Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

sure, anyone can. Did you verify that Hajo was a Jew or did you just assume it. I did the work to verify it and you seem to have a problem with that. Do you always just assume things, or do you ever do any actual research to check things out?
Let me know when you have something possibly interesting to say about Israel's genocide in Gaza, even if that is as ridiculous as denying it.
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Who are you kidding?

Here's some more of that martyrdom graffiti you thought didn't exist:


It seems your knowledge of this is as flaky as your knowledge of Zionist Israel.
I agree, you can't reason with that.

Sounds like a good reason for the Zionist Squatters to go back to Europe where they came from.
Oh look! Another definition of "Zionist". I am shocked. It looks like the others were wrong about their definitions. In order to be a "Zionist" you have to be "really" European.
This is what I hear when anyone says that: "We will commit an October 7, October 10, October 1 million. We will never stop until Israel is annihilated. We will pay the price. We are happy to be martyred."

Israel can't reason with that. Israel can't appease that. Israel can't distract from that with economic prosperity. Israel certainly can't wish that away. The only thing Israel can do when faced with that sort of unrelenting genocidal intent is to remove their ability to commit another atrocity.

You seem surprised that survivors of the world's longest, most brutal occupation / genocide in modern history aren't delighted to give you all their land.

Israel could have made peace anytime but Israel' right wing preferred "Settlements" and "Greater Israel" expansionism.

It's pretty simple. When you torment people, randomly "mow the lawn" and steal their land, eventually they're going to fight back.

"Israel Does Not Want Peace"

EXCERPT "Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone

Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides.

The single most overwhelming item of evidence of Israel’s rejection of peace is, of course, the settlements project. From the dawn of its existence, there has never been a more reliable or more precise litmus test for Israel’s true intentions than this particular enterprise. In plain words: The builders of settlements want to consolidate the occupation, and those who want to consolidate the occupation do not want peace. That’s the whole story in a nutshell. "CONTINUED
If a German asked me to stop using "Nazi" as a slur, I'd laugh in his face as I expect you would. Those Jews singing the song don't seem to care about it being a "slur" do they? Pretending "Zionism" is some abstract honorable ideal is propaganda, Zionism is the ideology that has created the modern racist state of Israel, that's what it is, that's what it "means" today.
Zionism is very similar to Third Reich Nazism. They both believe they are above all others and consider some to be subhuman, worthy of murdering.
Oh look! Another definition of "Zionist". I am shocked. It looks like the others were wrong about their definitions. In order to be a "Zionist" you have to be "really" European.
Then tell me why every prominent Israeli leader was either born in Europe or their parents were.

Could it be because Zionism is - wait for it - a European Colonial Movement.
You seem surprised that survivors of the world's longest, most brutal occupation / genocide in modern history aren't delighted to give you all their land.

Israel could have made peace anytime but Israel' right wing preferred "Settlements" and "Greater Israel" expansionism.

It's pretty simple. When you torment people, randomly "mow the lawn" and steal their land, eventually they're going to fight back.

"Israel Does Not Want Peace"

EXCERPT "Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs. There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this land is destined for the Jews alone

Israel does not want peace. There is nothing I have ever written that I would be happier to be proved wrong about. But the evidence is piling up. In fact, it can be said that Israel has never wanted peace – a just peace, that is, one based on a just compromise for both sides.

The single most overwhelming item of evidence of Israel’s rejection of peace is, of course, the settlements project. From the dawn of its existence, there has never been a more reliable or more precise litmus test for Israel’s true intentions than this particular enterprise. In plain words: The builders of settlements want to consolidate the occupation, and those who want to consolidate the occupation do not want peace. That’s the whole story in a nutshell. "CONTINUED
Yet somehow many Americans believe Israel is blameless and only wishes to live in peace. They believe the Palestinians are violent trouble makers unwilling to live in peace.

I suspect this is the fault of our dishonest media and academia, who have pushed pro-Israeli propaganda for decades. All while pushing bigoted hatred of Muslims and Arabs.
Jews have been accused of murdering gentiles and using their blood for Passover wine, poisoning water wells of Palestinians and harvesting their organs, and now… another example of this reprehensible antisemitic trope, being accused of “genocide” of Palestinians.

This outrageous lie is used to further hate against Jews, as is the similar antisemitic comparison of Israel to a Nazi Germany - particularly heinous given what antisemites did to Jews there.

The “genocide” accusation is a vicious lie. If the Jews really wanted to genocide Gazans, they would have all been dead by mid-October 2023. That 99.5% remain alive, DESPITE the terrorists using them as body armor and hoping to drive the number higher, is a testament to Israel’s restraint.

Anyone who promotes the genocide lie is intentionally trying to drive hate for Jews, and will be called out for his antisemitism.

Buy a pillow from Lindell. They're on sale right now. Rest on it, and put the lime in the coconut.
Play Gloria Gainer's I can survive. This too shall pass.
You seem surprised that survivors of the world's longest, most brutal occupation / genocide in modern history aren't delighted to give you all their land.

The single most overwhelming item of evidence of Israel’s rejection of peace is, of course, the settlements project.
Thank you for proving my analysis correct. More accusations and opinion pieces. Still no evidence. And no response to my very thorough discussion in response to your post on this very topic. Which you have ignored.
Whichever you prefer.
Only two things could be true with that definition of "Zionist".

Either: You've excised all but a tiny percentage of Jews from the term "Zionist",

Or: You've applied a vile accusation to the collective of Jews (which is, you know).

Which of these do you think it is?
Only two things could be true with that definition of "Zionist".

Either: You've excised all but a tiny percentage of Jews from the term "Zionist",

Or: You've applied a vile accusation to the collective of Jews (which is, you know).

Which of these do you think it is?
Are these people Zionists?

It’s the latest video to have caused outrage online, showing children singing about the "annihilation" of Gaza and its people. The video was even posted and then removed by Kan, an Israeli state-owned news channel.
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Only two things could be true with that definition of "Zionist".

Either: You've excised all but a tiny percentage of Jews from the term "Zionist",

Or: You've applied a vile accusation to the collective of Jews (which is, you know).

Which of these do you think it is?
I suspect Zionist Jews is a very small but powerful percentage of Jews. It’s apparent they have considerable power in Israel and the US.

Is Bibi a Zionist?

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