Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Israel propped up what, AT THE TIME, was the "lesser of two evils."
Yadlin sad this AFTER Hamas gained political power and AFTER Hamas committed these crimes:

Jan. 25, 2006 - Hamas wins a majority of seats in a Palestinian legislative election. Israel and United States cut off aid to Palestinians because Hamas refuses to renounce violence and recognise Israel.
June 25, 2006
- Hamas militants capture Israeli conscript Gilad Shalit in a cross-border raid, prompting Israeli air strikes and incursions. Shalit is finally freed over five years later in a prisoner exchange
Buttercup is obviously getting her “news” from biased, anti-Israel sites - which ironically proves the premise of this thread: that there are lies and propaganda being spread by antisemites to wrongly position Israel as the bad guys and that, sadly, there are so many people with embedded dislike for Jews that they are quick to believe it all. Buttercup is an example.

It has been a shocking eye-opener to learn how quickly people are willing to latch onto “information” provided by anti-Israel sources, or even by the HAMAS savages themselves, in their eagerness to believe the worst of Jews.
Truth today is always

a) racist
b) sexist
c) homophobic
d) anti semitic
e) all of the above

and to notice what happened to the USS Liberty and why it happened is, of course, anti semitic...

even though the rank and file IDF, not told in advance they were murdering American Naval Personnel, deliberately missed...

This is the second time we have witnessed Zionist Fascist Israel lie, hate hoax, and attack and mass murder Gazans... The USS Liberty was sent to investigate the first one...
Buttercup is obviously getting her “news” from biased, anti-Israel sites - which ironically proves the premise of this thread: that there are lies and propaganda being spread by antisemites to wrongly position Israel as the bad guys and that, sadly, there are so many people with embedded dislike for Jews that they are quick to believe it all. Buttercup is an example.

It has been a shocking eye-opener to learn how quickly people are willing to latch onto “information” provided by anti-Israel sources, or even by the HAMAS savages themselves, in their eagerness to believe the worst of Jews.
They are quick to put an antisemitic spin on everything.
Have a nice day Joe. You cannot make any kind of a case that your beliefs are any more true or important than the belief of the Jews. And only the most hateful person would try to destroy their faith.

Um, the Branch Davidians really believed Koresh was the Messiah and needed to fuck their kids. How dare the FBI destroy their faith!
The Aztecs really believed they needed to slaughter thousands of people to keep the sun in the sky! How dare the Spanish destroy their faith!

Sure, I can make a case that their beliefs are wrong. We could round up every Rabbi in the world, and throw them off the top of Trump Tower one by one, and God will not catch a one of them on the way down. This also works for priests, ministers, and mullahs.

We KNOW the Hebrews didn't live in Egypt. Why? Because Egypt is probably the most archaeologically investigated country in the world, and we have found not a single shard of pottery to show that Hebrews ever lived there. In fact, you God-botherers can't even tell me which Pharoah is the one of the Exodus. (A bunch of Fan Fic says it was Ramases II, but we know THAT'S not true because Canaan was a Egyptian province at the time.
You sure are looking for ways to blame Israel, aren’t you?

At the time, HAMAS was - or pretended to be - a social support organization with little expressed hatred toward the Jews. It makes perfect sense for Israel to support the mild HAMAS (at the time) against its terrorist opposition. Only later did HAMAS was taken over by the savages who run it today.

I think you are a little confused. Hamas was always a wing of the PLO. The difference is while Fatah was stealing western aid hand over fist and sucking up the Zionist Squatters, Hamas was fighting the Zionists and providing real help to the poor of Gaza.

As far as the two-state solution, why do you not point to the times (plural) that Israel made land-for-peace offers, and the Palestinians rejected them? One of the offers gave them 95% of what the Jew-haters wanted, but they STILL turned it down, and why? Because Israel conditioned it on the Arabs recognizing Israel’s right to exist - and they refused!

I take over your house, and make you live in the unheated garage, are you really going to be grateful to me if I let you keep the garage?

Of course the problem with any "Two-State" solution is that it acquiesces to the theft of Palestine by the Zionists.

You people completely lose your shit when some Haitians move in and to the menial jobs you don't want, imagine if they completely took over and forced you to live in a refugee camp.

So why work so hard to make Israel look bad, when they have made peace offers they have been rejected? And that HAMAS broke the cease-fire to savagely torture to death as many innocent Jews as they could find?

You mean after Bibi let his guard down and ignored signs they were getting ready for an attack?

That we have so many people so driven by bias against Jews that they look for ways to blame the Jewish state - and on a thread about the antisemitic propaganda of the genocide lie - is both tragic and chilling.
If the Jews had stayed in Europe where they belong, there wouldn't be a problem.
Buttercup is obviously getting her “news” from biased, anti-Israel sites - which ironically proves the premise of this thread: that there are lies and propaganda being spread by antisemites to wrongly position Israel as the bad guys and that, sadly, there are so many people with embedded dislike for Jews that they are quick to believe it all. Buttercup is an example.

It has been a shocking eye-opener to learn how quickly people are willing to latch onto “information” provided by anti-Israel sources, or even by the HAMAS savages themselves, in their eagerness to believe the worst of Jews.
The Zionist squatters are killing women and children.

That's why people believe the worst about them.
They are quick to put an antisemitic spin on everything.
So true. And then they will argue that they’re not antisemitic.

What they are going for is the “right” to spew antisemitic propaganda and get no pushback. That is how the antisemitism can continue to reach new heights.

There are some evil forces at work, and some of them are even on this forum.
So true. And then they will argue that they’re not antisemitic.

What they are going for is the “right” to spew antisemitic propaganda and get no pushback. That is how the antisemitism can continue to reach new heights.

There are some evil forces at work, and some of them are even on this forum.

Or, some people just scream "ANTI-SEMITE" to avoid having honest discussions about Israel's bad behavior.

I remember in College, when I was a Young Republican, and there was this smarmy liberal Jew I had to deal with in Student Government. And he was all for boycotting South Africa, whining about how the mean old white people were oppressing the blacks. To which I asked, "And how is that any different than what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians?"

Man, you should have seen this guy sputter!
This was a TRUE "LESSER OF TWO EVILS" situation, and in hindsight Israel should not have encouraged Hamas in any way. Similar to the way we funded both sides of the Iran and Iraq war.

Israel worries too much about world opinion. There will never be peace in the Land of Israel until they drive these people out of the land. Several Arab nations did. But somehow the world expects Israel to allow these scorpions to live among them.
This was a TRUE "LESSER OF TWO EVILS" situation, and in hindsight Israel should not have encouraged Hamas in any way. Similar to the way we funded both sides of the Iran and Iraq war.

Israel worries too much about world opinion. There will never be peace in the Land of Israel until they drive these people out of the land. Several Arab nations did. But somehow the world expects Israel to allow these scorpions to live among them.
I think Israel is doing a great job of ignoring the antisemitic world and forging ahead with what needs to be done.

And the world expects Jews to take all sorts of crap they would expect from nobody else: all the way from accepting Jew-hating propaganda without complaint all the way up to being forced to live immediately adjacent to a group of primitive, brainwashed, hateful antisemites when no moderate Arab country wants anything to do with them.
I think Israel is doing a great job of ignoring the antisemitic world and forging ahead with what needs to be done.

And the world expects Jews to take all sorts of crap they would expect from nobody else: all the way from accepting Jew-hating propaganda without complaint all the way up to being forced to live immediately adjacent to a group of primitive, brainwashed, hateful antisemites when no moderate Arab country wants anything to do with them.

Israel is ignoring the world the way South Africa tried to ignore the world, but time and history are against them.
Proportionality is not equivalent to genocide. Genocide requires the intent to entirely destroy a group based on their characteristics (race, nationality, ethnicity, religion). Differentiating Hamas from Arabs/Palestinians alone is enough to demonstrate lack of intent.
If you look at the moon scape of Gaza they are not differentiating it looks like Warsaw after the SS had finished with it.
I think Israel is doing a great job of ignoring the antisemitic world and forging ahead with what needs to be done.

And the world expects Jews to take all sorts of crap they would expect from nobody else: all the way from accepting Jew-hating propaganda without complaint all the way up to being forced to live immediately adjacent to a group of primitive, brainwashed, hateful antisemites when no moderate Arab country wants anything to do with them.
Why would another Country help you Colonialists with your ethnic cleansing?
If you look at the moon scape of Gaza they are not differentiating it looks like Warsaw after the SS had finished with it.
^^^ and here we have another example of an antisemite making the Hitler comparison on the VERY thread discussing how these inaccurate comparisons and claims are designed to promote more Jew-hatred.

These antisemites just can’t help themselves!
^^^ and here we have another example of an antisemite making the Hitler comparison on the VERY thread discussing how these inaccurate comparisons and claims are designed to promote more Jew-hatred.

These antisemites just can’t help themselves!
Yes anyone who says anything against Israeli war crimes is a antisemite, got it.
Yes anyone who says anything against Israeli war crimes is a antisemite, got it.
Nope….anyone who likens Israel to the SS is antisemitic, in accordance with the accepted definition.

If you want to spew your Jew-hating lies, don’t then demand for decent people to say it’s not antisemitic. You will be called out.
I take over your house, and make you live in the unheated garage, are you really going to be grateful to me if I let you keep the garage?

Of course the problem with any "Two-State" solution is that it acquiesces to the theft of Palestine by the Zionists.

An Ottoman house.

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