A woman's place in the Far Right Trump world?

Wrong. Take off the blinders!

The purpose of posting Trump’s public comments about Ivanka is to evidence that his private comments about her as outlined in Taylor’s book are not out of line.
Haha you quote him saying he CAN’T relate to her about sex

Geez. You are the same dembots that ignore Ashley Biden saying she was molested…you are sick and vile
Here is a parody that rings true in the Far Right Trump world

This comes in the wane of the recent Trump speech about how women can feel secure under his presidency

This is the Conservative world the Republicans want for us.

View attachment 1019270

This might merit a bit of discussion if the current administration hadn't set women's rights back generations. Women no longer are allowed to compete as women in sports but are required to compete against biological males who now take their records and scholarships. Women no longer have as much protection against assault, rape, sex trafficking, etc. because illegal migrants alone outnumber police officers more than 20 to 1 so the migrants do whatever they damn well please. Women are forced into lower wages because of millions of illegal migrants who will take their jobs for less pay. In some places women can be prosecuted if they use the wrong pronouns and if they are conservative they have little protection from the courts.

The current administration has done absolutely nothing that is positive for women and has done us all great harm and/or put us at much higher risk.

Yes Trump sounded rather macho patriarchal with his "I want to be your protector" line, but what he meant is he would return us to common sense policies and laws that benefitted women in profitable and necessary ways. The Biden/Harris administration sure as hell hasn't done that.
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Haha you quote him saying he CAN’T relate to her about sex

Geez. You are the same dembots that ignore Ashley Biden saying she was molested…you are sick and vile
Me??? Lol you support Trump a man that sexualizes his daughter and was sued for Child rape while with his best friend Jeff Epstein. Ashley has never had a negative word to say about her father. You on the other hand support a vile man whose past perverted activities ( bursting into the dressing rooms of teenage pageant contestants) and sexual assault of women is well documented. Look in the mirror for the sicko.
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Me??? Lol you support Trump a man that sexualizes his daughter and was sued for Child rape while with his best friend Jeff Epstein. Ashley never had a negative word to say about her father. You on the other hand support a vile man whose past perverted activities ( bursting into the dressing rooms of teenage pageant contestants) and sexually assault of women is well documented. Look in the mirror for the sicko.
You’ve yet to show us him doing that

Meanwhile we know Ashley Biden was molested
This might merit a bit of discussion if the current administration hadn't set women's rights back generations. Women no longer are allowed to compete as women in sports but are required to compete against biological males who now take their records and scholarships. Women no longer have as much protection against assault, rape, sex trafficking, etc. because illegal migrants alone outnumber police officers more than 20 to 1 so the migrants do whatever they damn well please. Women are forced into lower wages because of millions of illegal migrants who will take their jobs for less pay. In some places women can be prosecuted if they use the wrong pronouns and if they are conservative they have little protection from the courts.

The current administration has done absolutely nothing that is positive for women and has done us all great harm and/or put us at much higher risk.

Yes Trump sounded rather macho patriarchal with his "I want to be your protector" line, but what he meant is he would return us to common sense policies and laws that benefitted women in profitable and necessary ways. The Biden/Harris administration sure as hell hasn't done that.
You truly ignore factual evidence.

Regarding crime committed by immigrants:

We provide the first nationally representative long-run series (1870–2020) of incarceration ratesfor immigrants and the US-born. As a group, immigrants have had lower incarceration rates thanthe US-born for 150 years. Moreover, relative to the US-born, immigrants’ incarceration rateshave declined since 1960: immigrants today are 60% less likely to be incarcerated (30% relativeto US-born whites). This relative decline occurred among immigrants from all regions and cannotbe explained by changes in immigrants’ observable characteristics or immigration policy. Instead,the decline is part of a broader divergence of outcomes between less-educated immigrants andtheir US-born counterparts.

Regarding your comment about men winning over women in sports. Yes, that is a negative but such a minor negative that it should not be a major issue

Biological Men Have Won 28 Women’s Sports Titles Since 2003

That is 1.3 per year.

Trump is incompetent. He talks big but carries no stick with him. How you can believe that he has the ability to make changes is ridiculous.
Me??? Lol you support Trump a man that sexualizes his daughter and was sued for Child rape while with his best friend Jeff Epstein. Ashley has never had a negative word to say about her father. You on the other hand support a vile man whose past perverted activities ( bursting into the dressing rooms of teenage pageant contestants) and sexual assault of women is well documented. Look in the mirror for the sicko.

Is this guy “sexualizing” his mom?

Get a grip loser.
You truly ignore factual evidence.

Regarding crime committed by immigrants:

We provide the first nationally representative long-run series (1870–2020) of incarceration ratesfor immigrants and the US-born. As a group, immigrants have had lower incarceration rates thanthe US-born for 150 years. Moreover, relative to the US-born, immigrants’ incarceration rateshave declined since 1960: immigrants today are 60% less likely to be incarcerated (30% relativeto US-born whites). This relative decline occurred among immigrants from all regions and cannotbe explained by changes in immigrants’ observable characteristics or immigration policy. Instead,the decline is part of a broader divergence of outcomes between less-educated immigrants andtheir US-born counterparts.

Regarding your comment about men winning over women in sports. Yes, that is a negative but such a minor negative that it should not be a major issue

Biological Men Have Won 28 Women’s Sports Titles Since 2003

That is 1.3 per year.

Trump is incompetent. He talks big but carries no stick with him. How you can believe that he has the ability to make changes is ridiculous.
Migrants are NOT immigrants.

Immigrants apply through official channels and procedures and, if their applications are approved, they come here legally and with certain restrictions. And it is true that those who do it that way are generally responsible and peaceful people.

Migrants are tens of millions of illegal invaders overwhelming law enforcement and soaking up jobs, housing, resources that are then not available to American citizens.

And I'm pretty sure that young woman denied an official record because of a biological male and/or denied a scholarship that went to that biological male don't think it is a minor negative. Nor do the people who have had loved ones murdered or injured by violent migrants, who have had property stolen or vandalized or destroyed, the women who have been raped, the people assaulted and battered on the streets don't think that is a minor issue.
You truly ignore factual evidence.

Regarding crime committed by immigrants:

We provide the first nationally representative long-run series (1870–2020) of incarceration ratesfor immigrants and the US-born. As a group, immigrants have had lower incarceration rates thanthe US-born for 150 years. Moreover, relative to the US-born, immigrants’ incarceration rateshave declined since 1960: immigrants today are 60% less likely to be incarcerated (30% relativeto US-born whites). This relative decline occurred among immigrants from all regions and cannotbe explained by changes in immigrants’ observable characteristics or immigration policy. Instead,the decline is part of a broader divergence of outcomes between less-educated immigrants andtheir US-born counterparts.

Regarding your comment about men winning over women in sports. Yes, that is a negative but such a minor negative that it should not be a major issue

Biological Men Have Won 28 Women’s Sports Titles Since 2003

That is 1.3 per year.

Trump is incompetent. He talks big but carries no stick with him. How you can believe that he has the ability to make changes is ridiculous.
Those women who lost those titles beg to differ cuck boy
Trump has put women in high paying, high responsibility jobs in his companies, minorities as well. He gives jobs to the most qualified person regardless of sex, race, religion, nationality, etc. Biden/Harris appointed incompetents who would do as they were told, like Garland as AG.
OH BOY, IF only that was true.

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