A multi-front war now threatens Israel after fire from Lebanon, Syria - analysis

Jesus revealed that scripture is filled with parables, that is not everything is to be taken literally, there are hidden meanings.
When it doesn’t fit your BS it’s “parables”. Again the story of exodus is mentioned in all three faiths and Gods promise of the covenant and the land of Israel in Judaism and Christianity.
Oh look it found some obscure Jew who probably isn’t even a Jew and he doesn’t even mention their name. This guy is as much of a Jew as Bernie Sanders is. Nobody gives a shit. Zionism is part of all three faiths. Jesus was a Zionist Jew, born in Israel.
This is perhaps one of the most antisemitic posts I've ever seen and lo and behold a Jew wrote it!

You actually have the audacity to say of Meyer "who probably isn't even a Jew" I can't believe this but it does prove my case that Zionism is ugly, foul, evil. Bernie Sanders is a Jew too, wow the bigotry in Zionism is so severe even Jews aren't safe (which I've pointed out before)

Any ideology that excuses people calling Jews not Jews is frankly the last thing Jews need, but will they listen? Nope.

What's frankly sickening (and I really mean that word) is how no Zionist here will call out your disgusting remarks about Meyer, that's sad, that's cowardly but totally consistent with Zionism as I see it operating, the more you post the worse you look.

Well since its apparently OK to say a real Jew who survived Auschwitz "isn't even a Jew" let me say that to you, you are not a Jew, Meyer was.
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This is perhaps one of the most antisemitic posts I've ever seen and lo and behold a Jew wrote it!

You actually have the audacity to say of Meyer "who probably isn't even a Jew" I can't believe this but it does prove my case that Zionism is ugly, foul, evil. Bernie Sanders is a Jew too, wow the bigotry in Zionism is so severe even Jews aren't safe (which I've pointed out before)

It’s funny to see a post by a well established anti Semite pretending to be offended by alleged anti Semitism in a post which isn’t even anti Semitic.
When it doesn’t fit your BS it’s “parables”. Again the story of exodus is mentioned in all three faiths and Gods promise of the covenant and the land of Israel in Judaism and Christianity.
Yes and the exodus has a spiritual meaning as well as the obvious physical. The text was written to hide truths not reveal them, this is where you err.

You won't agree and that's because you interpret this differently to me.
You cannot separate Zionism from Judaism, moron. Look up the story of exodus and God’s promise to Issac. It is also mentioned in the Koran and the Christian bible. All three faiths are Zionist.

There's a reason for the interest in Religious-Zionism among Gulf states,
and why they invited Rabbi Cherki, understanding that a constructive
future is only possible in a holistic dialogue, rather than addressing
either the secular or orthodox sectors individually.

They also understand the potential of Religious-Zionism
to pose a real challenge to Islamism and shifting views
in the Arab-Muslim space.

My work here is done too, the dumb Zionists stand exposed as hypocrites, all of them here. None of them call out another Zionist for saying Hajo Meyer "probably isn't even a Jew" yet they scream about antisemitism when a non-Jews says something far less controversial.

If they were honest and cared about antisemitic posts they'd condemn this one, but they don't, it's one huge pile of dog sh!t, a clique, just a fanatical nationalism that's no better than the one that tried to destroy them in the 1940s, the irony.
This girl gets it.

Not Jewish, and a Zionist,
apparently common sense resonates.

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Interpret what? It’s there in black and white. All three faiths mention that the Jews fled Egypt and entered the promised land of Israel and built Jerusalem, where they are supposed to live eternally.

The scriptures you are alluding to (the ones that speak about eternity) are not about the modern state of Israel.

The eternal "promised land" is for all of God's people who have received Jesus. The bible is clear that whoever denies the Son does not have the Father. (1 John 2:23) In other words, you can't have one without the other.

In the words of bible commentator Matthew Henry, about Genesis 3:15. I'll bold the pertinent parts....

"To thee, that is, to thy seed. The granting of it to him and his for ever intimates that it was typical of the heavenly Canaan, which is given to the spiritual seed of Abram for ever, Heb. 11:14."​

There's much more that can be said about this, but since this isn't the religion section, for now I'll leave it at that.
rylah what is amusing to you about someone submitting a post that says a Holocaust survivor, Hajo Meyer "probably isn’t even a Jew"? If I had said that about a Jew would you accuse me of being antisemitic?

How can you defend yourself against the allegation I now make, that you are a hypocrite and only accuse people of antisemitism selectively?
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rylah what is amusing to you about someone submitting a post that says a Holocaust survivor, Hajo Meyer "probably isn’t even a Jew"? If I had said that about a Jew would you accuse me of being antisemitic?

How can you defend yourself against the allegation I now make, that you are a hypocrite and only accuse people of antisemitism selectively?

I was merely amused at your sound capitulation to facts.

Now when do you let free of your slaves?

Israel is a cancer, the Zionist regime and ideology is insane, utterly deranged, it needs to be stopped before it's too late. The world needs to act, Israel is off the leash, utterly deaf to the needs of anyone except Zionists.

It is a bunch of raging wild beasts, killing and maiming anything that gets in the way of its incessant land grab. The world didn't get to this point only to sit and watch mass slaughter of hapless indigenous people like this, these monsters must be destroyed, they are incompatible with normal human beings, utterly demonic and barbaric.

We now need to all resist Zionism, not just Palestinians, not Just Arabs, every sane man woman and child on earth needs to forcefully oppose this brutal ideology, wipe it out as we did the Third Reich, remove the cancer and let peace return to Palestine.

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Do you think today's lesson got through?

Anyway, practice and consistency make perfect.

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This is perhaps one of the most antisemitic posts I've ever seen and lo and behold a Jew wrote it!

You actually have the audacity to say of Meyer "who probably isn't even a Jew" I can't believe this but it does prove my case that Zionism is ugly, foul, evil. Bernie Sanders is a Jew too, wow the bigotry in Zionism is so severe even Jews aren't safe (which I've pointed out before)

Any ideology that excuses people calling Jews not Jews is frankly the last thing Jews need, but will they listen? Nope.

What's frankly sickening (and I really mean that word) is how no Zionist here will call out your disgusting remarks about Meyer, that's sad, that's cowardly but totally consistent with Zionism as I see it operating, the more you post the worse you look.

Well since its apparently OK to say a real Jew who survived Auschwitz "isn't even a Jew" let me say that to you, you are not a Jew, Meyer was.

Ha ha ha. So you think just because a person is born a Jew that makes them one, even though they espouse atheism or Marxism or anti Zionism.

Then by your estimation Karl Marx was a Jew and Charles Manson a good Christian.

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