A few months ago the left called me stupid for suggesting we bomb ISIS

Actually, our Government is still funding & arming very questionable rebel groups in Syria. Nothing's changed. They still haven't learned from their blunder. Pretty sad.

Still nothing credible to support your allegations? As I recall it was the right who was berating Obama for not supporting the rebel groups in Syria.

But let's just take a look at your allegation in detail. The US is only supplying small arms and humanitarian supplies to Syrian rebels.

Now let's take a look at the weapons that ISIS is actually using.

ISIS Has 52 American Weapons That Could Pummel Cities - Business Insider

ISIS Militants Captured 52 American-Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $500,000 Each

[email protected]

JUL. 15, 2014, 11:44 AM

ISIS militants may be in a position to pummel other cities in Iraqi army control after capturing American-made weapons the group seized from the Iraqi military, Mitchell Prothero reports for McClatchy DC.
During ISIS's blitz across northern and central Iraq last month, the group captured upwards of 52 155mm M198 howitzers.

These U.S.-supplied artillery pieces have a range of up to 20 miles and can also be outfitted with GPS aiming systems. The howitzers' range could place Baghdad, as well as many other major Iraqi cities, squarely within bombardment range of ISIS.

Aside from the 52 howitzers, ISIS also took 1,500 U.S.-made Humvees and 4,000 PKC machine guns that can fire upwards of 800 rounds per minute.

So your allegations are patently false and ridiculous. Obama hasn't supplied the Syrian rebels with heavy weapons of any sort. All of those weapons were provided by the previous administration and handed over to the Iraqi military.

Well, he just demanded an awful lot of cash for em. What's the money for? Who's getting it? His 'Regime Change' policy in Syria is a huge blunder. It spawned awful Al Qaeda-linked groups like ISIS. He should have listened to Putin. Funding & arming Syrian Rebels was a very bad idea.

It was the Republicans pushing to arm the Syrian rebels.

McCain, Graham call for US to arm Syrian rebels | TheHill

McCain, Graham call for US to arm Syrian rebels

Two prominent Republican U.S. senators urged that the United States arm opposition forces in Syria Sunday as the government of Bashar al-Assad continued a bloody crackdown on the protests that have engulfed the nation.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who both serve on the Senate Armed Services committee, argued that arming rebel fighters in the country could help beat back a Syrian government with close ties to Iran.

“Breaking Syria apart from Iran could be as important to containing a nuclear Iran as sanctions,” Graham said at a press conference in Kabul, according to the New York Times. “If the Syrian regime is replaced with another form of government that doesn’t tie its future to the Iranians, the world is a better place.”
Graham and McCain were in Afghanistan as part of a larger tour through the Middle East. The former GOP presidential candidate said that Syrian rebels needed help to defend themselves.

“I believe there are ways to get weapons to the opposition without direct United States involvement,” McCain said. “The Iranians and the Russians are providing Bashar Assad with weapons. People that are being massacred deserve to have the ability to defend themselves.”

“So I am not only not opposed, but I am in favor of weapons being obtained by the opposition,” McCain added.

Read more: McCain, Graham call for US to arm Syrian rebels | TheHill
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Why aren't you whining about McCain and Graham?
This entire Middle Issue fiasco has many fathers, to continue to blame Obama or Bush is futile and ridiculous. The Great-Grandfather of today's Chaos was the manner in which the Ottoman Empire was divided after the "War to end all wars".

See: Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course the errors of the great-grandfathers have been doubled down by later generations, leading to the what we have today. There is no solution, at least none which can be agreed upon by the necessary parties; though much of the Middle East seems united in the idea that the West needs to butt out.

Of course we cannot foresee what such an outcome might bring, given the unwillingness of Iran and Russia (maybe China too) to work towards and equitable and just armistice, I suppose the ordinary citizens of the region will continue to suffer.
Morons like this ^^^ ought to STFU, his opinion is partisan bullshit and gives aid and comfort to our enemies.

Who's the enemy Ass Hole? Tea Party members? Libertarians? Republicans? Conservatives in general? Or is it just patriots that are the enemy of your emperor?

Piss off, you're the moron who gives aid and comfort to our adversaries. That you're too stupid to realize that, is no surprise.

My #1 adversary is the POTUS. Trust me I'm not giving him aid or comfort.
Actually, our Government is still funding & arming very questionable rebel groups in Syria. Nothing's changed. They still haven't learned from their blunder. Pretty sad.

Still nothing credible to support your allegations? As I recall it was the right who was berating Obama for not supporting the rebel groups in Syria.

But let's just take a look at your allegation in detail. The US is only supplying small arms and humanitarian supplies to Syrian rebels.

Now let's take a look at the weapons that ISIS is actually using.

ISIS Has 52 American Weapons That Could Pummel Cities - Business Insider

ISIS Militants Captured 52 American-Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $500,000 Each

[email protected]

JUL. 15, 2014, 11:44 AM

ISIS militants may be in a position to pummel other cities in Iraqi army control after capturing American-made weapons the group seized from the Iraqi military, Mitchell Prothero reports for McClatchy DC.
During ISIS's blitz across northern and central Iraq last month, the group captured upwards of 52 155mm M198 howitzers.

These U.S.-supplied artillery pieces have a range of up to 20 miles and can also be outfitted with GPS aiming systems. The howitzers' range could place Baghdad, as well as many other major Iraqi cities, squarely within bombardment range of ISIS.

Aside from the 52 howitzers, ISIS also took 1,500 U.S.-made Humvees and 4,000 PKC machine guns that can fire upwards of 800 rounds per minute.

So your allegations are patently false and ridiculous. Obama hasn't supplied the Syrian rebels with heavy weapons of any sort. All of those weapons were provided by the previous administration and handed over to the Iraqi military.

Well, he just demanded an awful lot of cash for em. What's the money for? Who's getting it? His 'Regime Change' policy in Syria is a huge blunder. It spawned awful Al Qaeda-linked groups like ISIS. He should have listened to Putin. Funding & arming Syrian Rebels was a very bad idea.

ROFL we give them money to buy "medical" supplies and other "humanitarian" supplies. They sell that gear on ebay and use the cash to buy an army to invade Iraq. The democraps wave their hands about when they seize American weapons that they refused to defend in Iraq as the Iraquis turn tail and run. Hey it's all Bush's fault.
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Still nothing credible to support your allegations? As I recall it was the right who was berating Obama for not supporting the rebel groups in Syria.

But let's just take a look at your allegation in detail. The US is only supplying small arms and humanitarian supplies to Syrian rebels.

Now let's take a look at the weapons that ISIS is actually using.

So your allegations are patently false and ridiculous. Obama hasn't supplied the Syrian rebels with heavy weapons of any sort. All of those weapons were provided by the previous administration and handed over to the Iraqi military.

Well, he just demanded an awful lot of cash for em. What's the money for? Who's getting it? His 'Regime Change' policy in Syria is a huge blunder. It spawned awful Al Qaeda-linked groups like ISIS. He should have listened to Putin. Funding & arming Syrian Rebels was a very bad idea.

ROFL we give them money to buy "medical" supplies and other "humanitarian" supplies. They sell that gear on ebay and use the cash to buy an army to invade Iraq. The democraps wave their hands about when they seize American weapons that they refused to defend. Hey it's all Bush's fault.

Well, he just demanded an awful lot of cash for em. What's the money for? Who's getting it? His 'Regime Change' policy in Syria is a huge blunder. It spawned awful Al Qaeda-linked groups like ISIS. He should have listened to Putin. Funding & arming Syrian Rebels was a very bad idea.

ROFL we give them money to buy "medical" supplies and other "humanitarian" supplies. They sell that gear on ebay and use the cash to buy an army to invade Iraq. The democraps wave their hands about when they seize American weapons that they refused to defend. Hey it's all Bush's fault.

Pull your head out of the sand. Where the EFF have you been the last year?
"Congress approved funding for weapons deliveries to the Syrian rebels in classified sections of defense appropriations legislation, two sources familiar with the matter said. It was not clear when the funding was approved, but unclassified defense funding passed Congress in late December."

"The new program especially, and the existing CIA effort, would focus on training opposition forces to fight both the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-inspired groups, officials said."

Money request for the "expanded Syrian rebel program."
Obama Proposes $500 Million to Aid Syrian Rebels - WSJ
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Who's the enemy Ass Hole? Tea Party members? Libertarians? Republicans? Conservatives in general? Or is it just patriots that are the enemy of your emperor?

Piss off, you're the moron who gives aid and comfort to our adversaries. That you're too stupid to realize that, is no surprise.

My #1 adversary is the POTUS. Trust me I'm not giving him aid or comfort.

We can infer then that you oppose our system of government, for President Obama was twice elected by the people. You may disagree with his decisions, something an honorable patriot would do, but there is nothing honorable about you, and nothing patriotic, in-line with the others who express themselves as do you.
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Well, this crises was created by Obama's failure to plan for Iraq's future after 2011 and his failure to respond to the current IS Crises that started on June 9, 2014. Obama set back and studied the situation for two months and finally is started to do what he should have been doing not only 2 months ago, but over a year ago when the Iraqi government first asked for support against IS!
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Well, this crises was created by Obama's failure to plan for Iraq's future after 2011 and his failure to respond to the current IS Crises that started on June 9, 2014. Obama set back and studied the situation for two months and finally is started to do what he should have been doing not only 2 months ago, but over a year ago when the Iraqi government first asked for support against IS!

He waited for Congress to go on Recess. He's very dirty that way. It's the 'Chicago Way.'
ROFL we give them money to buy "medical" supplies and other "humanitarian" supplies. They sell that gear on ebay and use the cash to buy an army to invade Iraq. The democraps wave their hands about when they seize American weapons that they refused to defend. Hey it's all Bush's fault.

Pull your head out of the sand. Where the EFF have you been the last year?
"Congress approved funding for weapons deliveries to the Syrian rebels in classified sections of defense appropriations legislation, two sources familiar with the matter said. It was not clear when the funding was approved, but unclassified defense funding passed Congress in late December."
Congress secretly approves U.S. weapons flow to 'moderate' Syrian rebels | Reuters

"The new program especially, and the existing CIA effort, would focus on training opposition forces to fight both the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and al Qaeda-inspired groups, officials said."

Money request for the "expanded Syrian rebel program."
Obama Proposes $500 Million to Aid Syrian Rebels - WSJ

You failed to support your baseless allegation that "we give them money".
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

I'd like to see this thread where you suggested it and liberals berated you for it.

:lol::lol: BIATCH SLAPPED the liberal nutters here.. I love it..
Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Well, this crises was created by Obama's failure to plan for Iraq's future after 2011 and his failure to respond to the current IS Crises that started on June 9, 2014. Obama set back and studied the situation for two months and finally is started to do what he should have been doing not only 2 months ago, but over a year ago when the Iraqi government first asked for support against IS!

He waited for Congress to go on Recess. He's very dirty that way. It's the 'Chicago Way.'

LOL, no one needs to wait long for Congress to go on vacation.
Piss off, you're the moron who gives aid and comfort to our adversaries. That you're too stupid to realize that, is no surprise.

My #1 adversary is the POTUS. Trust me I'm not giving him aid or comfort.

We can infer then that you oppose our system of government, for President Obama was twice elected by the people. You may disagree with his decisions, something an honorable patriot would do, but there is nothing honorable about you, and nothing patriotic, in-line with the others who express themselves as do you.

Yes, I strongly oppose our current system of government. I do not believe our voting system works, it should be replaced with a more modern system where we can pick our top pick, then second pick, etc.. I do not approve of the 16th Amendment the makes slaves of those who get their income from labor, the 17th Amendment that stole the senate's ability to keep the house of representatives in check via state legislature involvement, or the 14th amendment's due process clause that gives the states the right to take our life, liberty, and property. I do not support the SS like Department of Homeland Security. I could go on. Let's just say I'd have a really hard time listing anything this government currently does that I support. I believe, firmly, that the founders of this country put together a much better system than what the tyranny of the majority aka the two headed repub/demcrat snake has turned it into.
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Apparently today we are bombing ISIS.

Airstrikes Begin: U.S. Navy Planes Drop Bombs on ISIS Forces - NBC News

Why is it the left & Obama are always late to the scene?

Americans wanted out, and Obama should have taken action anyway(.) He knew, when he asked, no, begged for the job, as all candidates do, Iraq was a disaster. Thus, his responsibility NOW, most know the history, but saying "We should have never gone in the first place!" does -0- to assist now, as the shots hit the fans again.

are you asian perchance? I ask because most all your posts seem so cold & detached & matter of fact. :eusa_eh:

anyway, as to the OP, the renegades weren't in the area, that is presently an issue, back when you started your use of force cheer leading :thanks: thread.
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pull your head out of the sand. Where the eff have you been the last year?
"congress approved funding for weapons deliveries to the syrian rebels in classified sections of defense appropriations legislation, two sources familiar with the matter said. It was not clear when the funding was approved, but unclassified defense funding passed congress in late december."
congress secretly approves u.s. Weapons flow to 'moderate' syrian rebels | reuters

"the new program especially, and the existing cia effort, would focus on training opposition forces to fight both the regime of president bashar al-assad and al qaeda-inspired groups, officials said."

money request for the "expanded syrian rebel program."
obama proposes $500 million to aid syrian rebels - wsj

you failed to support your baseless allegation that "we give them money".


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