A White House Easter Dream for Melania Trump!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a patriotic vignette about First Lady Melania Trump.

There's no reason our commerce-and-media obsessed society should pay attention only to President Donald Trump...




The Crown Jewels (England) were replaced by silver Easter eggs one Sunday morning. There was an uproar, and Scotland Yard and the FBI were involved in a manhunt in the UK and the USA for the culprit. The Trump Administration as well as the British Parliament wanted to take care not to quickly accuse Middle Eastern terrorists for the theft, so the manhunt began first on the shores of England and America! The actual culprits were Algerian terrorists (working for ISIS), a set of twins (brothers) named Ali and Azad who were being chased by twins (also brothers) named Ivan and Igor working for the Russian mafia and holding a grudge against ISIS (for a black-market munitions sale betrayal!).


Ivan and Igor always wore the same clothes (red turtlenecks and black leather vests and black leather gloves) and carried large knives which they were skillful at throwing at targets (or enemies!). Ivan and Igor tracked Ali and Azad to Washington, D.C. where they suspected the ISIS agents would plan a ransom-themed kidnapping of American First Lady Melania Trump (since Easter was fast-approaching!). Ivan and Igor decided to stake out the White House, disguised as hot-dog vendors. The Russian twins spotted the Algerian twins dressed as comic book villains on a special U.S. battleship tour (for civilians). Ali and Azad intended to enter the White House as PR-diplomats from the battleship-tour.


Ivan and Igor knocked on the White House door after Ali and Azad gained admission dressed as the two G.I. Joe comic book villain-twins Tomax and Xamot. Ivan and Igor told the guard at the White House door that they were sent by the CIA on a special manhunt for the twins Ali and Azad who had already gained entrance into the White House disguised as 'PR-diplomats' from the U.S. battleship-tour near D.C. Ali and Azad explained they needed to inspect the guests already inside the White House (the guards were welcome to follow them armed), and when the guards let them in, they ran to Melania Trump's room where they discovered Ali and Azad holding her at gunpoint.

IVAN/IGOR: Let her go, you ghouls!
ALI/AZAD: Why? These two idiots are working for the Russian mafia!
IVAN/IGOR: I doubt anyone cares who we represent. Release the First Lady immediately.
ALI/AZAD: Why? So we can hand ourselves over to you and the Russian mafia?
IVAN/IGOR: We're sure the White House officers will do all things necessary to ensure your comforts.
ALI/AZAD: Haha. Very funny. We demand President Trump pay us $10 million.
IVAN/IGOR: There will be no ransom. If you release the First Lady, you can return with us to Russia.
ALI/AZAD: This doesn't sound profitable to us. We are Tomax and Xamot!
IVAN/IGOR: You're clowns. Release Mrs. Trump or we'll throw knives at your heads.
ALI/AZAD: Ivan, Igor, we know you two are knife-throwers, and we refuse to surrender, so we're confused.
IVAN/IGOR: Here's a compromise. Release Melania, and the U.S. government will return us to Russia.
ALI/AZAD: I suppose we stand a better chance going to Russia than becoming prisoners-of-war.
IVAN/IGOR: That's right, and there's already a helicopter nearby ready to take us to Russia...
ALI/AZAD: Maybe your Russian mafia masters will be more merciful than President Trump!
IVAN/IGOR: It's a safer bet than testing our knife-throwing skills...
ALI/AZAD: You two will become celebrities. They'll make TV-ads about you with Ginsu kitchen-knives!
IVAN/IGOR: You two wanted to become infamous. It's time to return to Russia with us...
ALI/AZAD: You snakes caught us with a political-PR trap. You knew Trump would want us to disappear!
IVAN/IGOR: Happy Easter.



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