A few months ago the left called me stupid for suggesting we bomb ISIS

Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

If you support the actions, then say it, or if you don't, then say it, but if you are simply being political, STFU, for you are being anti-American.

The last thing we want are the criminal neo-cons back in any decision making positions, yet ISIS cannot be allowed to take Baghdad, because Iran will invade with the Iraqi government's blessings.

Obviously I support it you dumb fuck.

Enjoy the neg Fakey
Shouldn't be bombing them now. At some point we have to admit trying to turn the middle east into our idea of happy-happy-joy-joy land isn't working.

It's ironic to me ISIS is conducting war the way you're supposed to. All-in, no compromsie, no mercy, no hesitation. Whereas our idea of how to combat it is half-assing it like we always do dropping a few bombs from planes instead of deciding to intervene and really meaning it. Thousands of troops, tanks, planes, and ships. Re-occupy and decimate the enemy.

If you're gonna do something, do it. Don't half-ass it if you want America to support you. Americans and the Arab world want and respect strength. Right now ISIS is that strength, not America. As-is we're gonna loose this and ISIS is going to steamroll over everybody who stands in their way until until and unless opposition gets some backbone and resolve to prevent it.

As much as I think you're a moron you make a good point in there somewhere.
What is the US objective in Iraq at this point? HOw will bombing further that objective in any way?
Can't let the oil and pipelines go unprotected.

Thankyou for being honest at last. This isn'ty about poor Christians being wiped out, this is about the puppet regime we installed being overthrown and the oil's supply being threatened.

As I think of it, this is actually just like the movie "Dune." The Fremen in the movie are ISIS overthrowing the powers that be who control the spice and threatening the entire universe who depend on the spice for interstellar travel the planet produces.

In Iraq, ISIS is overthrowing the puppet regime threatening oil production...The oil must flow. :) Unfortunately for my analogy, that makes the US the Emperor who is defeated by the Fremen (ISIS.)
Thanks for validating my last comment.
Iraq had free and fair elections and chose the present government.
Liberals' thinking is guided chiefly by fiction and cartoons.
Can't let the oil and pipelines go unprotected.

It's being presented as a humanitarian mission combined with protection for our soldiers who don't have boots on the ground but are somehow inside Iraq

Boots on the ground, like combat soldiers in operation, not intel..

So the soldiers there protecting our personnel and assets don't carry weapons? Interesting.

Those 800 soldiers armed with staplers?
Only conservatives think that, The Rabbi.

Women are far worse off under the current administration.

However, yes, it is about oil first and foremost.

We cannot go back in with boots on the ground as combat units.

The American people will flatly vote against every president senator and congressperson who supports that.
It's being presented as a humanitarian mission combined with protection for our soldiers who don't have boots on the ground but are somehow inside Iraq

Boots on the ground, like combat soldiers in operation, not intel..

So the soldiers there protecting our personnel and assets don't carry weapons? Interesting.

Those 800 soldiers armed with staplers?

These are not ground soldiers with missions like infantry, artillery, engineers, gun bunnies, etc.

To assert that they are reveals a mind mentally feeble or woefully ignorant or malignantly motivated or all three.
Can't let the oil and pipelines go unprotected.

Thankyou for being honest at last. This isn'ty about poor Christians being wiped out, this is about the puppet regime we installed being overthrown and the oil's supply being threatened.

As I think of it, this is actually just like the movie "Dune." The Fremen in the movie are ISIS overthrowing the powers that be who control the spice and threatening the entire universe who depend on the spice for interstellar travel the planet produces.

In Iraq, ISIS is overthrowing the puppet regime threatening oil production...The oil must flow. :) Unfortunately for my analogy, that makes the US the Emperor who is defeated by the Fremen (ISIS.)

Honest "at last" ? I said it right off the bat. Same with the Ukraine. It's all about oil, money and power. Look at where the pipelines are. Israel received a tanker from this Kurdish pipeline thru Turkey just this month.
and Yazidis are not Christians.
I doubt liberals called you an idiot for that. But you warhawks sure are mad that Obama is doing what you called for. Giving more credibility to the claim that anything Obama agrees with you on, you change your mind.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

If you support the actions, then say it, or if you don't, then say it, but if you are simply being political, STFU, for you are being anti-American.

The last thing we want are the criminal neo-cons back in any decision making positions, yet ISIS cannot be allowed to take Baghdad, because Iran will invade with the Iraqi government's blessings.

Obviously I support it you dumb fuck. Enjoy the neg Fakey
Quit whining like a little girl, for heaven's sake. Man up or STFU.
I doubt liberals called you an idiot for that. But you warhawks sure are mad that Obama is doing what you called for. Giving more credibility to the claim that anything Obama agrees with you on, you change your mind.

Huh? Gramps wanted him to bomb, and the lefties all defended Obama doing nothing. Now Obama is doing something and the lefties all swear this was the plan all along.
Gives credence to the idea that whatever Obama does is great and glorious to the left.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

I'd like to see this thread where you suggested it and liberals berated you for it.


As I did not berate you, still never got my copy of the agenda, my liberal credentials are void.:lol::lol:
Boots on the ground, like combat soldiers in operation, not intel..

So the soldiers there protecting our personnel and assets don't carry weapons? Interesting.

Those 800 soldiers armed with staplers?

These are not ground soldiers with missions like infantry, artillery, engineers, gun bunnies, etc.

To assert that they are reveals a mind mentally feeble or woefully ignorant or malignantly motivated or all three.

I didn't imply or assert anything. Well except for you being a fraud. Soldiers on the ground are soldiers at risk regardless of their mission dummy
I doubt liberals called you an idiot for that. But you warhawks sure are mad that Obama is doing what you called for. Giving more credibility to the claim that anything Obama agrees with you on, you change your mind.

My mind has not changed and I support this action even if his motives differ from mine
This is just one more stop on the road of our perpetual entanglement in the Middle East.

There's always another set of justifications that make it sound like the right thing to do. There are always assurances that it will be limited and quick.

And too many Americans fall for it every time.
It's truly tragic that Obama is incapable of negotiating with anyone...not Congress, not our allies, not our enemies...and not Iraq. We should have had a forces agreement to maintain a presence instead of bailing out completely. Obama enabled this descent into terrorist chaos.

And an aside for those who are clutching their pearls over the death of civilians (used as body shields by Hamas)...how many have died at the hands of ISIS? They're beheading children. Where is your outrage?
So the soldiers there protecting our personnel and assets don't carry weapons? Interesting.

Those 800 soldiers armed with staplers?

These are not ground soldiers with missions like infantry, artillery, engineers, gun bunnies, etc.

To assert that they are reveals a mind mentally feeble or woefully ignorant or malignantly motivated or all three.

I didn't imply or assert anything. Well except for you being a fraud. Soldiers on the ground are soldiers at risk regardless of their mission dummy

As an 11BP for many years, I know of what I talk.

You stop the stupid politicking or keep getting your butt booted through the thread.

All good Americans, from right to left, understand now is no time to quarrel lest the neo-cons try to sneak back in.

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