A fortune of fine art destroyed in wild fire


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
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Hunter must have flown AF-1 & thrown the paintings into the fire from 3,00 feet just so he could collect the insurance.
speaking of fine art, if you are rich enough to have a piccaso, titian, etc you pay somebody to forge it and you hang the copy in your house, nobody would notice but an expert and you store the original actually worth millions in some vault
Numerous masterpieces by renowned painter Hunter Biden have been lost to the flames.

Fortunately he has a great insurance policy, so he isn't going to be out any money.

Can't imagine paying that much for Hunter's work in the first place. Sounds like an insurance scam, to me.
Numerous masterpieces by renowned painter Hunter Biden have been lost to the flames.

Fortunately he has a great insurance policy, so he isn't going to be out any money.

Thank Jesus I saved the one I had. We'll start the bidding out at $2.99...


Who knows, but totally unprovable, as it was a sale of an offering, of value of what the art market would bear. So, sour grapes to fret with, not worth the time.
Who knows, but totally unprovable, as it was a sale of an offering, of value of what the art market would bear. So, sour grapes to fret with, not worth the time.

"Three of the buyers have been identified, while the other seven remain anonymous. The largest share of the work — 11 paintings, for a total of $875,000 — went to Kevin Morris, who has become one of Biden’s closest friends while also acting as an attorney and financial benefactor."

"Democratic donor Elizabeth Naftali bought two pieces of Biden’s, one for $52,000 and another for $42,000. President Biden appointed her in 2022 to the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad."

"Three of the buyers have been identified, while the other seven remain anonymous. The largest share of the work — 11 paintings, for a total of $875,000 — went to Kevin Morris, who has become one of Biden’s closest friends while also acting as an attorney and financial benefactor."

"Democratic donor Elizabeth Naftali bought two pieces of Biden’s, one for $52,000 and another for $42,000. President Biden appointed her in 2022 to the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad."

If he bought 11 pictures from me, for $875,000, I assure you, he would be one of my closest friends and I'm a lousy artist, too.

All proves nothing in court, so worthless to worry with.
Who knows, but totally unprovable, as it was a sale of an offering, of value of what the art market would bear. So, sour grapes to fret with, not worth the time.
Yeah right, a crackhead, selling "art" for as much as a Dutch master.

Yeah right, a crackhead, selling "art" for as much as a Dutch master.

Don't buy one. I didn't, and never felt bad, not having one. I wouldn't be interested in one for George Sonovabush, either.
Don't buy one. I didn't, and never felt bad, not having one. I wouldn't be interested in one for George Sonovabush, either.
Deflect all you like no one pays half a million for crackhead boys "art", save to garner and audience with "the big guy" to negotiate ways to steal American taxpayer dollars.
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