A message for all liberals!

95% of the "liberals" on this site are not liberals. They are statists or just plain fuckin retarded.
Hardly an issue since there isn't a single conservative here, just Stormfronters, American Taliban, and Ayn Rand kids.
Shutup dumbfuck
Case in point.
Im not a conservative.
Can't say as I give a damn either way.
you said case in point. See, this is why I call you a dumbfuck. Get it yet?
Hardly an issue since there isn't a single conservative here, just Stormfronters, American Taliban, and Ayn Rand kids.
Shutup dumbfuck
Case in point.
Im not a conservative.
Can't say as I give a damn either way.
you said case in point. See, this is why I call you a dumbfuck. Get it yet?
Hmmm, not liberal, not conservative, frankly just an asshole. My point stands.
95% of the "liberals" on this site are not liberals. They are statists or just plain fuckin retarded.
85% of the repubs on here are hard line tyrannic demons, yet claim to believe in a God of love, the language they use betray's their stance, showing how heartless and inhuman they are...
LIberals don't "support abortion". They are pro-choice. They can be anti-abortion and pro-choice.
I'm a liberal. And I don't have any position on abortion. Zero. This issue doesn't exist in my world. I don't have babies; it's not my call; it's not my dance.
I don't have abortions. I'm anti-abortion. AND if someone else has an abortion, it's that one's choice to make, not mine. Criminalizing abortion doesn't lead to less abortions, just more death for pregnant women
Yeshua, a Jew, who preached only to Jews, was followed only by Jews, thought of himself the Jewish Messiah, came for everyone? Nope, that's sure as hell not what he thought at least:

"In the New Testament, Jesus only preaches to a Jewish audience. Geza Vermes describes the mission of the 11 apostles to preach to “all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) as a “‘post-Resurrection’ idea.” After the crucifixion, the apostles began to champion a new faith in Jesus and the ranks of the Jesus movement (known as “the Way” at the time) swelled to 3,000 Jewish converts. At first, these followers were distinctly Jewish, following Mosaic law, Temple traditions and dietary customs."
The Origin of Christianity - Biblical Archaeology Society

Learn the history of your faith, Christian...
Listen asshole, I was born into a Catholic family. Baptized a Catholic; Confirmed as a Catholic; spent 8 years in parochial schools; been to well over a 1000 masses; was an alter boy and I have a very good understanding of the message of Christ.

And to infer Christ favored one group over another, is in direct contrast to the spirit of HIS message.

Love thy neighbor
Love thy enemy
The story of the two rooms

Christ was a man of peace and love. Anyone who accepts HIM, will be saved.

And for the sake of argument, if HE did choose, HE wouldn't choose a bunch of arrogant assholes, walking around like their shit don't stink!
The message to all liberals is that many on the right harbor hate, ignorance, and bigotry concerning Muslims.

And the message to all liberals is that many on the right are incapable of intelligent, well-reasoned thinking – this thread being further evidence of that.

^ same with liberals who "harbor hate ignorance and bigotry" against conservative Christians and Constitutionalists,
where this BIAS interferes with "intelligent well-reasoned thinking" ^

There is EQUAL Bias that is causing the perception of bigotry on BOTH sides.

C_Clayton_Jones if you only see your side of the equation,
and don't see how the Left comes across in the same negative way to others on the Right,
that's why they can't see when they come across as hateful and bigoted.

How hard is it to see that the mistrust and blame is mutually projected back and forth?

If YOU do not respond to the same criticisms by the Right,
what makes you think that criticizing the Right is going to have any effect?
If YOU yourself do not respond to accusations of blame similar to what you made above.
When people complain about the Left that way, do you accept that criticism?
Or do you deny it and become MORE defensive in your position?
If you respond by becoming MORE defensive, don't you think the Right does the same?
So WHY criticize this way if it is going to have the OPPOSITE effect than what you want?

This cannot be rocket science -- if both sides continually say the fault and biased bigotry
is all the OTHER side (and BOTH sides become MORE defensive when criticized over this)
clearly this is a mutual problem. If blaming it back and forth on each other
has never solved this problem, it makes sense a different approach is needed, correct?

Where has bullying and blaming back and forth ever changed that dynamic? Doesn't that merely convinces both sides, more and more, that "they are right and the other is wrong."

What good does it do for both sides to "try to make the other side wrong."
Why not work together to "make everything right" -- to FIX everything that both sides see as wrong.
Why not correct ALL these problems instead of fighting over them?

if the Right points out a problem, then fix it.
If the Left points out a problem, then fix it.
If the Greens, Libertarians, Christians, Atheists, Muslims etc. point out a problem then fix it.

We'd fix all our problems if we "redressed all grievances"
instead of fighting to strike them off the record as void.

Why not address all issues and conflicts until everyone is satisfied with solutions?
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Yeshua, a Jew, who preached only to Jews, was followed only by Jews, thought of himself the Jewish Messiah, came for everyone? Nope, that's sure as hell not what he thought at least:

"In the New Testament, Jesus only preaches to a Jewish audience. Geza Vermes describes the mission of the 11 apostles to preach to “all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) as a “‘post-Resurrection’ idea.” After the crucifixion, the apostles began to champion a new faith in Jesus and the ranks of the Jesus movement (known as “the Way” at the time) swelled to 3,000 Jewish converts. At first, these followers were distinctly Jewish, following Mosaic law, Temple traditions and dietary customs."
The Origin of Christianity - Biblical Archaeology Society

Learn the history of your faith, Christian...
Listen asshole, I was born into a Catholic family. Baptized a Catholic; Confirmed as a Catholic; spent 8 years in parochial schools; been to well over a 1000 masses; was an alter boy and I have a very good understanding of the message of Christ.

And to infer Christ favored one group over another, is in direct contrast to the spirit of HIS message.

Love thy neighbor
Love thy enemy
The story of the two rooms

Christ was a man of peace and love. Anyone who accepts HIM, will be saved.

And for the sake of argument, if HE did choose, HE wouldn't choose a bunch of arrogant assholes, walking around like their shit don't stink!

Thank you Billo_Really
The two Great commandments on the Love of God and Love of humanity (to love God with all our heart mind and soul, and to love our neighbor as ourselves) means with unconditional love and forgiveness as we want as well. As we forgive the trespasses and faults of others, so shall we be forgiven our faults; our relations can be healed, and we can receive true love and wisdom from God for the highest good possible. Forgiveness opens the door to receive this greater love, understanding and truth that unites, heals and frees all people.

These two commandments are fulfilled and joined as one
in Christ Jesus (representing the embodiment of Universal Justice) who gave us
a NEW commandment in John 13:34 that we love one another as HE has loved us.
In Christ Jesus, the spirit of Restorative Justice fulfills and joins the laws and love of God
with the laws and love of man as ONE in spirit, in perfect harmony, reconciling by correcting all errors resolving all conflicts and righting all wrongs.

So this process of receiving Jesus or perfect Justice, embodied in mankind on earth, completes the idea of loving one another with GOD'S love which is perfect,
unconditional, universally ALL inclusive. God's truth God's love does NOT leave anyone out.

We are called to love in this way, to CARE for each other's souls,
and not wish for a single soul to be lost, as God's love and will is not for anyone to be lost.

This is a high calling, where all humans by our limited design fail to be perfectly unbiased, unconditional and equally inclusive towards all others. None of us include all people equally, we always have our biased toward our families, people we agree with, people we know, like and care about more than others.

Human love is not perfect.

So this is why we pray and unite in Christ to enable God's love to guide us
that is GREATER than our selfish love that would favor one person or group over another.

Together, as a church body, we can be perfect. Our biases will balance each other out.
What one person hates another person loves, so we can cover all people and groups equally
as God would have us to do.

So we must forgive our differences so that people of other groups and priorities can do the work we cannot do.
And likewise when they forgive and quit fearing and rejecting us, we can reach people they don't want to deal with either.

The church, the people can be united in perfect harmony and balance.
None of us individually is so universally perfect that we are going to love and treat everyone equally.
But together, collectively, we can achieve that perfect state of lasting justice and peace.

And this is the message of Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice that will be established among humanity on earth by resolving conflicts, making peace and uniting in AGREEMENT in the spirit of truth.
The truth that shall set humanity free from conflict, strife, suffering, poverty and other ills.

We shall overcome. In Jesus name/for Justice sake, Amen.
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The God I worship died for me!
Which speaks to the moral bankruptcy of Christians, agreeing to have an innocent punished in their place for the evil Christians commit.

Dear edthecynic
given the history of human nature, and horrendous learning curve,
it's not so much AGREEING to do this
but Accepting and Forgiving the fact that it happens.

For example, if we, as a society do not do enough to stop alcoholic addiction and drug abuse,
then we see incidents of "innocent people and families" KILLED by DWI and DUI drivers.

That is NOT the same thing as AGREEING to this scenario.
But it happens. Unless we are outraged enough, nobody takes action to stop something we think
is an expendable loss.

Sometimes, sadly, edthecynic it takes losing an innocent loved one
before people stand up and denounce "drunk driving" as unacceptable.

Same with gun violence, where lives get lost everyday.
Until we see an atrocious case in the news, of innocent people dying,
we don't do enough to address mental illness and violence but assume someone else is taking care of that.

When we realize it isn't enough to stop innocent people from dying,
then we demand change. It's like these people pay the price of not doing more to stop the problem and we "owe it to them" to correct things to save lives in the future.
Well, the debts symbolized by the sacrifice of Christ is ALSO like that process of
paying it FORWARD. When there is no debt and innocent people clearly don't deserve
to die, we have no choice but to pay it FORWARD and try to save lives in the FUTURE.

If only drug dealers and criminals got killed, we'd do nothing, thinking justice was served.
But when innocent lives are lost, then we speak up and demand more action be taken toward
preventing tragic losses and injustice that cannot be justified.
Yeshua, a Jew, who preached only to Jews, was followed only by Jews, thought of himself the Jewish Messiah, came for everyone? Nope, that's sure as hell not what he thought at least:

"In the New Testament, Jesus only preaches to a Jewish audience. Geza Vermes describes the mission of the 11 apostles to preach to “all the nations” (Matthew 28:19) as a “‘post-Resurrection’ idea.” After the crucifixion, the apostles began to champion a new faith in Jesus and the ranks of the Jesus movement (known as “the Way” at the time) swelled to 3,000 Jewish converts. At first, these followers were distinctly Jewish, following Mosaic law, Temple traditions and dietary customs."
The Origin of Christianity - Biblical Archaeology Society

Learn the history of your faith, Christian...
Listen asshole, I was born into a Catholic family. Baptized a Catholic; Confirmed as a Catholic; spent 8 years in parochial schools; been to well over a 1000 masses; was an alter boy and I have a very good understanding of the message of Christ.

And to infer Christ favored one group over another, is in direct contrast to the spirit of HIS message.

Love thy neighbor
Love thy enemy
The story of the two rooms

Christ was a man of peace and love. Anyone who accepts HIM, will be saved.

And for the sake of argument, if HE did choose, HE wouldn't choose a bunch of arrogant assholes, walking around like their shit don't stink!
An "alter" boy who can't spell ALTAR. Sure thing, moron. As for Jesus, the Jew, he had nothing to do with gentiles, and didn't come to save your whitey ass. That's what you believe, he believed he was the Messiah, of the Jews, and only the Jews.
I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!

Which fictitious Sky Daddy are you talking about? There are thousands.
Lists of deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By classification

Further information: Religious cosmology
A basic classification of types of gods is given by Stith Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature:

I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!

Which fictitious Sky Daddy are you talking about? There are thousands.
Lists of deities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By classification

Further information: Religious cosmology
A basic classification of types of gods is given by Stith Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature:

I am currently rolling on floor laughing at that list of imagined fake gods. One GOD, period.
As a lifelong practicing Christian I call out the GOP as hypocrites as they surely try to use my religion as a means to get me to vote for them. I can say if trump or Cruz get the nomination I sit out this election.
I am currently rolling on floor laughing at that list of imagined fake gods. One GOD, period.



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