Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

However, the jews are annoying in the marketplace with high pressure sales tactics non-stop. They will try to sell you the shoes you are wearing as you walk into their shop for $20more than you paid for them somewhere else.
we are? It is always refreshing to hear someone I have never met tell me about myself and all my friends.
I was with you until the last paragraph. That’s quite a broad brush! I just had two contractors bid on a project and they were the most high-pressure sales I’ve ever experienced. Neither were Jewish.
In Jerusalem Israel itself is where the high pressure and in a few other cities it was like that....and ALL the cab drivers. Dunno what it is but it was constant and nonstop...couldn't even stop to have a conversation with my wife without getting bothered to buy something by a minimum of two people. Usually at the same time. Like Tijuana or something. It was horrible especially in Old City Jerusalem. Reminiscent of the Jewish section in Manhattan. I stayed out of those shops too.

High pressure sales is something done by desperate people. I get that.... But dang...I need to breathe and think too. Pesto Bismal requires a prescription....and so it costs an outrageous price on the black market. Stupid stuff like that.

Some places were Haifa except for the cab drivers. Uggghhhh. I understand why people rent cars. Just to avoid the harassment. Then there's the hate between the Palestinians and the Jews....and sometimes they just start yelling filthy things at each other over something. I know that they can behave better which is why it's just insulting and infuriating.
we are? It is always refreshing to hear someone I have never met tell me about myself and all my friends.
I do have a LOT of Jewish I'm not exactly what you would call prejudiced. Some are Rabbi and others just have various jobs and professions. Latkas and noodle pie rock when done well. The IDF kids also were really nice too even when they didn't have to be. Just some in certain places are the armpit. Just like some Americans. Same as Hondurans, Brazilians, and etc. Everyone is annoying in the right circumstances. I was shocked it was in such a tourist location and how bad the cab drivers were.
I do have a LOT of Jewish I'm not exactly what you would call prejudiced.
You make broad general statements about Jews as a predictive determination of behavior. Potayto, potahto.
Some are Rabbi and others just have various jobs and professions. Latkas and noodle pie rock when done well. The IDF kids also were really nice too even when they didn't have to be. Just some in certain places are the armpit. Just like some Americans. Same as Hondurans, Brazilians, and etc. Everyone is annoying in the right circumstances. I was shocked it was in such a tourist location and how bad the cab drivers were.
But you didn't say "some Jews." You wrote, "the jews are annoying in the marketplace with high pressure sales tactics non-stop."
So maybe 5% of Jews are misinformed and categorizing this as “genocide” - so that makes it OK? Liberal Jews are often confused. Some of these self-loathing idiots are marching around with the HAMAS supporters while they chant “Death to Jews!”

And your liberal sources - that cite the U.N. as “proof” - are meaningless. We already know how antisemitic the liberals have become, and how antisemitic the U.N. is.

Your fury at what you call “murderous Zionist miscreants” is driven by your antisemitism. The actual murderous miscreants are the Muslim terrorists, and that your focus is on the Jews is the double standard that is also a tell of antisemitism, according to the U.S. State Department.

Just as I expected.

You can't find anything I've written that is genuinely anti Semitic but that fact means nothing to those who are must rely on obsessive slander to evade honest and rational debate.

Re: So maybe 5% of Jews are misinformed and categorizing this as “genocide” - so that makes it OK?

Wrong again:

"One-third of American Jews agree Israel committed 'genocide' in Gaza: Poll

"Over 51% of American Jews support Biden's decision to withhold arms shipments to Israel, survey finds"


What makes you think that your genocidal agenda of simply killing more of Palestine's native residents is really going to make the Israelis or anyone else more secure.

Don't you realize that there are about 1.7 Billion Muslims in the world and only about 17 Million Jews?
Do the math.

The only way that you and other murderous "Israel Firsters" are going to get anywhere with the Zionist driven "War on Islam" is by sacrificing countless young American lives and America's $ Trillions.

RE: And your liberal sources - that cite the U.N. as “proof” - are meaningless. We already know how antisemitic the liberals have become, and how antisemitic the U.N. is.

This debilitating paranoid delusion you have that 95% of the planet is anti Semitic is just that; a paranoid delusion.
Your hollow kvetching about "liberal sources" and the "anti Semitic U.N." is no different than that of the usual proponents of Zionist genocide.

Re: ......your focus is on the Jews is the double standard that is also a tell of antisemitism,

You've already proven your dishonesty since you can't find one genuinely "anti Semitic" comment I've written.

I've never made a negative remark about " the Jews" in my life but I am far from alone in condemning U.S. subsidized Zionist genocide and "Greater Israel " expansionism.

Your fatuous, blanket accusations of "anti Semitism" are simply proof that you are entirely unable to refute the fact that Netanyahu and his right wing Zionists are committing genocide and stealing even more Palestinian land.
Just as I expected.

You can't find anything I've written that is genuinely anti Semitic but that fact means nothing to those who are must rely on obsessive slander to evade honest and rational debate.

Wrong again:

"One-third of American Jews agree Israel committed 'genocide' in Gaza: Poll

"Over 51% of American Jews support Biden's decision to withhold arms shipments to Israel, survey finds"


What makes you think that your genocidal agenda of simply killing more of Palestine's native residents is really going to make the Israelis or anyone else more secure.

Don't you realize that there are about 1.7 Billion Muslims in the world and only about 17 Million Jews?
Do the math.

The only way that you and other murderous "Israel Firsters" are going to get anywhere with the Zionist driven "War on Islam" is by sacrificing countless young American lives and America's $ Trillions.

This debilitating paranoid delusion you have that 95% of the planet is anti Semitic is just that; a paranoid delusion.
Your hollow kvetching about "liberal sources" and the "anti Semitic U.N." is no different than that of the usual proponents of Zionist genocide.

You've already proven your dishonesty since you can't find one genuinely "anti Semitic" comment I've written.

I've never made a negative remark about " the Jews" in my life but I am far from alone in condemning U.S. subsidized Zionist genocide and "Greater Israel " expansionism.

Your fatuous, blanket accusations of "anti Semitism" are simply proof that you are entirely unable to refute the fact that Netanyahu and his right wing Zionists are committing genocide and stealing even more Palestinian land.

One-third of American Jews agree Israel committed 'genocide' in Gaza​

Most leftists are morons.
Is it really surprising that that includes the Jewish ones?
we are? It is always refreshing to hear someone I have never met tell me about myself and all my friends.

Its even worse than that, some who claim to be Jews like the late Hajo Meyer are actually not Jews, thank goodness we have the Zionists who are able to distinguish real Jews from fake Jews.
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Your knowledge of the IRA is as pathetic as your knowledge of those other brave resistance movements :auiqs.jpg:




The face of the Irish Republican Bobby Sands is painted on the office wall of Sinn Feinn, the left-wing politcal arm of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Robert Gerard "Bobby" Sands (1954 – 1981) was an Irish volunteer of the Provisional Irish Republican Army and member of the British Parliament who died on hunger strike while imprisoned in HM Prison Maze. He was the leader of the 1981 hunger strike in which Irish republican prisoners protested against the removal of Special Category Status. During his strike he was elected as a member of the British Parliament as an Anti H-Block/Armagh Political Prisoner candidate.

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For clarity, I am not suggesting that under no circumstance can Israel be accused of genocide because she is Israel.

The blood libel is in the fact that Israel has CLEARLY not met the threshold for intent, and in that there are CLEAR and OBVIOUS actions taken by Israel which demonstrate there is no such intent.
You are reasoning with a rock

Dont waste your time
Its even worse than that, some who claim to be Jews like the late Hajo Meyer are actually not Jews, thank goodness we have the Zionists who are able to distinguish real Jews from fake Jews.
actually, in that post you linked to, the poster said that the guy in question "probably isn’t even a Jew" so no certainty there, no claim of factual knowledge. What facts can you bring to the table here?

It looks like (I did a little research -- not a lot, but a start) he was Jewish
actually, in that post you linked to, the poster said that the guy in question "probably isn’t even a Jew" so no certainty there, no claim of factual knowledge. What facts can you bring to the table here?
If you need me to prove Hajo Meyer was a Jew then you also need training wheels on your keyboard.
It looks like (I did a little research -- not a lot, but a start) he was Jewish
Good work, clever boy, he found out all by his little erudite self that Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer was a Jew, why do I know more about all this stuff than you?

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