A few months ago the left called me stupid for suggesting we bomb ISIS

Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Obama armed and trained ISIS. Obama's goal for destroying this country is well under way. These strikes will be limited. Merely enough so that he can claim he's doing something about it. All the while Obama's clearly stated goal has been complete destruction of America, aka. his campaign to completely change every single thing about this country. Instead of a strong military, a strong internal SS. Instead of a strong free markets, we have government czar managed auto and health care, ... Instead of liberty we have murder by drone. Instead of privacy we have the SS reading our email. Instead of the IRS being impartial, we have the IRS joining up with Obama's SS then destroying evidence in full view of the American public. Instead of justice we have injustice. Instead of a nuclear deterrent, unilateral nuclear disarmament.

ROFL the Russians are flying bombers over California airspace. What's Obama do? Goes on another fundraiser.
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Shouldn't be bombing them now. At some point we have to admit trying to turn the middle east into our idea of happy-happy-joy-joy land isn't working.

It's ironic to me ISIS is conducting war the way you're supposed to. All-in, no compromsie, no mercy, no hesitation. Whereas our idea of how to combat it is half-assing it like we always do dropping a few bombs from planes instead of deciding to intervene and really meaning it. Thousands of troops, tanks, planes, and ships. Re-occupy and decimate the enemy.

If you're gonna do something, do it. Don't half-ass it if you want America to support you. Americans and the Arab world want and respect strength. Right now ISIS is that strength, not America. As-is we're gonna loose this and ISIS is going to steamroll over everybody who stands in their way until until and unless opposition gets some backbone and resolve to prevent it.

Somebody is funding ISIS. Going all in with firepower is putting fuel onto the fire for the propaganda machine. Doing the same thing GWB did in Iraq allowed us to win the battle and lose the war (on terror).

Where is the money funding ISIS coming from, and who is producing the weapons of war they are using. That is the head of the snake that needs to be severed. If it's the Saudis, maybe it's time we severed that tie and they spilled some blood?

Maybe the DOD needs to put a kill switch into every piece of military equipment we give to our allies of the week, when they go south we can 'kill' their weapons by computer?
Shouldn't be bombing them now. At some point we have to admit trying to turn the middle east into our idea of happy-happy-joy-joy land isn't working.

It's ironic to me ISIS is conducting war the way you're supposed to. All-in, no compromsie, no mercy, no hesitation. Whereas our idea of how to combat it is half-assing it like we always do dropping a few bombs from planes instead of deciding to intervene and really meaning it. Thousands of troops, tanks, planes, and ships. Re-occupy and decimate the enemy.

If you're gonna do something, do it. Don't half-ass it if you want America to support you. Americans and the Arab world want and respect strength. Right now ISIS is that strength, not America. As-is we're gonna loose this and ISIS is going to steamroll over everybody who stands in their way until until and unless opposition gets some backbone and resolve to prevent it.

Somebody is funding ISIS. Going all in with firepower is putting fuel onto the fire for the propaganda machine. Doing the same thing GWB did in Iraq allowed us to win the battle and lose the war (on terror).

Where is the money funding ISIS coming from, and who is producing the weapons of war they are using. That is the head of the snake that needs to be severed. If it's the Saudis, maybe it's time we severed that tie and they spilled some blood?

Maybe the DOD needs to put a kill switch into every piece of military equipment we give to our allies of the week, when they go south we can 'kill' their weapons by computer?

So you oppose Obama here, right?
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Obama armed and trained ISIS. Obama's goal for destroying this country is well under way. These strikes will be limited. Merely enough so that he can claim he's doing something about it. All the while Obama's clearly stated goal has been complete destruction of America, aka. his campaign to completely change every single thing about this country. Instead of a strong military, a strong internal SS. Instead of a strong free markets, we have government czar managed auto and health care, ... Instead of liberty we have murder by drone. Instead of privacy we have the SS reading our email. Instead of the IRS being impartial, we have the IRS joining up with Obama's SS then destroying evidence in full view of the American public. Instead of justice we have injustice.

Morons like this ^^^ ought to STFU, his opinion is partisan bullshit and gives aid and comfort to our enemies.
Shouldn't be bombing them now. At some point we have to admit trying to turn the middle east into our idea of happy-happy-joy-joy land isn't working.

It's ironic to me ISIS is conducting war the way you're supposed to. All-in, no compromsie, no mercy, no hesitation. Whereas our idea of how to combat it is half-assing it like we always do dropping a few bombs from planes instead of deciding to intervene and really meaning it. Thousands of troops, tanks, planes, and ships. Re-occupy and decimate the enemy.

If you're gonna do something, do it. Don't half-ass it if you want America to support you. Americans and the Arab world want and respect strength. Right now ISIS is that strength, not America. As-is we're gonna loose this and ISIS is going to steamroll over everybody who stands in their way until until and unless opposition gets some backbone and resolve to prevent it.

Somebody is funding ISIS. Going all in with firepower is putting fuel onto the fire for the propaganda machine. Doing the same thing GWB did in Iraq allowed us to win the battle and lose the war (on terror).

Where is the money funding ISIS coming from, and who is producing the weapons of war they are using. That is the head of the snake that needs to be severed. If it's the Saudis, maybe it's time we severed that tie and they spilled some blood?

Maybe the DOD needs to put a kill switch into every piece of military equipment we give to our allies of the week, when they go south we can 'kill' their weapons by computer?

Obama funded and trained ISIS.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Obama armed and trained ISIS. Obama's goal for destroying this country is well under way. These strikes will be limited. Merely enough so that he can claim he's doing something about it. All the while Obama's clearly stated goal has been complete destruction of America, aka. his campaign to completely change every single thing about this country. Instead of a strong military, a strong internal SS. Instead of a strong free markets, we have government czar managed auto and health care, ... Instead of liberty we have murder by drone. Instead of privacy we have the SS reading our email. Instead of the IRS being impartial, we have the IRS joining up with Obama's SS then destroying evidence in full view of the American public. Instead of justice we have injustice.

Morons like this ^^^ ought to STFU, his opinion is partisan bullshit and gives aid and comfort to our enemies.

Who's the enemy Ass Hole? Tea Party members? Libertarians? Republicans? Conservatives in general? Or is it just patriots that are the enemy of your emperor?
It's truly tragic that Obama is incapable of negotiating with anyone...not Congress, not our allies, not our enemies...and not Iraq. We should have had a forces agreement to maintain a presence instead of bailing out completely. Obama enabled this descent into terrorist chaos.

And an aside for those who are clutching their pearls over the death of civilians (used as body shields by Hamas)...how many have died at the hands of ISIS? They're beheading children. Where is your outrage?

Horse crap, sea girl. Bush began it all when he let the genii out of the bottle, and the Iraqis insisted that our soldiers be subject to Iraqi court.

We cannot send in massive combat boots on the ground now. When Rumsfeld fired Shinseki in 2002, that option was ended for ever.

America will not support another ground war, period: not conservatives, not centrists, not leftists.

I must respectfully disagree. Obama has been President since 2009. He RAN for the office. He certainly is enjoying the perks, but is sorely lacking in fulfilling the duties.

He knew we were in Iraq and would be responsible for the withdrawal and ultimate status of forces. He left Iraq vulnerable...and ISIS is the result.

He's a lousy negotiator, among a large host of incompetencies.

I respectfully and generally disagree as well. This is Bush's mistake, and I don't think anyone could now make it right. So in that sense, I agree that BHO cannot make it better (you, because he is lousy; me, because it is impossible).

Iraq and Iran will now become bosom buddies as I said back in 2003.

We need to continue working on energy Independence, which is at a sixty year high, and turn our back on the ME, except where we can help with humanitarian causes.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Your grasp of the situation leaves a lot to be desired!

You want America to go to war again in Iraq.

Obama has stated that he intends to protect American interests only. That was included in your own link.

Obama, in a speech Thursday night from the White House, said that he was authorizing airstrikes to protect American interests in Iraq and drops of food and water for tens of thousands of refugees trapped by ISIS on a mountain in Iraq.

Rear Adm. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said Friday: “As the president made clear, the United States military will continue to take direct action against ISIL when they threaten our personnel and facilities.”

If ISIS threatens US interests then ISIS will be bombed ONLY where they threaten US interests.

Wrong. I have stated REPEATEDLY that I want Obama to bomb & destroy all of ISIS's military capacities. Which could have easily been accomplished when all the assets we gathered together in the desert.
Shouldn't be bombing them now. At some point we have to admit trying to turn the middle east into our idea of happy-happy-joy-joy land isn't working.

It's ironic to me ISIS is conducting war the way you're supposed to. All-in, no compromsie, no mercy, no hesitation. Whereas our idea of how to combat it is half-assing it like we always do dropping a few bombs from planes instead of deciding to intervene and really meaning it. Thousands of troops, tanks, planes, and ships. Re-occupy and decimate the enemy.

If you're gonna do something, do it. Don't half-ass it if you want America to support you. Americans and the Arab world want and respect strength. Right now ISIS is that strength, not America. As-is we're gonna loose this and ISIS is going to steamroll over everybody who stands in their way until until and unless opposition gets some backbone and resolve to prevent it.

Somebody is funding ISIS. Going all in with firepower is putting fuel onto the fire for the propaganda machine. Doing the same thing GWB did in Iraq allowed us to win the battle and lose the war (on terror).

Where is the money funding ISIS coming from, and who is producing the weapons of war they are using. That is the head of the snake that needs to be severed. If it's the Saudis, maybe it's time we severed that tie and they spilled some blood?

Maybe the DOD needs to put a kill switch into every piece of military equipment we give to our allies of the week, when they go south we can 'kill' their weapons by computer?

Obama funded and trained ISIS.

Your allegation has zero credibility.
Obama armed and trained ISIS. Obama's goal for destroying this country is well under way. These strikes will be limited. Merely enough so that he can claim he's doing something about it. All the while Obama's clearly stated goal has been complete destruction of America, aka. his campaign to completely change every single thing about this country. Instead of a strong military, a strong internal SS. Instead of a strong free markets, we have government czar managed auto and health care, ... Instead of liberty we have murder by drone. Instead of privacy we have the SS reading our email. Instead of the IRS being impartial, we have the IRS joining up with Obama's SS then destroying evidence in full view of the American public. Instead of justice we have injustice.

Morons like this ^^^ ought to STFU, his opinion is partisan bullshit and gives aid and comfort to our enemies.

Who's the enemy Ass Hole? Tea Party members? Libertarians? Republicans? Conservatives in general? Or is it just patriots that are the enemy of your emperor?

all good Americans from right to left, conservative to liberal, despise the neo-cons and the goofy side of the far right of the TP.
Horse crap, sea girl. Bush began it all when he let the genii out of the bottle, and the Iraqis insisted that our soldiers be subject to Iraqi court.

We cannot send in massive combat boots on the ground now. When Rumsfeld fired Shinseki in 2002, that option was ended for ever.

America will not support another ground war, period: not conservatives, not centrists, not leftists.

I must respectfully disagree. Obama has been President since 2009. He RAN for the office. He certainly is enjoying the perks, but is sorely lacking in fulfilling the duties.

He knew we were in Iraq and would be responsible for the withdrawal and ultimate status of forces. He left Iraq vulnerable...and ISIS is the result.

He's a lousy negotiator, among a large host of incompetencies.

I respectfully and generally disagree as well. This is Bush's mistake, and I don't think anyone could now make it right. So in that sense, I agree that BHO cannot make it better (you, because he is lousy; me, because it is impossible).

Iraq and Iran will now become bosom buddies as I said back in 2003.

We need to continue working on energy Independence, which is at a sixty year high, and turn our back on the ME, except where we can help with humanitarian causes.

It's time for you to realize that Bush hasn't been President for over FIVE YEARS.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Your grasp of the situation leaves a lot to be desired!

You want America to go to war again in Iraq.

Obama has stated that he intends to protect American interests only. That was included in your own link.

Obama, in a speech Thursday night from the White House, said that he was authorizing airstrikes to protect American interests in Iraq and drops of food and water for tens of thousands of refugees trapped by ISIS on a mountain in Iraq.

Rear Adm. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, said Friday: “As the president made clear, the United States military will continue to take direct action against ISIL when they threaten our personnel and facilities.”

If ISIS threatens US interests then ISIS will be bombed ONLY where they threaten US interests.

Wrong. I have stated REPEATEDLY that I want Obama to bomb & destroy all of ISIS's military capacities. Which could have easily been accomplished when all the assets we gathered together in the desert.

Objective sources and links, please.
Shouldn't be bombing them now. At some point we have to admit trying to turn the middle east into our idea of happy-happy-joy-joy land isn't working.

It's ironic to me ISIS is conducting war the way you're supposed to. All-in, no compromsie, no mercy, no hesitation. Whereas our idea of how to combat it is half-assing it like we always do dropping a few bombs from planes instead of deciding to intervene and really meaning it. Thousands of troops, tanks, planes, and ships. Re-occupy and decimate the enemy.

If you're gonna do something, do it. Don't half-ass it if you want America to support you. Americans and the Arab world want and respect strength. Right now ISIS is that strength, not America. As-is we're gonna loose this and ISIS is going to steamroll over everybody who stands in their way until until and unless opposition gets some backbone and resolve to prevent it.

Somebody is funding ISIS. Going all in with firepower is putting fuel onto the fire for the propaganda machine. Doing the same thing GWB did in Iraq allowed us to win the battle and lose the war (on terror).

Where is the money funding ISIS coming from, and who is producing the weapons of war they are using. That is the head of the snake that needs to be severed. If it's the Saudis, maybe it's time we severed that tie and they spilled some blood?

Maybe the DOD needs to put a kill switch into every piece of military equipment we give to our allies of the week, when they go south we can 'kill' their weapons by computer?

So you oppose Obama here, right?

Rabbi, do you ever wonder why I honestly believe you're stupid, dishonest and a partisan hack? It's posts like this: "So you oppose Obama here, right?"

ISIS is prepared to slaughter 40,000 men, women and children. I believe it is the UN's job to intervene, knowing Russia or China would veto such an action, our President acted out of human compassion - something a callous conservative like you can't understand. Thus, I support limited - no boots on the ground - military action as the only viable means of protecting the innocent from the barbarians.
I must respectfully disagree. Obama has been President since 2009. He RAN for the office. He certainly is enjoying the perks, but is sorely lacking in fulfilling the duties.

He knew we were in Iraq and would be responsible for the withdrawal and ultimate status of forces. He left Iraq vulnerable...and ISIS is the result.

He's a lousy negotiator, among a large host of incompetencies.

I respectfully and generally disagree as well. This is Bush's mistake, and I don't think anyone could now make it right. So in that sense, I agree that BHO cannot make it better (you, because he is lousy; me, because it is impossible).

Iraq and Iran will now become bosom buddies as I said back in 2003.

We need to continue working on energy Independence, which is at a sixty year high, and turn our back on the ME, except where we can help with humanitarian causes.

It's time for you to realize that Bush hasn't been President for over FIVE YEARS.

It's time for you to realize just how seriously the neo-cons and Bush screwed up.
Somebody is funding ISIS. Going all in with firepower is putting fuel onto the fire for the propaganda machine. Doing the same thing GWB did in Iraq allowed us to win the battle and lose the war (on terror).

Where is the money funding ISIS coming from, and who is producing the weapons of war they are using. That is the head of the snake that needs to be severed. If it's the Saudis, maybe it's time we severed that tie and they spilled some blood?

Maybe the DOD needs to put a kill switch into every piece of military equipment we give to our allies of the week, when they go south we can 'kill' their weapons by computer?

Obama funded and trained ISIS.

Your allegation has zero credibility.

Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.
I respectfully and generally disagree as well. This is Bush's mistake, and I don't think anyone could now make it right. So in that sense, I agree that BHO cannot make it better (you, because he is lousy; me, because it is impossible).

Iraq and Iran will now become bosom buddies as I said back in 2003.

We need to continue working on energy Independence, which is at a sixty year high, and turn our back on the ME, except where we can help with humanitarian causes.

It's time for you to realize that Bush hasn't been President for over FIVE YEARS.

It's time for you to realize just how seriously the neo-cons and Bush screwed up.

It chagrins me to admit this, but Hillary was correct. She wanted to keep troops in Iraq.

Instead, Obama decided to lose the peace.

At a CNN Town Hall on Tuesday, Clinton unveiled what is now her official accounting of what happened in 2011, when the Obama administration was negotiating to keep troops in Iraq with the government of Nouri al-Maliki. Clinton placed the blame for the failure of the negotiations on Maliki. She said the administration had offered him a Status of Forces Agreement with American troops attached, but he didn’t accept.

“I was involved in a lot of the efforts to come up with what our offer would be,” she said, pointing to the need to have immunity for any remaining U.S. troops. “We didn’t get that done. And I think, in retrospect, that was a mistake by the Iraqi government.”

But at the time of the negotiations, Clinton’s State Department and the Obama White House were not on the same page. The vast majority of the senior White House national security team, including Obama himself, saw ending the Iraq war as a key campaign promise, a way to right a Bush administration wrong, and as a bow to the will of the American people.

For Clinton, her State Department senior staff—as well as for top officials at the time, including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and CIA Director David Petraeus—there was a national security interest in keeping thousands of troops in Iraq. There were limited, but important, missions to be done: countering terrorists, advising the Iraqi armed forces, and protecting U.S. personnel. Clinton was particularly aggressive in pushing for a long-term troop presence, officials involved in the negotiations say.

Hillary Clinton Pushed Obama to Keep Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast
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Your allegation has zero credibility.

Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.

AYUP... All goes back to the Bengazi cover-up. The cover-up was to hide their "investments" in the rebel groups.

And your partisan source for this imaginary "Bengazi cover-up" would be Glen Beck, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, American Spectator, FoxNews?

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