A Toxic Waste Parody: Christian/TrumpUSA Data


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Sep 22, 2013
Does new age capitalism remind you of Great Adventure?



As U.S. President Donald Trump prepared to administer his special brand of capitalism-bravado politics to the American people, simply by using his daily politically-oriented Twitter-tweets, the world took full grasp of the reality that modern globalization and commerce was being figureheaded by a former casino-owner. Oh yes, Trump was the second celebrity-president in American history. How would the world judge the Trump Administration's evaluation of new age OPEC politics following 9/11?


All U.S. presidents know that resources comprise a key factor of modern commerce, and petroleum is the hottest resource. Competition between Western oil companies such as Texaco and British Petroleum and the Middle Eastern oil-bloc known as OPEC made for very intriguing capitalism-politics. OPEC was a bargaining-chip for Muslims trying to negotiate special concessions in their ongoing 'discussion' regarding Israel-Palestine...with the United States and the United Nations. Oh yes, OPEC was to the Age of Capitalism what Camelot was to the Medieval Ages --- a 'tower' of meditation at least. This was a bank-war more or less, but it was anything but 'quiet' --- e.g., Gulf War, 9/11.


Americans cherish consumerism and capitalism and enjoy marketing/celebrating recreational goods and parks such as water-guns, Barbie dolls, and of course, amusement parks. Disney World, located in Florida (USA), is the world's richest amusement/theme-park. So, America's investment in fun and imagination was imprinted onto its proliferation of lifestyle-goods and lifestyle-arenas. What would the Middle East make of such Western consumerism frills? What would President Trump say to OPEC about America's love of water, oil, and paint? What would OPEC think regarding America's special love of open-dialogue Christianity (e.g., EWTN) and how it represented 'consumerism daydreams' (in general)?


Americans also cherished the capitalism-themed real-estate board-game Monopoly (Parker Brothers) which had also become a rather popular Apple iPhone video-game app. Consumers around the USA played Monopoly on their handy-dandy mobile phones and President Trump noted how capitalism had 'seeped' into the daily 'fun' of everyday consumers who purchased Monopoly games for their kids. Consumerism was therefore almost a 'spiritual market.' This was a modern 'Toy Parade.'


American media-dolls/celebrities such as Tom Cruise (star of Edge of Tomorrow) and Tom Hanks (star of Charlie Wilson's War) were now on the same axis as passionate Internet-blogging 'democracy-crusaders,' radical pro-OPEC philosophers, masked socialism analysts, and everyday 'armchair warriors,' since, of course, media (TV, movies, Internet, radio, news, magazines, etc.) was a new 'networking-system' of idea-exchange. How would these media-celebrities and socialization diplomats reorient their imagination to embrace this new 'world' of commerce/networking gauged folklore? Where was the data on the peaks-and-valleys of capitalism (which inspired many storytellers and philosophers) itself?


As toy-makers designed nifty water-pistols and softballs for enjoyment during the summer months, the Trump Administration negotiated with North Korea and OPEC and China to ensure the modern consumer that politics driven by commerce would be a vehicle for networking-related peace (e.g., European Union) and not a catalyst for turbulence (e.g., 9/11). Kids purchased these iconic toys, and parents felt giddy about their offspring embracing this new age aesthetic regarding 'commerce consciousness.' Capitalism was at a high-point, and the DJIA soared and maintained high-levels. Ford Motor Company [F] had jumped from $1/share to $14/share in just one year in this new millennium.


As countless people drove cars and buses filled with precious 'guzzoline' (petroleum/oil), TrumpUSA embraced the ethos of American oil brands including Sunoco; meanwhile, OPEC prepared to compete with the West in the emerging 'necessary' market of renewable energy (e.g., biomass fuels, hydrogen fuel, solar-energy, wind energy). Energy itself was a commodity, and Algeria (member of OPEC) was outshining America in wind-energy development. America had to keep pace with the whole world in agriculture, manufacturing, fashion, investment-banking, and of course, petroleum (guzzoline). Therefore, comic book artists presented incredible characters such as Mad Max and Captain America who fought for America's right to conquer petroleum in the name of commerce. Industrialization had transformed into consumerism, and guzzoline was what drove the US-OPEC 'laboratory.'


As so many cars on the road were powered and running on oil, coming from OPEC and elsewhere, America had to be sure that China's oil-drilling activities did not add too much complication or turbulence to this hopefully self-stabilizing market based on everyday life. Everyone wanted to drive cars, so OPEC was effectively the Middle East's rendition of IBM --- an institution based on consumption and intelligence. Now that cars were zooming on the road with petroleum, gases emitting from automobiles soared into the sky, causing eco-activists to pant and fume about the potential dangers of complete atmospheric suffocation...and global warming. This was real 'Armageddon-allusory' smoke.


A modern film-maker decided to start making a picture about apocalyptic bike-warriors and road-warriors vying for petroleum, biomass fuels, and batteries. This 'race' stretched from America to Iran, and nuclear warfare paranoia was nearly 'substituted' by competitiveness paranoia --- the 'quest' for guzzoline (petroleum). This film-maker cast Hollywood (USA) celebrity Leo DiCaprio as a bike-rider named Ethan who wanted to make biomass fuels the new 'sacred treasure' --- perhaps to dampen the furious claim that petroleum (a fossil-fuel resource) was worth waging apocalyptic wars over. The film was titled Oil and Smoke, and it won the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director. How would President Trump market such a 'society-art symbol' (film) to OPEC?


As confectioners in America marketed a special new candy for kids sarcastically named Toxic Waste (Hazardously Sour Candy) to new age consumers, the Environmental Protection Agency began studying how all this consumerism 'fervor' and commercial politics correlated to the excesses, wastes, by-products, and branch-marketing of industry and resource-extraction/distribution. In parts of America, eerie and radical changes in climate saw almost 40-degree differences in temperature between night and day within the same week...people were wearing t-shirts during the day and sweaters at night! Toxic Waste (Hazardously Sour Candy) became an 'anagram' for new age metaphysics. American consumption-based companies on Wall Street soared as well (naturally).


American parents were content for now playing with their kids in their backyards after purchasing water-guns. However, their kids were now learning about eco-waste and water-pollution at school and wanted to be sure that the water in their water-guns their parents bought for them was clean as well as fun. Consumerism was suddenly complicated by spiritual omens. What would OPEC say to President Trump regarding the 'flow' of entertainment?


American science companies and chemical firms such as Pfizer wanted to deliver reliably pure and refined products/solutions to the people and to university labs. Science departments at MIT, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, and Notre Dame wanted their labs to contain the right concentrations of 'ingredients' necessary to offer their students illuminating experiments regarding the 'development' of cleansers...and the color of waste. This was truly a shift in intellectualism. President Trump tweeted, "Scientists are fascinated by OPEC oil as well as Pfizer yields."


GOD: I like Pfizer and Sunoco.
SATAN: President Trump has to keep America at-pace with OPEC.
GOD: This is the Age of Chemicals, no?
SATAN: It's certainly the Age of Production.
GOD: I want to see that new DiCaprio film Oil and Smoke.
SATAN: Yes, the director (Brett Ratner) seems interested in 'modern fantasy.'
GOD: What would happen if North Korea allied with OPEC?
SATAN: Trump needs to assure OPEC that it can deliver dependable contracts.
GOD: Well, Trump did see a key commercial alliance between North and South Korea.
SATAN: Yes, he managed that whole nuclear-missile test crisis during Labor Day weekend.
GOD: That was really his first 'challenge.'
SATAN: George W. Bush's first challenge was 9/11.
GOD: Americans make the world's best consumer-electronics batteries!
SATAN: True; Duracell, Energizer, and Rayovac are all American companies.
GOD: Maybe Trump should boast to OPEC about Duracell...
SATAN: American scientists need to keep collecting data on production/waste.
GOD: Right; we want to catalogue climate change as well as industrial waste.
SATAN: American consumers need to believe in the Environmental Protection Agency.
GOD: The Trump Administration needs a handsome energy-policy to chat with OPEC.
SATAN: We want to be sure that anti-capitalism terrorists don't think, "Oil is blood."
GOD: Maybe capitalism is a 'test-tube.'
SATAN: Maybe Trump will tweet, "OPEC is the AntiChrist!"
GOD: Hehe; let's go watch Syriana on Netflix.


I see Trump as a hero of Free Speech. No apologies, right or wrong. Speak for yourself, and take the hits for it. Trump opened the door for Black conservatives to speak out for themselves. For the independent rabble rousers and foot-in-mouthers, like Ocasio-Cortez and Taylor-Greene, to speak their beliefs, left and right, for better or worse.

That is the biggest contribution.

We just need to use free speech responsibly, but Trump really got everyone to get on the mic and not just complain in private. Call it out as you see it. We all have that right.
Trump ain't the enemy anymore. Try redirecting your socialist outrage (based in some overseas cyber outlet?) against the guy who pretends to be president.

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