A multi-front war now threatens Israel after fire from Lebanon, Syria - analysis

And how have they done that, may l ask?

And even if they were unpopular, how would that justify heinous acts like Oct. 7th, and other barbarisms over the centuries?
There’s a two-sided approach to the way antisemites refer to Jews:

1. If something horrific happens, it’s the Jews fault, unless…
2. Something horrific happens to Jews, then it’s their own fault.
Here's Jake Sullivan effectively saying there's a risk of the conflict escalating but escalating it might lead to a deescalation.


Here's Jake Sullivan effectively saying there's a risk of the conflict escalating but escalating it might lead to a deescalation.

Yes well, if suicide bombers are cowards and discharging more firearms in the US result in fewer shootings then I suppose killing people would be considered an increase in births. That makes perfect sense, right? :p
The Jews need to go to Miami.
They’re already there you ignorant dipstick They moved on from the pogroms and persecutions by Nazis and you IslamoNazis and are thriving and succeeding all over the world. Unlike your ilk Jews don’t complain and whine about what did or in your case didn’t happen in the past, they get back up and prove to be among the most educated and compassionate citizens that contribute disproportionately, your ilk bring with it chaos, mayhem, bigotry, riots and a medieval barbaric 7th century mindset that cannot coexist with anyone, you cannot even coexist within yourselves.

The reason I posted that map was that what we know today as Jordan was among the many newly created nations after WWII, that was supposed to be the Arab Palestine. As expected Arab Muslims refused, and kept refusing. This inability to coexist, hatred and violence towards others goes back many centuries. It is the root cause of many of the conflicts including the Israel Palestine conflict.

It has never been about land, it has always about killing and or expelling the Jews out of land that Muslims have invaded at some point in the past. Jordan is majority Palestinian yet there is no mention this bullshit “Palestinian land” because it is ruled by an Arab Muslim.
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They’re already there you ignorant dipstick They moved on from the pogroms and persecutions by Nazis and you IslamoNazis and are thriving and succeeding all over the world. Unlike your ilk Jews don’t complain and whine about what did or in your case didn’t happen in the past, they get back up and prove to be among the most educated and compassionate citizens that contribute disproportionately, your ilk bring with it chaos, mayhem, bigotry, riots and a medieval barbaric 7th century mindset that cannot coexist with anyone, you cannot even coexist within yourselves.

The reason I posted that map was that what we know today as Jordan was among the many newly created nations that was supposed to be the Arab Palestine. As expected Arab Muslims refused, and kept refusing. This inability to coexist and hatred and violence towards others goes back many centuries. It is the root cause of many of the conflicts including the Israel Palestine conflict.

It has never been about land, it has always about killing and or expelling the Jews out of land that Muslims have invaded at some point in the past. Jordan is majority Palestinian yet there is no mention this bullshit “Palestinian land” because it is ruled by an Arab Muslim.
Its funny how those Jews who like to tell the rest of us off for talking about Jews, do nothing but talk about Jews, weird.
It’s funny how those Jews who like to tell the rest of us off for talking about Jews, do nothing but talk about Jews, weird.
newsflash, Israel is the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews. It is mentioned as the homeland of the Jews and belonging to them in all three of the religious books of the Abrahamic faiths. Palestine is mentioned zero times.
It’s also not funny how the “rest of you” do nothing but talk about Jews. It’s not even weird, it’s only to be expected.

Yes, how weird of me, talking about Jews/Israel/Zionism in threads about Jews/Israel/Zionism, listen sweetheart if you want to talk about sundials go to the appropriate forum section.
newsflash, Israel is the religious, cultural and ancestral homeland of the Jews. It is mentioned as the homeland of the Jews and belonging to them in all three of the religious books of the Abrahamic faiths. Palestine is mentioned zero times.
All scripture is interpreted, different people interpret it differently. Some Jews interpret the Gospels as antisemitic most Christians do not. Some people interpret the Tanakh as license to persecute non-Jews and steal their land, many people do not.
Yes, how weird of me, talking about Jews/Israel/Zionism in threads about Jews/Israel/Zionism, listen sweetheart if you want to talk about sundials go to the appropriate forum section.
You cannot separate Zionism from Judaism, moron. Look up the story of exodus and God’s promise to Issac. It is also mentioned in the Koran and the Christian bible. All three faiths are Zionist.
All scripture is interpreted, different people interpret it differently. Some Jews interpret the Gospels as antisemitic most Christians do not. Some people interpret the Tanakh as license to persecute non-Jews and steal their land, many people do not.
Interpret what? It’s there in black and white. All three faiths mention that the Jews fled Egypt and entered the promised land of Israel and built Jerusalem, where they are supposed to live eternally. There is “interpretation”. There is zero mention of a Palestine or a Palestinian people. You’d think that the prophet of Islam aka the final messenger that appeared and terrorized the region about 1400 years ago would would say a thing or two about the Palestinians. :cuckoo:
You cannot separate Zionism from Judaism, moron. Look up the story of exodus and God’s promise to Issac. It is also mentioned in the Koran and the Christian bible. All three faiths are Zionist.
Please do not call me a moron, is that asking too much? When you speak to me that way you put Judaism and decent Jews to shame, you're antisemitic when you do that.


That gentlemen knew all about Nazis, he lived under them and suffered under them, you do not, you should listen to wisdom like his.
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Interpret what? It’s there in black and white. All three faiths mention that the Jews fled Egypt and entered the promised land of Israel and built Jerusalem, where they are supposed to live eternally. There is “interpretation”. There is zero mention of a Palestine or a Palestinian people. You’d think that the prophet of Islam aka the final messenger that appeared and terrorized the region about 1400 years ago would would say a thing or two about the Palestinians. :cuckoo:
Jesus revealed that scripture is filled with parables, that is not everything is to be taken literally, there are hidden meanings.
Please do not call me a moron, is that asking too much? When you speak to me that way you put Judaism and decent Jews to shame, you're antisemitic when you do that.

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That gentlemen knew all about Nazis, he liver under them and suffered under them, you do not, you should listen to wisdom like his.
Oh look it found some obscure Jew who probably isn’t even a Jew and he doesn’t even mention their name. This guy is as much of a Jew as Bernie Sanders is. Nobody gives a shit. Zionism is part of all three faiths. Jesus was a Zionist Jew, born in Israel.

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