A few months ago the left called me stupid for suggesting we bomb ISIS

Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

I do believe they really call you stoooopid in every thread, and outside of the threads you post in....
Govt. doesn't work at the drop of a dime....it takes time to get a plan from the DOD and get Congress to agree....I am sure that Oblama got the cold shoulder years ago when he was told to get out of Iraq and don't come back no more..
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Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Americans wanted out, and Obama should have taken action anyway(.) He knew, when he asked, no, begged for the job, as all candidates do, Iraq was a disaster. Thus, his responsibility NOW, most know the history, but saying "We should have never gone in the first place!" does -0- to assist now, as the shots hit the fans again.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

So...Now that President Obama's doing it, you're vindicated? :) Thought Republicans automatically pooped everything the President does?

Must admit, watching news yesterday leading up to the President's annoucement, I was shocked to hear such agreement from the big 3 cable news outlets. I don't think I've ever heard they so unanimous in their position on an issue - intervene.

Problem is, ok let's say we stop this potential genocide, what about the ones we didn't intervene in like in Darfur? What about the next time? Is it really our role in the world to play traffic cop? Never gonna get the Muslim world to play nicely with each other so wouldn't it be better to let em have it? Did far away countries come get in our business during our own civil war?

If you prevent people from fighting forcing peace on them all you do is make that hate submerge and fester. Then when it explodes again it's many times worse and if it reemerges after they've gotten WMD...

"Knucklehead self-destruction is never going to burn itself out."
- "The West Wing"
Shouldn't be bombing them now. At some point we have to admit trying to turn the middle east into our idea of happy-happy-joy-joy land isn't working.

It's ironic to me ISIS is conducting war the way you're supposed to. All-in, no compromsie, no mercy, no hesitation. Whereas our idea of how to combat it is half-assing it like we always do dropping a few bombs from planes instead of deciding to intervene and really meaning it. Thousands of troops, tanks, planes, and ships. Re-occupy and decimate the enemy.

If you're gonna do something, do it. Don't half-ass it if you want America to support you. Americans and the Arab world want and respect strength. Right now ISIS is that strength, not America. As-is we're gonna loose this and ISIS is going to steamroll over everybody who stands in their way until until and unless opposition gets some backbone and resolve to prevent it.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

So...Now that President Obama's doing it, you're vindicated? :) Thought Republicans automatically pooped everything the President does?

Must admit, watching news yesterday leading up to the President's annoucement, I was shocked to hear such agreement from the big 3 cable news outlets. I don't think I've ever heard they so unanimous in their position on an issue - intervene.

Problem is, ok let's say we stop this potential genocide, what about the ones we didn't intervene in like in Darfur? What about the next time? Is it really our role in the world to play traffic cop? Never gonna get the Muslim world to play nicely with each other so wouldn't it be better to let em have it? Did far away countries come get in our business during our own civil war?

If you prevent people from fighting forcing peace on them all you do is make that hate submerge and fester. Then when it explodes again it's many times worse and if it reemerges after they've gotten WMD...

"Knucklehead self-destruction is never going to burn itself out."
- "The West Wing"

This isn't just about the murders. It's about diminishing the capability of a terrorist organization that does pose a serious potential threat to us.

At least in my mind that is our justification and should be our strategy.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

If you support the actions, then say it, or if you don't, then say it, but if you are simply being political, STFU, for you are being anti-American.

The last thing we want are the criminal neo-cons back in any decision making positions, yet ISIS cannot be allowed to take Baghdad, because Iran will invade with the Iraqi government's blessings.
Can't let the oil and pipelines go unprotected.

Thankyou for being honest at last. This isn'ty about poor Christians being wiped out, this is about the puppet regime we installed being overthrown and the oil's supply being threatened.

As I think of it, this is actually just like the movie "Dune." The Fremen in the movie are ISIS overthrowing the powers that be who control the spice and threatening the entire universe who depend on the spice for interstellar travel the planet produces.

In Iraq, ISIS is overthrowing the puppet regime threatening oil production...The oil must flow. :) Unfortunately for my analogy, that makes the US the Emperor who is defeated by the Fremen (ISIS.)
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