A message for all liberals!

I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!
And yet your dead God said to love your enemies...
Now, another fallacy you have interjected is....You think all liberals are Godless...Which is not the truth....
My God isn't dead and yes I forgive and feel pity for Godless liberals.

your goyim god was dead and buried where he belongs


He was risen you need to read the bible.
Thus making him a zombie...
I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!

"Judge not lest ye be judged" "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" "Turn the other cheek" "what you do for the least of these my brothers you do also to me".

But like most fake kristians you lawyer out the parts of the bible that you don't like. You aren't Christian, you are kristian.

You are anti-Christ.
Really? You know nothing.
Retarded is he not?

Sounds like you are judging me, but isn't 'judgement' reserved for the lord on JUDGEMENT DAY.

Well in the bible anyway, not in your, uh, unknown religion.
By your statement you did the judging first. I have said it before, non Christians trying to tell Christians what the Bible says is really stupid.
I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!

"Judge not lest ye be judged" "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" "Turn the other cheek" "what you do for the least of these my brothers you do also to me".

But like most fake kristians you lawyer out the parts of the bible that you don't like. You aren't Christian, you are kristian.

You are anti-Christ.
Really? You know nothing.
Retarded is he not?

Sounds like you are judging me, but isn't 'judgement' reserved for the lord on JUDGEMENT DAY.

Well in the bible anyway, not in your, uh, unknown religion.
By your statement you did the judging first. I have said it before, non Christians trying to tell Christians what the Bible says is really stupid.
I was raised a Christian, Baptist that is,,,yet do not follow the religion anymore...I can tell you all about das Bible....
I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!

"Judge not lest ye be judged" "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" "Turn the other cheek" "what you do for the least of these my brothers you do also to me".

But like most fake kristians you lawyer out the parts of the bible that you don't like. You aren't Christian, you are kristian.

You are anti-Christ.
Really? You know nothing.
Retarded is he not?

Sounds like you are judging me, but isn't 'judgement' reserved for the lord on JUDGEMENT DAY.

Well in the bible anyway, not in your, uh, unknown religion.
By your statement you did the judging first. I have said it before, non Christians trying to tell Christians what the Bible says is really stupid.

And politicians trying to tell scientists what scientific facts are is really stupid.
I beg to differ, Christianity is under attack and has been for decades upon decades. The fact remains it is a struggle between good and evil, how else can explain the killing of innocent people serves any other purpose then that of pure evil?
Martydom is what Christianity is based on.
An "alter" boy who can't spell ALTAR. Sure thing, moron. As for Jesus, the Jew, he had nothing to do with gentiles, and didn't come to save your whitey ass. That's what you believe, he believed he was the Messiah, of the Jews, and only the Jews.
If that was true, fuckhead, Judaism and Christianity would be the same religion.
An "alter" boy who can't spell ALTAR. Sure thing, moron. As for Jesus, the Jew, he had nothing to do with gentiles, and didn't come to save your whitey ass. That's what you believe, he believed he was the Messiah, of the Jews, and only the Jews.
If that was true, fuckhead, Judaism and Christianity would be the same religion.
Jesus was not the Messiah. The Messiah does not die naked on the cross. Jesus was wrong, but he was a Jew and did not believe himself here to save all humanity. He had nothing at all to do with Gentiles, and all of his followers were either Jews or Jewish converts.
I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!

"Judge not lest ye be judged" "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" "Turn the other cheek" "what you do for the least of these my brothers you do also to me".

But like most fake kristians you lawyer out the parts of the bible that you don't like. You aren't Christian, you are kristian.

You are anti-Christ.
Really? You know nothing.
Retarded is he not?

Sounds like you are judging me, but isn't 'judgement' reserved for the lord on JUDGEMENT DAY.

Well in the bible anyway, not in your, uh, unknown religion.
No just an opinion that is right.
I read a saying tonight and it's true. Too bad liberals don't have the sense to see the difference. In Islam you have to die for Allah. The God I worship died for me!

"Judge not lest ye be judged" "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" "Turn the other cheek" "what you do for the least of these my brothers you do also to me".

But like most fake kristians you lawyer out the parts of the bible that you don't like. You aren't Christian, you are kristian.

You are anti-Christ.
Really? You know nothing.
Retarded is he not?

Sounds like you are judging me, but isn't 'judgement' reserved for the lord on JUDGEMENT DAY.

Well in the bible anyway, not in your, uh, unknown religion.
No just an opinion that is right.


'Opinion' is how fake Christians code word judgement. It is the never ending lawyering of the bible to suit a world view that does not mesh with the teachings of Christ.

It is anti-Christ.

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