A few months ago the left called me stupid for suggesting we bomb ISIS

Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.

AYUP... All goes back to the Bengazi cover-up. The cover-up was to hide their "investments" in the rebel groups.

And your partisan source for this imaginary "Bengazi cover-up" would be Glen Beck, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, American Spectator, FoxNews?

What was Obama doing the night of the Benghazi attack?
“We have a stable and peaceful Iraq, mostly due to the sacrifices of the American soldiers and the marines.”

- Barack Obama 2011

Either Iraq really was stable and peaceful back in 2011...and the current situation is a result of how Obama left Iraq with no U.S. support to keep it that way, or it wasn't and he lied.
Your allegation has zero credibility.

Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.

Where is your credible nonpartisan source for your allegation?

It's well known. Some very nasty evil people got their hands on American cash & weapons in Syria. Our Government has been funding and arming these groups for a long time. ISIS was inevitable. Their numerous massacres are being carried out with American weapons. Just like those we funded in Libya who brutally murdered our Ambassador. It's all tragic Blow Back. A heavy price for our constant meddling around the world.
Only conservatives think that, The Rabbi.

Women are far worse off under the current administration.

However, yes, it is about oil first and foremost.

We cannot go back in with boots on the ground as combat units.

The American people will flatly vote against every president senator and congressperson who supports that.

Did they reopen the rape rooms that Saddam had?
“We have a stable and peaceful Iraq, mostly due to the sacrifices of the American soldiers and the marines.”

- Barack Obama 2011

Either Iraq really was stable and peaceful back in 2011...and the current situation is a result of how Obama left Iraq with no U.S. support to keep it that way, or it wasn't and he lied.

Iraq was mostly peaceful before the U.S. invasion. It's been a horrific nightmare since. That's just the reality.
AYUP... All goes back to the Bengazi cover-up. The cover-up was to hide their "investments" in the rebel groups.

And your partisan source for this imaginary "Bengazi cover-up" would be Glen Beck, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, American Spectator, FoxNews?

What was Obama doing the night of the Benghazi attack?

Golf or lifting 2.5lb. weights? Vacation? Catching up with current events by watching Jon Stewart?
Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.

Where is your credible nonpartisan source for your allegation?

It's well known. Some very nasty evil people got their hands on American cash & weapons in Syria. Our Government has been funding and arming these groups for a long time. ISIS was inevitable. Their numerous massacres are being carried out with American weapons. Just like those we funded in Libya who brutally murdered our Ambassador. It's all tragic Blow Back. A heavy price for our constant meddling around the world.

Ayup came back to bite Reagan... came back to bite Bush... Obama's no different. This shit always comes back to bite us, and we never learn.
Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.

Where is your credible nonpartisan source for your allegation?

It's well known. Some very nasty evil people got their hands on American cash & weapons in Syria. Our Government has been funding and arming these groups for a long time. ISIS was inevitable. Their numerous massacres are being carried out with American weapons. Just like those we funded in Libya who brutally murdered our Ambassador. It's all tragic Blow Back. A heavy price for our constant meddling around the world.

In other words you have nothing but hyperbolic partisan disinformation. Thank you for confirming that your allegations have zero credibility. Have a nice day.
I doubt liberals called you an idiot for that. But you warhawks sure are mad that Obama is doing what you called for. Giving more credibility to the claim that anything Obama agrees with you on, you change your mind.

Huh? Gramps wanted him to bomb, and the lefties all defended Obama doing nothing. Now Obama is doing something and the lefties all swear this was the plan all along.
Gives credence to the idea that whatever Obama does is great and glorious to the left.

There goes his Noble Peace Prize. I wonder if he will give back the million bucks that went with it.
It's truly tragic that Obama is incapable of negotiating with anyone...not Congress, not our allies, not our enemies...and not Iraq. We should have had a forces agreement to maintain a presence instead of bailing out completely. Obama enabled this descent into terrorist chaos.

And an aside for those who are clutching their pearls over the death of civilians (used as body shields by Hamas)...how many have died at the hands of ISIS? They're beheading children. Where is your outrage?

Horse crap, sea girl. Bush began it all when he let the genii out of the bottle, and the Iraqis insisted that our soldiers be subject to Iraqi court.

We cannot send in massive combat boots on the ground now. When Rumsfeld fired Shinseki in 2002, that option was ended for ever.

America will not support another ground war, period: not conservatives, not centrists, not leftists.

Bush was not President when Obama failed to get a status of forces agreement from Iraq.

I can just hear Obama now. "You don't want a small detachment of American troops to stay and train your troops and help maintain order do you?" "Good, me neither."
We shouldn't have left when we did, but since we did, I say let them duke it out and decide their own future and fate.
Where is your credible nonpartisan source for your allegation?

It's well known. Some very nasty evil people got their hands on American cash & weapons in Syria. Our Government has been funding and arming these groups for a long time. ISIS was inevitable. Their numerous massacres are being carried out with American weapons. Just like those we funded in Libya who brutally murdered our Ambassador. It's all tragic Blow Back. A heavy price for our constant meddling around the world.

In other words you have nothing but hyperbolic partisan disinformation. Thank you for confirming that your allegations have zero credibility. Have a nice day.

Actually, our Government is still funding & arming very questionable rebel groups in Syria. Nothing's changed. They still haven't learned from their blunder. Pretty sad.
It's well known. Some very nasty evil people got their hands on American cash & weapons in Syria. Our Government has been funding and arming these groups for a long time. ISIS was inevitable. Their numerous massacres are being carried out with American weapons. Just like those we funded in Libya who brutally murdered our Ambassador. It's all tragic Blow Back. A heavy price for our constant meddling around the world.

In other words you have nothing but hyperbolic partisan disinformation. Thank you for confirming that your allegations have zero credibility. Have a nice day.

Actually, our Government is still funding & arming very questionable rebel groups in Syria. Nothing's changed. They still haven't learned from their blunder. Pretty sad.

And Obama has asked for $500M more. Now exactly how in the hell is he going to be able to tell where that winds up ??
In other words you have nothing but hyperbolic partisan disinformation. Thank you for confirming that your allegations have zero credibility. Have a nice day.

Actually, our Government is still funding & arming very questionable rebel groups in Syria. Nothing's changed. They still haven't learned from their blunder. Pretty sad.

And Obama has asked for $500M more. Now exactly how in the hell is he going to be able to tell where that winds up ??

He won't be able to tell. Inevitably, very bad people will get their hands on the money & weapons. He should have abandoned his 'Regime Change' policy in Syria. Assad's the safer bet in the end. He was warned not to support the rebels. They have close ties with Al Qaeda. Putin tried to tell him. But he got so All-In on getting rid of Assad. I just don't get it. And now, the Blow Back. It's very sad.
Obama funded and trained ISIS.

Your allegation has zero credibility.

Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.

Gee, ya think President Obama is the first President to arm what later became our adversary? No man, certainly not RKM Brown, is prescient or able to predict the motives of others with certainty. That said, Brown offers no proof the weapons being used by the barbarians today are the same weapons he alleges Obama provided to those fighting Assad in Syria.
Obama armed and trained ISIS. Obama's goal for destroying this country is well under way. These strikes will be limited. Merely enough so that he can claim he's doing something about it. All the while Obama's clearly stated goal has been complete destruction of America, aka. his campaign to completely change every single thing about this country. Instead of a strong military, a strong internal SS. Instead of a strong free markets, we have government czar managed auto and health care, ... Instead of liberty we have murder by drone. Instead of privacy we have the SS reading our email. Instead of the IRS being impartial, we have the IRS joining up with Obama's SS then destroying evidence in full view of the American public. Instead of justice we have injustice.

Morons like this ^^^ ought to STFU, his opinion is partisan bullshit and gives aid and comfort to our enemies.

Who's the enemy Ass Hole? Tea Party members? Libertarians? Republicans? Conservatives in general? Or is it just patriots that are the enemy of your emperor?

Piss off, you're the moron who gives aid and comfort to our adversaries. That you're too stupid to realize that, is no surprise.
Your allegation has zero credibility.

Obama has funded & armed very questionable rebel groups in Syria. And ISIS was one of them. And now we're suffering the Blow Back on that blunder.

Gee, ya think President Obama is the first President to arm what later became our adversary? No man, certainly not RKM Brown, is prescient or able to predict the motives of others with certainty. That said, Brown offers no proof the weapons being used by the barbarians today are the same weapons he alleges Obama provided to those fighting Assad in Syria.

They're committing their atrocities with mostly American weapons. Just as the Libyans who murdered our Ambassador were. They're a rogue Western/Saudi-Backed group. Russia, Syria, and Iran have been opposing them all along. Obama should have listened to Putin when he warned him about these rebel groups in Syria. But he didn't. And now, the awful Blow Back has begun.
It's well known. Some very nasty evil people got their hands on American cash & weapons in Syria. Our Government has been funding and arming these groups for a long time. ISIS was inevitable. Their numerous massacres are being carried out with American weapons. Just like those we funded in Libya who brutally murdered our Ambassador. It's all tragic Blow Back. A heavy price for our constant meddling around the world.

In other words you have nothing but hyperbolic partisan disinformation. Thank you for confirming that your allegations have zero credibility. Have a nice day.

Actually, our Government is still funding & arming very questionable rebel groups in Syria. Nothing's changed. They still haven't learned from their blunder. Pretty sad.

Still nothing credible to support your allegations? As I recall it was the right who was berating Obama for not supporting the rebel groups in Syria.

But let's just take a look at your allegation in detail. The US is only supplying small arms and humanitarian supplies to Syrian rebels.

CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels - The Washington Post

The arms shipments, which are limited to light weapons and other munitions that can be tracked

The arms are being delivered as the United States is also shipping new types of nonlethal gear to rebels. That aid includes vehicles, sophisticated communications equipment and advanced combat medical kits.

Now let's take a look at the weapons that ISIS is actually using.

ISIS Has 52 American Weapons That Could Pummel Cities - Business Insider

ISIS Militants Captured 52 American-Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $500,000 Each

[email protected]

JUL. 15, 2014, 11:44 AM

ISIS militants may be in a position to pummel other cities in Iraqi army control after capturing American-made weapons the group seized from the Iraqi military, Mitchell Prothero reports for McClatchy DC.
During ISIS's blitz across northern and central Iraq last month, the group captured upwards of 52 155mm M198 howitzers.

These U.S.-supplied artillery pieces have a range of up to 20 miles and can also be outfitted with GPS aiming systems. The howitzers' range could place Baghdad, as well as many other major Iraqi cities, squarely within bombardment range of ISIS.

Aside from the 52 howitzers, ISIS also took 1,500 U.S.-made Humvees and 4,000 PKC machine guns that can fire upwards of 800 rounds per minute.

So your allegations are patently false and ridiculous. Obama hasn't supplied the Syrian rebels with heavy weapons of any sort. All of those weapons were provided by the previous administration and handed over to the Iraqi military.
In other words you have nothing but hyperbolic partisan disinformation. Thank you for confirming that your allegations have zero credibility. Have a nice day.

Actually, our Government is still funding & arming very questionable rebel groups in Syria. Nothing's changed. They still haven't learned from their blunder. Pretty sad.

Still nothing credible to support your allegations? As I recall it was the right who was berating Obama for not supporting the rebel groups in Syria.

But let's just take a look at your allegation in detail. The US is only supplying small arms and humanitarian supplies to Syrian rebels.

CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels - The Washington Post

The arms shipments, which are limited to light weapons and other munitions that can be tracked

The arms are being delivered as the United States is also shipping new types of nonlethal gear to rebels. That aid includes vehicles, sophisticated communications equipment and advanced combat medical kits.

Now let's take a look at the weapons that ISIS is actually using.

ISIS Has 52 American Weapons That Could Pummel Cities - Business Insider

ISIS Militants Captured 52 American-Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $500,000 Each

[email protected]

JUL. 15, 2014, 11:44 AM

ISIS militants may be in a position to pummel other cities in Iraqi army control after capturing American-made weapons the group seized from the Iraqi military, Mitchell Prothero reports for McClatchy DC.
During ISIS's blitz across northern and central Iraq last month, the group captured upwards of 52 155mm M198 howitzers.

These U.S.-supplied artillery pieces have a range of up to 20 miles and can also be outfitted with GPS aiming systems. The howitzers' range could place Baghdad, as well as many other major Iraqi cities, squarely within bombardment range of ISIS.

Aside from the 52 howitzers, ISIS also took 1,500 U.S.-made Humvees and 4,000 PKC machine guns that can fire upwards of 800 rounds per minute.

So your allegations are patently false and ridiculous. Obama hasn't supplied the Syrian rebels with heavy weapons of any sort. All of those weapons were provided by the previous administration and handed over to the Iraqi military.

Well, he just demanded an awful lot of cash for em. What's the money for? Who's getting it? His 'Regime Change' policy in Syria is a huge blunder. It spawned awful Al Qaeda-linked groups like ISIS. He should have listened to Putin. Funding & arming Syrian Rebels was a very bad idea.

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