A Young Man Absorbed Into Politics

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
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[NOTE: Before I begin, let me just say that I have turned over a new leaf and will not write about sexually explicit matters here again. I realize that this will probably cause all my stories to suck going forward. But that is just the penance I must pay. Thus, you will not need to worry about encountering gross sex stuff from my stories.]

A Young Man Absorbed Into Politics

Many moons ago I became interested in politics. In fact, it became a passion of mine! When I was a young man I was, of course, very liberal. You know that old saying that if you are not liberal when you are young, then you lack a heart; while if you are not conservative when you are old, then you lack a brain. That was me to a T!

I was 20 years old and became raptured with ideas of Marx and Engels. I sought out like-minded individuals for debate, discussion, and camaraderie. However, here in southern Mississippi it is very difficult to find communists. Then, it happened. I was reading the latest issue of Communist Gentleman and saw an ad for an upcoming meeting of the Democrat Socialists of America to be held in Atlanta!! I decided that I must go, and I did.

I arrived in Atlanta on a Thursday. The convention would begin the next day. I decided to sleep in my car, a 1976 Chrysler Cordoba. I was parked downtown, near the convention hall. Unfortunately, my care was broken into 7 times that night with me in it, with me being robbed at either gun point or knife point each time. I suggested to one of the wiley dark-skinned fellas to hang around and accompany me to tomorrow’s meeting of the Dem Soc party so that he can learn about the societal inequalities to which the proletariat are subjected and how to revolt against the bourgeois in order to take over the means of production so we can be free. “We can learn how to make life better for the both of us, comrade!!!”, I said. However, the Atlanta street negro punched me hard in the my throat and left me struggling to breath. I don’t blame him, mind you. I blame the white supremacist patriarchal power structure and its corrupt system of capitalism.

I awoke the next morning to find my car sitting on concrete blocks. I began walking down to the meeting. As I approached, I saw a placard hanging above a door that read, “National Socialist Workers’ Party”. I said, “Ah! I am here!”, and went inside. It was nothing like I expected. Everybody was so congenial and friendly. They were all dressed in white shirts and khaki pants. I got to tell you, I felt a little out of place in my ripped jeans and Widespread Panic concert tee shirt.

Soon thereafter the meeting began. There were a series of speakers. Man, I had gotten the Dem Socs all wrong!! I thought it was going to be some sort of watered down Marxism, but it was not that at all. It was instead a totally engaged, empowerment blockbuster!!! There were a couple parts of it, however, that I was not totally down with … to start with. Like how the Jews are the spawn of Satan sent to corrupt civilization, and how it is sinful to mix the races. But, you know, the more I listened to it, the more it made sense to me!!

Apparently, this group was founded by some guy named “Adolph” in the 1930s in Germany. I was not familiar with this, or him, as it is not taught in the schools and universities. The DEI training takes up the majority of academic study. Adolph was godlike, and had a really cool mustache. Then I learned that they virulently oppose communism. This caught me completely off guard!! I was totally down with Marxism yesterday. But after such a convincing ideological blitzkrieg today, I know for sure that I am now a NSWP member at heart!!

At the conclusion of the meeting, they gave out black arm bands and red tee shirts with this cool black symbol on it. I gave them my information and told them that I definitely wanted to join their fight, then I left. I headed back to my car. By this time, though, it was just completely gone. Perhaps I had violated some parking law? I turned around and headed back the way I had just come.

I passed the entrance to the NSWP, and raised my outstretched arm to salute them in the common fashion of their cause, then continued walking, hoping to find a pay phone. After just a little way I came across a place with a sign hanging over its entrance that said “National Democrat Social Club of America”. There were some people shuffling about outside. I figured that one socialist club is like any other social club, so I raised my stiff arm to salute them and said “Sieg Heil!”, which I understood to mean “Socialist Victory!”.

I thought they would appreciate my enthusiasm for the cause. But they did not. Those Dem Soc people immediately grew angry, rushed me, then beat me unmercifully. I woke up 3 days later at Grady Memorial Hospital. I had several broken bones, a severe concussion, and suffered serious blood loss due to multiple stabbings. After several days, the doctor finally visited me.

My mind was still very cloudy and my cognitive ability was diminished due to the beating. The neatly dressed doctor asked me how I was doing. I wanted to tell him that I was ok. But all that would come out of my mouth was the words “Sieg Heil”. Well now, that did not sit well with Dr. Goldstein. He immediately yanked the bedpan out from under me and began viciously striking my head with it. He acted so hastily that he did not bother to check to see if the bedpan needed emptying first. It did. My effluent, both solid and liquid, went everywhere during the good doctor’s violent assault on me. This seemed to make the doctor angrier.

Two large, African-American orderlies had to pull Dr. Goldstein off of me. As they were dragging him out of my hospital room, in walked my mother and father. My father said, “Goddamn it, boy!!! Why can’t you stay out of trouble?!? It is time for you to fucking grow up, get a pair of balls, and get a fucking job!!!! I am tired of this shit!! Your mother is tired of this shit!!!!!” I looked at my mother’s face to find tears streaming down her cheeks.

My father continued, “My God, son, you are fucking forty years old now!! If I could, I would shove you back inside your mama and abort the hell out of you!!!” This statement struck me as particularly serious, as my father is a former Roman Catholic priest who left the calling for the love of my mother. Though, he remained devout and righteous.

Well, my parents, being the saints that they are, collected me and we all returned to Mississippi for my convalescence. About a week later some FBI agents visited me to inquire about my attendance at the Atlanta NSWP meeting. “Yes, I was there. I am a socialist!”, I said. One of the FBI agents then stepped forward, called me a “MAGA faggot”, and then whacked me over the head with a baton. I was out like a light!

I awoke some time later in a dark room with 2 agents. There was a bight light and they were shining it into my face. I assured them that I am a socialist. However, they kept accusing me of being some sort of terrorist who hates democracy. I asked them if they arresting and interrogating everyone who attended the Atlanta NSWP meeting. They both laughed at me and said I was the only person dumb enough to show up. “No way!! There was like 100 or more people there!”, I said. They looked at each other and busted out laughing even harder. One of them then said to me, “Look, dummy. They were all FBI, just like us.” I though for a moment and then asked, “So, the FBI is into NSWP too? “ The 2 agents soiled themselves laughing at me.
Yikes... I just tried to re-read it and could not make it all the way through because it sucks so bad.
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