A Few Facts About The Palestinians

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Israel can relinquish their control of the air space, territorial sea of the Occupied Territories and remove their troops and settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem anytime they want.
Israel tried that with a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and it took no time at all before the area was transformed into an Islamist terrorist rats nest.

The Islamist terrorists can pack up and leave anytime they want, or they can be systematically exterminated.

The UN has specific guidelines for segregating refugees from combatants at the point of entry into the camps. But if they ( the UN ) don't do that then UNWRA says its the host nations responsibility. Either way the UN failed to separate the two and now we have a mosh of refugee and combatant descendants all being treated like refugees and offered aid even if they are still actively engaged in combat. Which is illegal under all kinds of international law.
Those are really great points and I think that collectively, the West needs to take some responsibility for allowing UNRWA to be a primary source of funding that fuels islamic terrorism in the disputed territories.

I'd suggest the eternal Pal'istanian welfare fraud began with Arafat who managed the PLO which become the first--and only--islamic terror organization to gain UN recognition. He secured for Pal'istinian Arab "refugees" the world's only exclusive islamic terrorist welfare system: the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). He got fabulously rich as have the parade of thieves and scammers who followed him.

Palestinian Authority: 1,700 Hamas Millionaires in Gaza

Palestinian Authority: 1,700 Hamas Millionaires in Gaza

It's full of welfare millionaires.

Arafat became the progenitor of modern Arab / islamist terror, who showed that if you lied well enough, if you killed spectacularly enough, and if you did it long enough, the world would take notice and reward you for it. He proved that a man could singlehandedly invent a people, with a nonexistent nation and a history for them, and through a protracted campaign of highly publicized violence against civilians, convince the whole world of The Plight of the Poor, Oppressed Pal'istanians". Billions of dollars of infidel welfare dollars is what Arafat and the PLO were given as their recompense for (very) bad behavior.

Your comment in connection with "....mosh of refugee and combatant descendants..." also needs to be addressed.

So what about the larger picture? Does the ability of Islamic terrorists to launch rockets at Israel with little fear of any significant reprisal have negative implications for Israeli policy toward Gaza, or for the geopolitics of the Middle East? Might the foofaurauw over the matter be obscuring more important, longer-range points that deserve much more attention?

Yes. In a very real sense, I've always thought that Israel was remiss in not actively promoting "statehood" for Pal'istanians. Israel would be at a real advantage with an adjoining islamist terrorist state of “Palestine” in the sense that the very first time a barrage of rockets was launched at the Israeli homeland, there would be nothing to prevent Israel from responding with overwhelming force in retaliation as any nation might do to protect its citizens from an overt act of war. Of course, elements of the UN would react to Israel responding to an act of war as one might expect -- with bellicose condemnation of "disproportionate force on the part of the Zionists", but there is little that the "Useless Nations" could effectively do other than rattle on with "resolutions".

It seems to me that the perpetuation of hostilities - driven clearly by islamic terrorist organizations with clear references to islamist ideology - delineated by one skirmish after another has been more cruel than a war, a victor, and terms of surrender by the belligerent aggressor. At the end of WW2, there was no confusion on the part of Nazi Germany or Japan as to who the victor was and who would dictate terms. More importantly, there was an end to the killing.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.
Israel can relinquish their control of the air space, territorial sea of the Occupied Territories and remove their troops and settlers from the West Bank and East Jerusalem anytime they want.
Israel tried that with a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and it took no time at all before the area was transformed into an Islamist terrorist rats nest.

The Islamist terrorists can pack up and leave anytime they want, or they can be systematically exterminated.

The UN has specific guidelines for segregating refugees from combatants at the point of entry into the camps. But if they ( the UN ) don't do that then UNWRA says its the host nations responsibility. Either way the UN failed to separate the two and now we have a mosh of refugee and combatant descendants all being treated like refugees and offered aid even if they are still actively engaged in combat. Which is illegal under all kinds of international law.
Those are really great points and I think that collectively, the West needs to take some responsibility for allowing UNRWA to be a primary source of funding that fuels islamic terrorism in the disputed territories.

I'd suggest the eternal Pal'istanian welfare fraud began with Arafat who managed the PLO which become the first--and only--islamic terror organization to gain UN recognition. He secured for Pal'istinian Arab "refugees" the world's only exclusive islamic terrorist welfare system: the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). He got fabulously rich as have the parade of thieves and scammers who followed him.

Palestinian Authority: 1,700 Hamas Millionaires in Gaza

Palestinian Authority: 1,700 Hamas Millionaires in Gaza

It's full of welfare millionaires.

Arafat became the progenitor of modern Arab / islamist terror, who showed that if you lied well enough, if you killed spectacularly enough, and if you did it long enough, the world would take notice and reward you for it. He proved that a man could singlehandedly invent a people, with a nonexistent nation and a history for them, and through a protracted campaign of highly publicized violence against civilians, convince the whole world of The Plight of the Poor, Oppressed Pal'istanians". Billions of dollars of infidel welfare dollars is what Arafat and the PLO were given as their recompense for (very) bad behavior.

Your comment in connection with "....mosh of refugee and combatant descendants..." also needs to be addressed.

So what about the larger picture? Does the ability of Islamic terrorists to launch rockets at Israel with little fear of any significant reprisal have negative implications for Israeli policy toward Gaza, or for the geopolitics of the Middle East? Might the foofaurauw over the matter be obscuring more important, longer-range points that deserve much more attention?

Yes. In a very real sense, I've always thought that Israel was remiss in not actively promoting "statehood" for Pal'istanians. Israel would be at a real advantage with an adjoining islamist terrorist state of “Palestine” in the sense that the very first time a barrage of rockets was launched at the Israeli homeland, there would be nothing to prevent Israel from responding with overwhelming force in retaliation as any nation might do to protect its citizens from an overt act of war. Of course, elements of the UN would react to Israel responding to an act of war as one might expect -- with bellicose condemnation of "disproportionate force on the part of the Zionists", but there is little that the "Useless Nations" could effectively do other than rattle on with "resolutions".

It seems to me that the perpetuation of hostilities - driven clearly by islamic terrorist organizations with clear references to islamist ideology - delineated by one skirmish after another has been more cruel than a war, a victor, and terms of surrender by the belligerent aggressor. At the end of WW2, there was no confusion on the part of Nazi Germany or Japan as to who the victor was and who would dictate terms. More importantly, there was an end to the killing.

I think there needs to be another flotilla of armed terrorists heading towards Gaza to help those poor starving Palestinians.
Moderation Message:

Let's get one thing straight.. USMB cannot stop folks from referring to the "other side" as animals. Not a super debate technique -- but if it's on topic -- it's content we can't touch.

But when you post about animals WITHOUT topical content. That's generally a warning. And it's a NYEve freebie for those of you who MIGHT have done that.

If this thread turns into a simple bash-fest of Palestinians -- it WILL be closed. But if you HELP to close it -- you will be warned. Have a WONDERFUL 2016... FCT..
Israel was kind enough to disengage from Gaza, so why you are whining about Gaza is a mystery to me. Judea and Summaria are already part of Israel, you just seem to be having trouble accepting it
If Israel disengaged from Gaza, then why can't Gazan fishermen go fishing (in their own territorial waters), without getting shot at?

Why are vessels (bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza) attacked and boarded in international waters by Israel?

Why can't Gazan farmers harvest their crops without getting shot at?

Israel will have to vacate all the land it seized in the '67 war. That includes Judea and Samaria.
Yikes, you sound both violent and angry.
No, that's just what you're trying to frame this into. You can shove that perception management crap up your ass.

Yet are supposedly stumping for peace ? .
Of coarse I am. Name one post of mine that has condoned unprovoked aggression. You, on the other hand, think its okay to take land by force.

This is something I bump into all the time, the Israeli side relying on facts.
I gave you facts and you wanted no part of it.

and history, .
I gave you history and you called me a liar.

calm words and discussion to defend their country. .
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.

The terrorist sympathizers on the other hand, .
Resisting the occupation of a foreign force, is not terrorism.

often using foul language and belligerence to foist their views off on an unwilling public.
So what. You foist your lies on the same public.
Israel was kind enough to disengage from Gaza, so why you are whining about Gaza is a mystery to me. Judea and Summaria are already part of Israel, you just seem to be having trouble accepting it
If Israel disengaged from Gaza, then why can't Gazan fishermen go fishing (in their own territorial waters), without getting shot at?

Why are vessels (bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza) attacked and boarded in international waters by Israel?

Why can't Gazan farmers harvest their crops without getting shot at?

Israel will have to vacate all the land it seized in the '67 war. That includes Judea and Samaria.

Israel disengaged from Gaza but organized an embargo with Egypt because of violent acts by Gazans against both countries. Actually I'm pretty sure the embargo was in place before disengagement. So just like any other country Israel is free to close its borders to whoever they chose to. And they enjoy the right to embargo a belligerent so as to prevent arms from entering Gaza. Now if the Gazans wanted to play nice and earn the trust of its neighbors, I'm sure things would be different.

As far as the aid flotilla, it was really nothing more than a publicity stunt that turned deadly. But however you want to see it. Israel has a security embargo on all products entering Gaza from areas of its own influence and its not going anywhere anytime soon unless the Gazans earn their way back into polite society
Israel disengaged from Gaza but organized an embargo with Egypt because of violent acts by Gazans against both countries.
Wrong! Israel started the blockade to punish Gazans for not voting for one of Israel's bitches in their elections in 2006.

Actually I'm pretty sure the embargo was in place before disengagement.
The reality is it started back in 1993.

So just like any other country Israel is free to close its borders to whoever they chose to.
Israel is free to close its borders; it doesn't have the right to close someone else's.

And they enjoy the right to embargo a belligerent so as to prevent arms from entering Gaza.
"...enjoy the right..."?

Do you think someone has the right to tell you what to do on your own property? Is that what you think?

And why can't Gazans have weapons? Are you saying they don't have the right to defend themselves?

Now if the Gazans wanted to play nice and earn the trust of its neighbors, I'm sure things would be different.
Israel regularly shoots at Gazan fishermen and you're talking about "them" [Gazans] playing nice? Fuck you!

As far as the aid flotilla, it was really nothing more than a publicity stunt that turned deadly. But however you want to see it. Israel has a security embargo on all products entering Gaza from areas of its own influence and its not going anywhere anytime soon unless the Gazans earn their way back into polite society
Attacking any vessel in international waters is piracy.

IDF commando's executed an American citizen in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara. What was his crime? Possession of illegal food!
The UN has specific guidelines for segregating refugees from combatants at the point of entry into the camps. But if they ( the UN ) don't do that then UNWRA says its the host nations responsibility. Either way the UN failed to separate the two and now we have a mosh of refugee and combatant descendants all being treated like refugees and offered aid even if they are still actively engaged in combat. Which is illegal under all kinds of international law.
Palestinian's have every legal right in the world to resist the belligerent occupation by a foreign force.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
That does NOT address their ill gotten gain, and refusal to use it for the good of mankind.
Excess is excessive regardless of the adornments on the front door.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
That does NOT address their ill gotten gain, and refusal to use it for the good of mankind.
Excess is excessive regardless of the adornments on the front door.

You should concern yourself with the ill gotten gains of folks like the Rothschilds, who only provide charity to Jews. Not the Catholic Church that helps everyone.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
That does NOT address their ill gotten gain, and refusal to use it for the good of mankind.
Excess is excessive regardless of the adornments on the front door.

You should concern yourself with the ill gotten gains of folks like the Rothschilds, who only provide charity to Jews. Not the Catholic Church that helps everyone.

It's NOT the job of Jews to support non-Jews.
It's the job of The RCC to support Catholics; a function at which they fail miserably.
At least WE support each other while the RCC feeds the poverty stricken in Africa just enough to keep them alive to beg for more help.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
That does NOT address their ill gotten gain, and refusal to use it for the good of mankind.
Excess is excessive regardless of the adornments on the front door.

You should concern yourself with the ill gotten gains of folks like the Rothschilds, who only provide charity to Jews. Not the Catholic Church that helps everyone.
Yep. Those xtian priests in the Catholic Church were sure helping (themselves) to little boys.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
Maybe they can donate some that money as reparations to the hundreds of thousands of young boys their pedophile priests raped? Just saying.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
That does NOT address their ill gotten gain, and refusal to use it for the good of mankind.
Excess is excessive regardless of the adornments on the front door.

You should concern yourself with the ill gotten gains of folks like the Rothschilds, who only provide charity to Jews. Not the Catholic Church that helps everyone.
Yep. Those xtian priests in the Catholic Church were sure helping (themselves) to little boys.
No butt left behind? I know there's a joke there somewhere.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
Maybe they can donate some that money as reparations to the hundreds of thousands of young boys their pedophile priests raped? Just saying.
Nah! They're too busy spending hundreds of millions prettying up a Church in NYC.
While God knows how many humans are starving.
And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
That does NOT address their ill gotten gain, and refusal to use it for the good of mankind.
Excess is excessive regardless of the adornments on the front door.

You should concern yourself with the ill gotten gains of folks like the Rothschilds, who only provide charity to Jews. Not the Catholic Church that helps everyone.
Yep. Those xtian priests in the Catholic Church were sure helping (themselves) to little boys.
No butt left behind? I know there's a joke there somewhere.
Thanks for making me want to vomit.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
That does NOT address their ill gotten gain, and refusal to use it for the good of mankind.
Excess is excessive regardless of the adornments on the front door.

You should concern yourself with the ill gotten gains of folks like the Rothschilds, who only provide charity to Jews. Not the Catholic Church that helps everyone.
Ah you play the antisemtic canard number 3 so well. Where did you learn how to be such a good Jew hater? I bet you were the honor student.
The Israelis can remove themselves from the Occupied Territories and remove the blockade and control over the air space, and territorial sea of the Occupied Territories anytime they want.

And your Roman Catholic Church can sell the billions of dollars worth of treasure they've stolen in the last 1,000 years and help poor Catholics.
You can post that can people do something but it doesn't mean they're going to do it.

The Church helps poor people in general, not just Catholics. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world.

The Catholic Church is the LARGEST charitable organization in the world.
Maybe they can donate some that money as reparations to the hundreds of thousands of young boys their pedophile priests raped? Just saying.
Nah! They're too busy spending hundreds of millions prettying up a Church in NYC.
While God knows how many humans are starving.

Well they kept shuffling the pedophile priests to other locations where they could rape even more young unsuspecting boys.
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