A multi-front war now threatens Israel after fire from Lebanon, Syria - analysis

They aren't supporting Israel. The Saudi Peace initiative in 2003 guaranteed Israel's security...and provided for commercial and diplomatic relations.

Every Arab state signed on. Israel mocked it . The path is open. Israel won't ever do the right thing.
They are 100% supporting Israel and hate Shiites and specifically the Iranian regime to the bone. The Iranians are supporting the Houthis who like Hezbollah are terrorizing the Saudis. The Iranians bombed Saudi oil refineries and tried to assassinate a Saudi diplomat in the U.S. Israel and the Saudis are now supporting each other behind the scenes.
Even if your claims were true, that does not show that all three Abrahamic religions are Zionist, it's more deranged made up factoids, so typical of the needy, entitled Zionists.
Ha ha ha. All three religions mention the story of exodus, and that God promised the land to the children of Israel.
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They are 100% supporting Israel and hate Shiites and specifically the Iranian regime to the bone. The Iranians are supporting the Houthis who like Hezbollah are terrorizing the Saudis. The Iranians bombed Saudi oil refineries and tried to assassinate a Saudi diplomat in the U.S. Israel and the Saudis are now supporting each other behind the scenes.

What does that have to do with Israel?

Israel has nothing to offer the Saudis.
What does that have to do with Israel?

Israel has nothing to offer the Saudis.
That’s what you think. Do you think they’re going to share how they’re cooperating with an ignorant Pali terrorist lover who spreads lies on the internet? Ha ha ha.
Ha h ha. All three religions mention the story of exodus, and that God promised the land to the children of Israel.

Exodus is a myth. Egypt ruled Canaan... Egypt ruled all the Canaanite tribes including the Jews. They were pretty successful and paid tribute to pharaoh.
Ha h ha. All three religions mention the story of exodus, and that God promised the land to the children of Israel.
The Jews already got the land but pissed off their neighbors and God so it was all taken from them, they were kicked out around 500BC and today's Zionist ideology should be kicked out again.
The Jews already got the land but pissed off their neighbors and God so it was all taken from them, they were kicked out around 500BC and today's Zionist ideology should be kicked out again.


By the time of Jesus most Jews didn't live in Palestine. They lived in Alexandria, Aleppo, Damascus, Persia, Elephantine Island etc.
Exodus is a myth. Egypt ruled Canaan... Egypt ruled all the Canaanite tribes including the Jews. They were pretty successful and paid tribute to pharaoh.

Exodus is a myth? Tell that to your Zionist prophet Mohammad:

Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel
The Biblical notion that God granted the land of Canaan to the Children of Israel is confirmed by the Quran. In the Surah of Jonah, verse 93, we read:
We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place, and provided for them sustenance of the best.
In Surah al-Ahraf (of the Barrier), verse 137, we read:
We made a people considered weak inheritors of the Land in both Eastern and Western side [of the Jordan river] whereon we sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We levelled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected.
Surah al Maidah (the Table), verse 21, is the only passage in which the Holy Land is mentioned by that title (al-Ard al-Muqaddas). It refers to the words Moses spoke to the descendants of Isaac:
Remember Moses said To his people: ‘O my People, call in remembrance the favor of God unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave You what He had not given To any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter The Holy Land which God hath written for you, and turn not back ignominiously [to this heritage of yours], for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.
In a commentary of Imam Abu al-Qasim Mahmud al-Zamakshari, who lived from 1074 to 1144, titled al-Kashaf, or The Revealer, we read the following explanation:
As for the borders of ‘the Holy Land,’ some scholars says its northern border is the Mount [Hermon] and its surroundings, and for others in also includes a part of the Land of Sham [the Golan]. Others say it extends from the territory of the Philistines [Gaza] until Damascus and a part of Urvum. Some say that God presented to Abraham this Land as an inheritance for his children when he went up to the mountain and said to him: ‘Look around as far as your gaze can reach. Every place reached by your eyes will be theirs.’ The Holy Temple was the dwelling place of the prophets and the residence of the believers. ‘God hath written for you’ means ‘God swore it and wrote in the Divine Tablets of Predestination: that it is yours, belongs to your people and do not turn back from it. Do not be afraid of the Philistine giants who live there.
A similar note is also found in a commentary of Abdallah ibn ‘Umar al-Qadi al-Baidawi, who lived from 1226 to 1260, titled Asrar ut-Tanzil wa Asrar ut-Ta’wil, or The Secrets of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation.
3. Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel was never abolished
Moreover, the Quran explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel before the Last Judgment when it says in the Surah of the Children of Israel, verse 104:
And thereafter We [God] said to the Children of Israel: ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.’
Therefore, from an Islamic point of view, Israel is the legitimate owner of the land God deeded to her and whose borders were defined by Abraham in Genesis.
Exodus is a myth? Tell that to your Zionist prophet Mohammad:

Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel
The Biblical notion that God granted the land of Canaan to the Children of Israel is confirmed by the Quran. In the Surah of Jonah, verse 93, we read:

In Surah al-Ahraf (of the Barrier), verse 137, we read:

Surah al Maidah (the Table), verse 21, is the only passage in which the Holy Land is mentioned by that title (al-Ard al-Muqaddas). It refers to the words Moses spoke to the descendants of Isaac:

In a commentary of Imam Abu al-Qasim Mahmud al-Zamakshari, who lived from 1074 to 1144, titled al-Kashaf, or The Revealer, we read the following explanation:

A similar note is also found in a commentary of Abdallah ibn ‘Umar al-Qadi al-Baidawi, who lived from 1226 to 1260, titled Asrar ut-Tanzil wa Asrar ut-Ta’wil, or The Secrets of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation.
3. Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel was never abolished
Moreover, the Quran explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel before the Last Judgment when it says in the Surah of the Children of Israel, verse 104:

Therefore, from an Islamic point of view, Israel is the legitimate owner of the land God deeded to her and whose borders were defined by Abraham in Genesis.
Please, leave religion and theology for the appropriate forum section.
Exodus is a myth? Tell that to your Zionist prophet Mohammad:

Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel
The Biblical notion that God granted the land of Canaan to the Children of Israel is confirmed by the Quran. In the Surah of Jonah, verse 93, we read:

In Surah al-Ahraf (of the Barrier), verse 137, we read:

Surah al Maidah (the Table), verse 21, is the only passage in which the Holy Land is mentioned by that title (al-Ard al-Muqaddas). It refers to the words Moses spoke to the descendants of Isaac:

In a commentary of Imam Abu al-Qasim Mahmud al-Zamakshari, who lived from 1074 to 1144, titled al-Kashaf, or The Revealer, we read the following explanation:

A similar note is also found in a commentary of Abdallah ibn ‘Umar al-Qadi al-Baidawi, who lived from 1226 to 1260, titled Asrar ut-Tanzil wa Asrar ut-Ta’wil, or The Secrets of Revelation and the Secrets of Interpretation.
3. Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel was never abolished
Moreover, the Quran explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel before the Last Judgment when it says in the Surah of the Children of Israel, verse 104:

Therefore, from an Islamic point of view, Israel is the legitimate owner of the land God deeded to her and whose borders were defined by Abraham in Genesis.

Yasser Arafat was a secular leader.

Exodus is a myth. Nev happened.

By the time of Jesus most Jews didn't live in Palestine. They lived in Alexandria, Aleppo, Damascus, Persia, Elephantine Island etc.
Actually at the time of Jesus all Jews were living in Israel,mit wasn’t called Palestine. Over 200 years after Jesus was crucified, the Romans sacked Jerusalem and called the land Philistine, which was an enemy of European ancestry that Jews had defeated. They did this to piss the Jews off. Philistines have nothing to do with today’s Arab Muslims.
Read the Bible story of the crucifixion.
The story of crucifiction says the Roman’s crucified Jesus as king of the Jews because they considered Jesus a threat to Roman occupation. Jesus wasn’t crucified as the king of the Palestinians. Ha ha ha.

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