Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

If you need me to prove Hajo Meyer was a Jew then you also need training wheels on your keyboard.

Good work, clever boy, he found out all by his little erudite self that Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer was a Jew, why do I know more about all this stuff than you?
do you know more? Did you have any evidence to back up his religion? Or were you just guessing. You're welcome for doing your work for you. When you get to be a big boy, you can do your own research.
do you know more? Did you have any evidence to back up his religion? Or were you just guessing. You're welcome for doing your work for you. When you get to be a big boy, you can do your own research.

I know that he's a Jew, that's what was disputed and has now been settled, the late Hajo Meyer was a Jew as you've recently admitted.

If you have further questions about him I'm sure there's information on the web, if you need help again just reach out here.
What makes you think that your genocidal agenda of simply killing more of Palestine's native residents is really going to make the Israelis or anyone else more secure.
This is what I hear when anyone says that: "We will commit an October 7, October 10, October 1 million. We will never stop until Israel is annihilated. We will pay the price. We are happy to be martyred."

Israel can't reason with that. Israel can't appease that. Israel can't distract from that with economic prosperity. Israel certainly can't wish that away. The only thing Israel can do when faced with that sort of unrelenting genocidal intent is to remove their ability to commit another atrocity.
I've never made a negative remark about " the Jews" in my life but I am far from alone in condemning U.S. subsidized Zionist genocide and "Greater Israel " expansionism.
You replace the word "Jew" with "Zionist" in order to disguise that you are really speaking about Jews.

I challenge you to stop using Zionist as code for "the bad kind of Jew" and just use "Jew" or "Israeli", depending on which collective you intend to mean.
Genocide is obviously a hyperbolic term when applied to the people in Gaza, but the question remains as to their fate.
Gaza's only purpose is to be a breeding and training ground for terrorists.
What DO you do with people like that?
You replace the word "Jew" with "Zionist" in order to disguise that you are really speaking about Jews.

I challenge you to stop using Zionist as code for "the bad kind of Jew" and just use "Jew" or "Israeli", depending on which collective you intend to mean.
I want to butt-in to this if I may.

Until the Holocaust the vast majority of Jews were opposed to Zionism, this fact alone makes a mockery of your strange belief that these terms are interchangeable. Jews even sang songs openly mocking the ideas of the Zionists:

Oh you foolish little Zionists
With your utopian mentality
You'd better go down to the factory
And learn the worker's reality

You want to take us to Jerusalem
So we can die as a nation
We'd rather stay in the Diaspora
And fight for our liberation

You seem unable to engage with Grau on equitable terms, trying to censor him, picking his words for him, "guiding" his hand as he types.

Note the lyrics, a warning "You want to take us to Jerusalem, So we can die as a nation" a fate that awaits Israel.
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I want to butt-in to this if I may.

Until the Holocaust the vast majority of Jews were opposed to Zionism, this fact alone makes a mockery of your belief that these terms are interchangeable. Jews even sang songs mocking the idea.
All Jews who have ever spoken our prayers are Zionist, of the simple meaning of return to our homeland. (You know, same thing the Palestinians want). That's the problem with using the term "Zionist". It has different meanings. But mostly, it is used as a slur.
You seem unable to engage with Grau on equitable terms, trying to censor him.
I am not censoring him. I am asking for him to use language which isn't muddy. "Zionist" is terminology that does not have a clear meaning. Different people use it in different ways. Grau , among others, tends to use it as a slur and it appears to many of us that this slur is a way of separating the "good" Jews from the "evil" Jews.

What I asked was for him to be more transparent with his language. If he means "Jews who think the Jewish people have a right to self-determination in their homeland" then he can type that. If he means "Jews who wish to commit genocide on the Arabs in "Palestine"" then he can type that. If he wants to compartmentalize Jews in some other way, he should just type that.

I just want him to stop using it as a slur. I hope I've made myself more clear.
All Jews who have ever spoken our prayers are Zionist, of the simple meaning of return to our homeland. (You know, same thing the Palestinians want). That's the problem with using the term "Zionist". It has different meanings. But mostly, it is used as a slur.

I am not censoring him. I am asking for him to use language which isn't muddy. "Zionist" is terminology that does not have a clear meaning. Different people use it in different ways. Grau , among others, tends to use it as a slur and it appears to many of us that this slur is a way of separating the "good" Jews from the "evil" Jews.

What I asked was for him to be more transparent with his language. If he means "Jews who think the Jewish people have a right to self-determination in their homeland" then he can type that. If he means "Jews who wish to commit genocide on the Arabs in "Palestine"" then he can type that. If he wants to compartmentalize Jews in some other way, he should just type that.

I just want him to stop using it as a slur. I hope I've made myself more clear.
If a German asked me to stop using "Nazi" as a slur, I'd laugh in his face as I expect you would. Those Jews singing the song don't seem to care about it being a "slur" do they? Pretending "Zionism" is some abstract honorable ideal is propaganda, Zionism is the ideology that has created the modern racist state of Israel, that's what it is, that's what it "means" today.
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If a German asked me to stop using "Nazi" as a slur, I'd laugh in his face as I expect you would. Those Jews singing the song don't seem to care about it being a "slur" do they? Pretending "Zionism" is some abstract honorable ideal is propaganda, Zionism is the ideology that has created the modern racist state of Israel, that's what it is, that's what it "means" today.

Well, I've already stated that I think EVERYONE should stop using Nazi as a slur or a comparison, so.

You define "Zionism" as a slur to represent "Jews who support racist ideology" so just say that. Others are using it in different ways. And should say so.
You replace the word "Jew" with "Zionist" in order to disguise that you are really speaking about Jews.

I challenge you to stop using Zionist as code for "the bad kind of Jew" and just use "Jew" or "Israeli", depending on which collective you intend to mean.

I use the words I mean to use:
  • When I write "Zionist", I mean Zionist.
  • When I write "Jew", I mean Jew
  • When I write "Israeli", I mean Israeli.

Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews.

What has become glaringly obvious over the last months is that apologists for the Netanyahu government's Gaza genocide are entirely unable to justify this systematic extermination and transparent land theft as a "war" or "Israel is just defending itself".

Since there's no defense for what the current Israeli government is doing in Gaza, apologists for this genocide resort to slandering the messenger as an "anti Semite", "Jew hater" or other dishonest rhetorical distraction.

I have made it a point not to mention the numerous Jewish friends, relatives, coworkers etc in my life because it only invites further ridicule from those capable of only of slander but if you're looking for someone who hates Jews you'll have to keep looking..
I use the words I mean to use:
  • When I write "Zionist", I mean Zionist.
  • When I write "Jew", I mean Jew
  • When I write "Israeli", I mean Israeli.

Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews.

What has become glaringly obvious over the last months is that apologists for the Netanyahu government's Gaza genocide are entirely unable to justify this systematic extermination and transparent land theft as a "war" or "Israel is just defending itself".

Since there's no defense for what the current Israeli government is doing in Gaza, apologists for this genocide resort to slandering the messenger as an "anti Semite", "Jew hater" or other dishonest rhetorical distraction.

I have made it a point not to mention the numerous Jewish friends, relatives, coworkers etc in my life because it only invites further ridicule from those capable of only of slander but if you're looking for someone who hates Jews you'll have to keep looking..

:huh1: :smoke:
I use the words I mean to use:
  • When I write "Zionist", I mean Zionist.
  • When I write "Jew", I mean Jew
  • When I write "Israeli", I mean Israeli.
But WE don't know what you mean when you write "Zionist". I read it as "evil Jew". If you don't intend that, could you provide more clarity about what you DO mean.
What has become glaringly obvious over the last months is that apologists for the Netanyahu government's Gaza genocide are entirely unable to justify this systematic extermination and transparent land theft as a "war" or "Israel is just defending itself".
There is nothing to justify. There is no "systematic extermination", nor "land theft". Israel is preventing another genocidal attack within her sovereign territory. As she is legally and morally entitled/obligated to do.

You keep throwing out these vile and false accusations, but never engage in further discussion. There is no objective truth or evidence to these accusations. If you have it, present it.
Since there's no defense for what the current Israeli government is doing in Gaza, apologists for this genocide resort to slandering the messenger as an "anti Semite", "Jew hater" or other dishonest rhetorical distraction.
It demonstrates that your thinking on the matter is irrational, since you can not provide reasonable discussion. Irrational beliefs about evil Jews....hmmm there is a word for that, isn't there?
how? You provided no evidence. In fact, I provided YOU the information so you wouldn't be flailing around in the dark.
You're welcome.
I won't be presenting evidence of this to you because I don't care for your opinion or whether you agree with me or not. I consider the question of "proving" Hajo Meyer was a Jew as absurd as proving Golda Meir was a Jew, any genuinely interested person can easily verify this, it is the opposite of controversial.
I won't be presenting evidence of this to you because I don't care for your opinion or whether you agree with me or not. I consider the question of "proving" Hajo Meyer was a Jew as absurd as proving Golda Meir was a Jew, any genuinely interested person can easily verify this.
sure, anyone can. Did you verify that Hajo was a Jew or did you just assume it. I did the work to verify it and you seem to have a problem with that. Do you always just assume things, or do you ever do any actual research to check things out?
This is what I hear when anyone says that: "We will commit an October 7, October 10, October 1 million. We will never stop until Israel is annihilated. We will pay the price. We are happy to be martyred."

Israel can't reason with that. Israel can't appease that. Israel can't distract from that with economic prosperity. Israel certainly can't wish that away. The only thing Israel can do when faced with that sort of unrelenting genocidal intent is to remove their ability to commit another atrocity.
I agree, you can't reason with that.

Sounds like a good reason for the Zionist Squatters to go back to Europe where they came from.

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