A woman's place in the Far Right Trump world?

I don't know how every woman in the country is not insulted by his "I will be your protector" line.

Holy crap.

This guy. The pussy grabber. The sexual assaulter. The guy who walked through the women's dressing room during a pageant. The guy who buried his ex on his fucking golf course. The sociopath.
When it comes down to survival at some point, those women who adjust then will have an easier path. And couples will be in vogue again. Those who yell and scream and torture with everything one way in their favor will find it tough going. History proves over and over that it repeats. All of these gains in the last 60 years or so can vanish. In many ways. And very few Progressives even think about it as the arrow on their campaigns say these must keep moving forward. Or their version of forward. Progs do not even see our decline as China is a rising nation. The green deal scam will benefit them and other nations in production and employment as we pay the freight, and they are the main pollution countries.
When it comes down to survival at some point, those women who adjust then will have an easier path. And couples will be in vogue again. Those who yell and scream and torture with everything one way in their favor will find it tough going. History proves over and over that it repeats. All of these gains in the last 60 years or so can vanish. In many ways. And very few Progressives even think about it as the arrow on their campaigns say these must keep moving forward. Or their version of forward. Progs do not even see our decline as China is a rising nation. The green deal scam will benefit them and other nations in production and employment as we pay the freight, and they are the main pollution countries.

The Climate Change cult is just another left-wing attack on capitalism.
Here is a parody that rings true in the Far Right Trump world

This comes in the wane of the recent Trump speech about how women can feel secure under his presidency

This is the Conservative world the Republicans want for us.

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This is marxist world the democrats want for us,
I don't know how every woman in the country is not insulted by his "I will be your protector" line.

Holy crap.

This guy. The pussy grabber. The sexual assaulter. The guy who walked through the women's dressing room during a pageant. The guy who buried his ex on his fucking golf course. The sociopath.
What's creepy is taking inappropriate showers with your daughter.
We'll see if women are dumb enough to believe that Democrats care about them. Abortion is a FAKE NARRATIVE.
But women mostly ARE the democrats...that gives them the upper hand in caring for their concerns and needs, since it is about themselves...
Deflection always appreciated.
You brought up creepy and you loons support that type of stuff. Y'all made excuses for him. Oh and how y'all treat girls and sports, shows how you really think of women. The only thing you fight for women. Is to make it as easy as you can, to kill their baby.
That weird…we have laws to protect people, the president is suppose to be enforcing those federal laws
Lol..Trump has made numerous seriously creepy comments about dating his own daughter. Those words were out of Trump’s own mouth.
He never said he dated his daughter
In the White House Trump spoke to aides about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her.

As far as Trump wanting to date his daughter:

In the White House Trump spoke to aides about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her.

As far as Trump wanting to date his daughter:

Play the audio. K?
In the White House Trump spoke to aides about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her.

As far as Trump wanting to date his daughter:

Haha do you don’t have him actually saying any thing? You got a book from a guy that wrote an op-Ed claiming to the resistance in the trump admin, making these outlandish claims to undermine trump


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