A Forensic Analysis Of Trump's Assassin


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
The DOJ just released this handwritten letter left by Ryan Routh. I was a bit skeptical at first as it appears to predict the outcome before it happens and Routh would not have had time to write it after fleeing Trump's property before being caught! But apparently, the letter was part of a package that Routh left beforehand with someone he knew--- I guess a fallback that if things went wrong and Routh failed to pick it up, then the package was to be opened, but if things worked out for Routh, then he would pick it up and no harm done.

So I have enlarged the letter a bit and thought readers here might like to hear a little personality profile of Routh much akin to what an FBI-trained handwriting expert might determine:

Based on this letter, Routh appears to be a rather cold, dispassionate, calculating, intelligent, fairly-educated if sensitive man who holds grudges who can be highly emotional in certain areas of his life. He is probably well-read. Physically-minded and with simple tastes, he does not take criticism of himself well, but is persistent, direct, irritable, and has a strong temper along with great attention for details. He gathers and builds his facts slowly but carefully. Stingy with others, he is nevertheless generous with himself. Conversely, he lacks confidence in himself so generally sets low goals which he feels he cannot fail at then pursues them with great determination. Lacking in imagination and rather materialistic, he fails at personal relationships and tends to be a loner. In several ways, he shares traits and similarities with Ted Kaczynski, the Unibomber, and superficially appear to both be cut from a similar cloth.

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You're welcome.
Kaczynski was a genius....This dude is a career underachiever.

That's a fact. Kaczynski had a fairly brilliant career ahead of him but instead slowly slid down into a dark path of sociopathy that neither family nor friends could rescue him from. Maybe call Routh a Kaczynski-lite.

I can see that once again, this thread is going to bomb much as casting pearls before swine.

I should have known better, OB, and just stuck with a thread about Haitian Voodoo Zodiac cat-killers timing their rituals to the phases of the moon, you know, something that always sells well to USMB readers as more on their level. Meow.
Kaczynski was a genius....This dude is a career underachiever.

Here is a copy of one of the pages from Kaczynski's manifesto for comparison with Routh's writing above. I think you will see some of the similarities, but I can also point out a number of the similar stroke indications to you if you like as well.

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