might be wrong ;--))
Might be wrong, is not the same as "I was wrong".

Unlike some others I know ;--)
Looking in the mirror again?

You have to have a subscription to read the article, so it didn't prove anything.

"go fuck yourself" is hardly an intelligent response
It wasn't meant to be.

I just like saying it to hypocrites who think their shit don't stink.

Yikes, you sound both violent and angry. Yet are supposedly stumping for peace ? This is something I bump into all the time, the Israeli side relying on facts and history, calm words and discussion to defend their country. The terrorist sympathizers on the other hand, often using foul language and belligerence to foist their views off on an unwilling public.
It's the Palestinian version of negatiating for peace, you stop defending and negotiate for peace, while they continue to try to kill you. :cuckoo:

That does seem to be the trend
The White-ruled South African economy was also booming, until the sanctions kicked in. Eventually the Israelis will stop getting a pass on their Apartheid policies.

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The analogy is flawed. Apartheid was the law in South Africa. Israeli law gives
it's Arab citizens the same rights its Jewish citizens have.

Firstly, Arab citizens of Israel represent only a portion of the non-Jews under Israeli rule and they do not have the same rights as Jews. The "right of return", for example is only a Jewish right. And regarding land, even the U.S. State Department reports that:

"Approximately 93 percent of land is in the public domain, including approximately 12.5 percent owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose statutes prohibit sale or lease of land to non-Jews. "


Most non-whites ruled by Apartheid South Africa were not citizens of South Africa, they were citizens of various Bantustans, similar to the Israel Occupied Territories. The few non-white citizens of Apartheid South Africa, for example the Cape Coloureds had limited rights in Apartheid South Africa, like the Arab citizens of Israel have limited rights in Israel. The Apartheid analogy is close to perfect.

And according the STATE.GOV, Gaza is ruled by a bunch of Islamic terrorist animals. :rofl:
So, you claim that state.gov has stated that Gaza is ruled by "Islamic terrorist animals"? Can you provide a link for that.
Again, Arabs living in Israel PROPER (not the West Bank and Gaza, as your document discusses) enjoy the same exact rights as other Jewish and Christian Israeli citizens.

They want their cake and to eat it too. They want to be self-governed but blame everything that goes wrong on Israel. So even though 98% of Palestinians are self-governed - its still all Israel's responsibility to take care of them and fix all their problems for them.
So, you claim that state.gov has stated that Gaza is ruled by "Islamic terrorist animals"? Can you provide a link for that.
Keep digging, idiot:

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Bureau of Counterterrorism

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated


10/8/1997 Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)

10/8/1997 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

10/8/1997 Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)

10/8/1997 HAMAS

Now DIG!

Again, Arabs living in Israel PROPER (not the West Bank and Gaza, as your document discusses) enjoy the same exact rights as other Jewish and Christian Israeli citizens.

They want their cake and to eat it too. They want to be self-governed but blame everything that goes wrong on Israel. So even though 98% of Palestinians are self-governed - its still all Israel's responsibility to take care of them and fix all their problems for them.

It seems to be part of a very deliberate ploy to destabilize Israel in any manor possible.

Frankly I think Israel should demand that the UN segregate the combatants and their descendants from whatever legitimate refugees remain and throw the lot out of the country. Sent them to Jordan or Gaza.
So, you claim that state.gov has stated that Gaza is ruled by "Islamic terrorist animals"? Can you provide a link for that.
Keep digging, idiot:

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Bureau of Counterterrorism

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated


10/8/1997 Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)

10/8/1997 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

10/8/1997 Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)

10/8/1997 HAMAS

Now DIG!


Where does the word "animal" show up? Keep digging.

Again, Arabs living in Israel PROPER (not the West Bank and Gaza, as your document discusses) enjoy the same exact rights as other Jewish and Christian Israeli citizens.

They want their cake and to eat it too. They want to be self-governed but blame everything that goes wrong on Israel. So even though 98% of Palestinians are self-governed - its still all Israel's responsibility to take care of them and fix all their problems for them.

The State document refers to Arab citizens of Israel. Palestinians are governed by Israel. Palestinians have no sovereignty.
So, you claim that state.gov has stated that Gaza is ruled by "Islamic terrorist animals"? Can you provide a link for that.
Keep digging, idiot:

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Bureau of Counterterrorism

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Date Designated


10/8/1997 Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)

10/8/1997 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)

10/8/1997 Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)

10/8/1997 HAMAS

Now DIG!


Where does the word "animal" show up? Keep digging.

An Islamist terrorist is presumed to be an animal, until proven otherwise. Govt. of US lists Palestinian leadership as terrorist.

That much hurt like a bitch.
Again, Arabs living in Israel PROPER (not the West Bank and Gaza, as your document discusses) enjoy the same exact rights as other Jewish and Christian Israeli citizens.

They want their cake and to eat it too. They want to be self-governed but blame everything that goes wrong on Israel. So even though 98% of Palestinians are self-governed - its still all Israel's responsibility to take care of them and fix all their problems for them.

The State document refers to Arab citizens of Israel. Palestinians are governed by Israel. Palestinians have no sovereignty.
bzzz wrong. Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza aren't citizens of Israel.

More propaganda fail.

apartheid? Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee.

You must mean the Shariah apartheid that Hamas and the rest of the Muslim shitholes operate under.
Yes, like the non-whites in Apartheid South Africa. Thanks for reconfirming the Apartheid analogy.

See? Cake and eat it.

Palestinians: We want self-rule and sovereignty.

World: Okay, here you go: self-rule and sovereignty.

Palestinians: Hey! Apartheid! Why is Israel not taking care of us and giving us everything they have?
Israel can relinquish their control of the air space, territorial sea of the Occupied Territories and remove their troops and settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem anytime they want.
Israel can relinquish their control of the air space, territorial sea of the Occupied Territories and remove their troops and settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem anytime they want.
Israel tried that with a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and it took no time at all before the area was transformed into an Islamist terrorist rats nest.

The Islamist terrorists can pack up and leave anytime they want, or they can be systematically exterminated.
Israel can relinquish their control of the air space, territorial sea of the Occupied Territories and remove their troops and settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem anytime they want.
Israel tried that with a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and it took no time at all before the area was transformed into an Islamist terrorist rats nest.

The Islamist terrorists can pack up and leave anytime they want, or they can be systematically exterminated.

The UN has specific guidelines for segregating refugees from combatants at the point of entry into the camps. But if they ( the UN ) don't do that then UNWRA says its the host nations responsibility. Either way the UN failed to separate the two and now we have a mosh of refugee and combatant descendants all being treated like refugees and offered aid even if they are still actively engaged in combat. Which is illegal under all kinds of international law.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.
Israel can relinquish their control of the air space, territorial sea of the Occupied Territories and remove their troops and settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem anytime they want.
Dream on! Ha ha ha.
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