Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Interesting question. What criteria would they have to meet to match any of the presented definitions of "Zionist" and demonstrate how you know they meet that criteria?
I asked you, why are you asking me? I thought you knew about this stuff.

It was rhetorical anyway, these disgusting manifestations of bigotry are the fruits of Herzel's big dream, I often wonder what he'd think if he saw what became of his pamphlet. The Israelis are incapable of self government, perhaps that's why it all fell apart 2,500 years ago.
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I asked you, why are you asking me?
Because you are the one trying to weasel your way out of Zionist = evil Jew. You. and several others here, defined "Zionist" as holding various ideologies. So how can we tell the ideology of those in the video you posted. We can't. Therefore, its just Jews behaving badly. Which is apparently your real definition of "Zionist". Evil Jew.
Because you are the one trying to weasel your way out of Zionist = evil Jew.
Zionism leads to evil, do you prefer that? Even Herzl's original pamphlet is predicated on finding and taking land and makes no mention of those who might already live there, that matter didn't concern him at all, taken right from the colonizing culture in which he grew up, taken for granted.
You. and several others here, defined "Zionist" as holding various ideologies. So how can we tell the ideology of those in the video you posted.
Well I'd ordinarily liken them to "Nazis" but for some reason that upsets you, so I call it Zionism.
We can't. Therefore, its just Jews behaving badly. Which is apparently your real definition of "Zionist". Evil Jew.
This is overt racism and hatred, the fact you want to refer to that as "Jews behaving badly" rather than "They are reprehensible people, and in no way typify or represent Israel" makes it crystal clear that you are at best unconcerned or perhaps you even approve.

Rather than arguing with me, why not spend energy addressing those kinds of disgusting racists, get the place fixed before its too late, start with Ben-Gvir and Smotrich.

Any country that acts as Israel and it's population are behaving, is doomed, destined to implode, it is unsustainable, incompetence, an asylum run by the lunatics.
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oh are relying on a generative engine to do your thinking for you? That's hilarious! Zionism is substantially older than that and its development had nothing to do with the Haskalah. But hey, if you want to let a computer tell you stuff instead of actually learning, you do that.

This is Wikipedia, edited by humans - correct it if you want:


I have a 1930s encyclopedia here too, happy to photograph what it says if you want.

Like the Nazis you have your own sneaky and deceptive "real" definitions so that you deceive the unwary.
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Because you are the one trying to weasel your way out of Zionist = evil Jew. You. and several others here, defined "Zionist" as holding various ideologies. So how can we tell the ideology of those in the video you posted. We can't. Therefore, its just Jews behaving badly. Which is apparently your real definition of "Zionist". Evil Jew.
Of course. He and others like him aren’t fooling anybody. He thinks it’s a cover, but what he’s doing is smearing all but a very small minority of Jews.
Of course. He and others like him aren’t fooling anybody. He thinks it’s a cover, but what he’s doing is smearing all but a very small minority of Jews.
The "smearing" madam takes place in the videos I shared, or do you approve of what is in them?
ah, so you rely on wikipedia! That's MUCH better! LOL.

I'll help you out because you seem to be floundering:

You seem to want to discuss "modern political Zionism" as if it is the only "Zionism" that exists. It isn't. Here is a quote that might help you understand

"While there has been a continuous Jewish presence in the land of Israel over the millennia, the yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been a cornerstone of Jewish communal life since the Romans violently colonized the land, sending Jews into exile two thousand years ago. An earlier exile by the Babylonians produced perhaps the most well-known lamentation “By the rivers of Babylon, there we wept as we remembered Zion.” That connection between Jews and the land, and the hope for repatriation, is deeply embedded in Jewish prayer, ritual, literature and culture."

You seem to like wikipedia so how about this page which presents a timeline of Zionism starting in the 16th century. That's not the origin, but it shows that a wikipedia page records the concept of Zionism from well before the 19th century. Let me know if you need me to do any more real, adult-level thinking for you.
You mean a Gaza Arab? You mean they of the increasing population? Does asking an Arab something change its definition?
Hey just 35% of the world's Jews were exterminated by the Nazis and many were out of Hitler's reach too, so how is that "genocide"?
Let me know when you learn the meaning of the word "genocide."
You just admitted you don’t know the meaning. You’ve admitted to being uninformed. By any definition of the word, it applies to what your nation of Israel is going in Gaza and the West Bank. Probably what’s coming for southern Lebanon too.

This shouldn’t surprise you, if you were informed on the history of your nation. Israel was founded on genocide.
Hey only 35% of the world's Jews were exterminated by the Nazis and many were out of Hitler's reach too, so how is that "genocide"?
because the stated goal and reasoning was what made it a genocide. Since the same goal and reasoning is absent here, the word doesn't apply. It is pretty simple, actually.
You just admitted you don’t know the meaning.
show me where I admitted that.
You’ve admitted to being uninformed.
about the meaning of the word, I don't recall that I said that. Show me otherwise.
By any definition of the word, it applies to what your nation of Israel is going in Gaza and the West Bank. Probably what’s coming for southern Lebanon too.
Actually, it doesn't. You simply don't know the meaning of the word. I do. See how that works?
show me where I admitted that.

about the meaning of the word, I don't recall that I said that. Show me otherwise.

Actually, it doesn't. You simply don't know the meaning of the word. I do. See how that works?
Did you not just deny Israel is committing genocide?

I’ve posted the definition of genocide numerous times on this forum since you started massacring Gazans. Do you somehow think the definition is difficult to define?
because the stated goal and reasoning was what made it a genocide. Since the same goal and reasoning is absent here, the word doesn't apply. It is pretty simple, actually.
Very well, we're OK then because the ICC and ICJ also have evidence about Israeli stated goals and so the word does apply, that simple really.
Did you not just deny Israel is committing genocide?

I’ve posted the definition of genocide numerous times on this forum since you started massacring Gazans. Do you somehow think the definition is difficult to define?
No, but it must refer to Jewish victims gipper, you keep forgetting that important detail.
Did you not just deny Israel is committing genocide?
Yes, because the definition of the word is not satisfied.
I’ve posted the definition of genocide numerous times on this forum since you started massacring Gazans. Do you somehow think the definition is difficult to define?
I think the legal definition is easy to find, and it is clear that it doesn't apply. If you thinbk it does then you either can't read, or have no knowledge of what is happening. You do you.

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