Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

There was room enough for both peoples, but the Muslims had always lived in apartheid states in which Jews were second class citizens, subject to humiliating special laws and taxes for Jews, and they refused to treat Jews as equals.
Bullshit!! yes there were Jews in that land who lived alongside Arabs for years the real problem started when thousands of European and other foreign Zionists invaded the land.
Bullshit!! yes there were Jews in that land who lived alongside Arabs for years the real problem started when thousands of European and other foreign Zionists invaded the land.
Bullshit indeed. There was no invasion, just immigrants escaping from Europe, but the Muslims refused to accept them as equals and that is what shaped the future.
Bullshit indeed. There was no invasion, just immigrants escaping from Europe, but the Muslims refused to accept them as equals and that is what shaped the future.
Would you accept tens of thousands of foreigners entering your Country, you may not have noticed but there are problems in Europe and the US with illegals coming in many running from Countries the West and Israel have attacked, if they invade Lebanon there will be more.
Would you accept tens of thousands of foreigners entering your Country, you may not have noticed but there are problems in Europe and the US with illegals coming in many running from Countries the West and Israel have attacked, if they invade Lebanon there will be more.
He would but only if they were Jews.
Bullshit!! yes there were Jews in that land who lived alongside Arabs for years the real problem started when thousands of European and other foreign Zionists invaded the land.

There were Jews in that land who lived alongside Arabs for years the real problem started when thousands of Muslims invaded the land.
There were Jews in that land who lived alongside Arabs for years the real problem started when thousands of Muslims invaded the land.
Muslims have been waging attacks against Jews for 1400 years.

Here’s a look going back to 1830 and up until before the creation of Isrsel:
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Jews have been accused of murdering gentiles and using their blood for Passover wine, poisoning water wells of Palestinians and harvesting their organs, and now… another example of this reprehensible antisemitic trope, being accused of “genocide” of Palestinians.

This outrageous lie is used to further hate against Jews, as is the similar antisemitic comparison of Israel to a Nazi Germany - particularly heinous given what antisemites did to Jews there.

The “genocide” accusation is a vicious lie. If the Jews really wanted to genocide Gazans, they would have all been dead by mid-October 2023. That 99.5% remain alive, DESPITE the terrorists using them as body armor and hoping to drive the number higher, is a testament to Israel’s restraint.

Anyone who promotes the genocide lie is intentionally trying to drive hate for Jews, and will be called out for his antisemitism.

No. It's accurate
That was an interesting post.

As Norman Finkelstein has written (extensively) the Holocaust has been weaponized and used to justify many Israeli actions. It's important that we be objective and frank about any genocide claims and that includes the Nazis.

But we must be careful, just as critiquing the Zionist regime gets labelled "antisemitic" questioning, even just discussing, the Holocaust often gets met with cries of "holocaust denier!".

Zionist want us to look at what they want us to look at, but don't dare question anything that say, they really don't like that.

Thanks for your kind words.

You're entirely right in that one can learn the most about history by being objective and frank, as you said.
Of course the whole point of objectivity is to weigh each party's claim with the same scales and recognize that that both sides of any two sided conflict uses / used propaganda.

Yes, I'm familiar with Norman Finkelstein and admire his willingness to speak truth to power. Bad things happen to those who expose the Holocaust Industry. He just lost his university tenure while others who have exposed the Holocaust Industry have met with far more grisly fates (1)

But we must be careful, just as critiquing the Zionist regime gets labelled "antisemitic" questioning, even just discussing, the Holocaust often gets met with cries of "holocaust denier!".

Right again, there's not a cult religion around that can rival Holocaustians when it comes to outright lies, transparent slander and obvious evasions.
There is nothing that the profit hungry and fraudulent Holocaust Industry hates more than being exposed. (2), (3)

I've also noticed the evasive ploys of our Zionist apologists for the Gaza genocide such as quibbling over unimportant words, insults, fact free "Nothing Posts", ignoring irrefutable facts and you know their ploys as well as I do.

The core reality of the Israel / Palestine conflict is that Arabs and Palestinian Jews were getting along reasonably well until the foreign invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs armed and trained by the German SS.

The difference between the native Palestinian Jews and the violent and greedy, foreign Zionists is that the native Palestinian Jews were wiling to share the land and limited resources.

The foreign Zionist terrorists want not just all of Palestine but a delusional "Greater Israel" to be acquired with American blood and resources.

There is only one thing that is certain about the upward spiral of violence in the Levant and that is that AIPAC and America's traitorous infestation of "Israel Firsters" will gleefully sacrifice thousands of young, American G.I.s for Zionist Lebensraum; aka "Greater Israel"


Many thanks,


(1). "The Zionist Terror Network"

"Background and Operation of the Jewish Defense League and other Criminal Zionist Groups"​


EXCERPT "This booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League. Particular emphasis is given here to terror — including murder — against “thought criminals” who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically killed during the Second World War.

Zionist terrorists openly proclaim an arrogant Jewish-supremacist ideology and acknowledge their readiness to use violence against those who disagree with them. With a well-documented record of bigotry and crime, they pose a serious danger to our society, and to men and women everywhere who treasure freedom." CONTINUED


EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED
No, it’s an antisemitic lie. You’ve indicated through your other posts your contempt for Jews, so naturally, you’d take the lie and run with it.

(Another Jew-hating leftist.)
It's no lie. Israel is killing off Palestinians en masse so that more Jews can squat on their land.
It's no lie. Israel is killing off Palestinians en masse so that more Jews can squat on their land.
LIAR. You are just another Jew-hating, hypocritical leftist. You even blamed the Jews for that Muslim terrorist who was planning to shoot up the NYC Jewish Center. And you also bemoaned “why can’t Jews act normal”?

Anything you say, given your hate for Jews, is meaningless.
LIAR. You are just another Jew-hating, hypocritical leftist. You even blamed the Jews for that Muslim terrorist who was planning to shoot up the NYC Jewish Center. And you also bemoaned “why can’t Jews act normal”?

Anything you say, given your hate for Jews, is meaningless.
There is no point to defend the Jewish squatters
Thanks for your kind words.

You're entirely right in that one can learn the most about history by being objective and frank, as you said.
Of course the whole point of objectivity is to weigh each party's claim with the same scales and recognize that that both sides of any two sided conflict uses / used propaganda.

Yes, I'm familiar with Norman Finkelstein and admire his willingness to speak truth to power. Bad things happen to those who expose the Holocaust Industry. He just lost his university tenure while others who have exposed the Holocaust Industry have met with far more grisly fates (1)

Right again, there's not a cult religion around that can rival Holocaustians when it comes to outright lies, transparent slander and obvious evasions.
There is nothing that the profit hungry and fraudulent Holocaust Industry hates more than being exposed. (2), (3)

I've also noticed the evasive ploys of our Zionist apologists for the Gaza genocide such as quibbling over unimportant words, insults, fact free "Nothing Posts", ignoring irrefutable facts and you know their ploys as well as I do.

The core reality of the Israel / Palestine conflict is that Arabs and Palestinian Jews were getting along reasonably well until the foreign invasion of foreign Zionist terrorist gangs armed and trained by the German SS.

The difference between the native Palestinian Jews and the violent and greedy, foreign Zionists is that the native Palestinian Jews were wiling to share the land and limited resources.

The foreign Zionist terrorists want not just all of Palestine but a delusional "Greater Israel" to be acquired with American blood and resources.

There is only one thing that is certain about the upward spiral of violence in the Levant and that is that AIPAC and America's traitorous infestation of "Israel Firsters" will gleefully sacrifice thousands of young, American G.I.s for Zionist Lebensraum; aka "Greater Israel"

View attachment 1018057

Many thanks,


(1). "The Zionist Terror Network"

"Background and Operation of the Jewish Defense League and other Criminal Zionist Groups"​


EXCERPT "This booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League. Particular emphasis is given here to terror — including murder — against “thought criminals” who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically killed during the Second World War.

Zionist terrorists openly proclaim an arrogant Jewish-supremacist ideology and acknowledge their readiness to use violence against those who disagree with them. With a well-documented record of bigotry and crime, they pose a serious danger to our society, and to men and women everywhere who treasure freedom." CONTINUED


EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED
The Israelis are not just interfering in US elections they are running the election.
It's no lie. Israel is killing off Palestinians en masse so that more Jews can squat on their land.
It’s been going on since 1948, but dumb Americans know nothing of the history. They’ve been forced fed a false narrative of Israel good Arabs bad.

Ask an American about the Nakba and the many other ethnic cleansing operations Israel committed, and you’ll get nothing. When informed of these atrocities, many will not believe it.

State controlled propaganda works on many.

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