Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Let me see your shoes
zionist footwear.jpg
Singling out Arabs for killing Jews is Anti-Semitic.
Did others invade on Oct 7? Who else killed Jews? They shouldn't either. When the police return fire against a minority shooter, that isn't racism. If no one else is firing, why shoot at anyone else?
The Israelis are not just interfering in US elections they are running the election.
Exactly and not a peep from anyone in the establishment or corporate media about this powerful force effecting our elections.

The thing is no matter which side of the duopoly wins in November, AIPAC and Israel win. Nothing knew here, except somehow many Americans continue to be completely unaware.
It’s been going on since 1948, but dumb Americans know nothing of the history. They’ve been forced fed a false narrative of Israel good Arabs bad.

Ask an American about the Nakba and the many other ethnic cleansing operations Israel committed, and you’ll get nothing. When informed of these atrocities, many will not believe it.

State controlled propaganda works on many.
Don't forget Hollywood every time they show Arabs in the films they are crazed looking terrorist maniacs hell bent on killing us in our beds.
Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as:

Sounds like a pretty accurate description of what Israel is doing in Gaza.
You have no counter to the fact that Israel has spent billions upon billions of dollars to employ LESS cost effective weapons for the sole purpose of reducing civilian casualties. You say nothing of the recognized capability Israeli strategic forces to reduce the entirety of the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza to a burning pile of ash within hours with almost no reduction of its national power, and the restraint from using such power demonstrated by their leaders.

You cannot reconcile the fact that Israel has repeatedly shown a willingness to concede land for a cessation of hostilities

You cannot reconcile the fact that you argue Israel wishes to murder and kill and intimidate “palestinian” Aabs with the truth that you cannot conjure up a reason for such action, much less an explanation for precision munitions development, no use of particularly effective cluster, mine and incendiary munitions, and extremely tight Rules of Engagement for Israeli forces in battle zones.

And when someone brings up these irreconcilable faults in your arguments, you point to a link about something entirely unrelated, try to make a statement accusing Israelis broadly of being “Zionist Occupiers or simply slither away and let the thread sink.

Here’syour chance to reconcile these issues now, Or, slither away.

Answer now, how you can say that Israelis WISH to have civilian casualties when they have spent many times the GDP of the Gaza Islamic terrorist enclave on weapons that limit such casualties.

Answer now, how can you say that Israelis wish for war when it is a proven fact that Israel has conceded land for attempts at peace.

Or, if you feel too threatened, just make a statement about the Jews controlling the media or and go back to your cliff's notes to the Communist /islamist Manifesto.
It’s been going on since 1948, but dumb Americans know nothing of the history. They’ve been forced fed a false narrative of Israel good Arabs bad.

Ask an American about the Nakba and the many other ethnic cleansing operations Israel committed, and you’ll get nothing. When informed of these atrocities, many will not believe it.

State controlled propaganda works on many.
Don't forget Hollywood every time they show Arabs in the films they are crazed looking terrorist maniacs hell bent on killing us in our beds.
The Muslims haven't cut my head off yet.
Well there is time with your Government supporting head hacking savages in Syria and other places.
Would you accept tens of thousands of foreigners entering your Country, you may not have noticed but there are problems in Europe and the US with illegals coming in many running from Countries the West and Israel have attacked, if they invade Lebanon there will be more.
What planet do you live on? Here on Earth, there never was an Arab state in Palestine. Palestine was an administrative district of the Ottoman Empire and Jews and Arabs alike were subjects of the Ottoman Empire. As the European countries expelled their Jews, the Ottoman Turks invited them to settle in the Empire.

Nonetheless, Islamic law required Jews and Christians to be treated as second class citizens, subject to humiliating special laws regarding all aspects of their lives and discriminatory taxes, so even under Ottoman rule, the Arabs who would later decide to call themselves Palestinians were able to hold themselves as superior to Christians and Jews. Everywhere in the Muslim world, this was a matter of law and a core value of Islamic culture.

When the British, mostly Christians, took over, Muslim laws and values that discriminated against Christians and Jews could not stand, and that is what the so called Palestinians have been trying to reestablish. There is no other aspect of the Jewish migration to Palestine that diminished the lives of the Palestinians Arabs in any way.
Don't forget Hollywood every time they show Arabs in the films they are crazed looking terrorist maniacs hell bent on killing us in our beds.

Well there is time with your Government supporting head hacking savages in Syria and other places.

Yeah, Obama was the worst.
What planet do you live on? Here on Earth, there never was an Arab state in Palestine. Palestine was an administrative district of the Ottoman Empire and Jews and Arabs alike were subjects of the Ottoman Empire. As the European countries expelled their Jews, the Ottoman Turks invited them to settle in the Empire.

Nonetheless, Islamic law required Jews and Christians to be treated as second class citizens, subject to humiliating special laws regarding all aspects of their lives and discriminatory taxes, so even under Ottoman rule, the Arabs who would later decide to call themselves Palestinians were able to hold themselves as superior to Christians and Jews. Everywhere in the Muslim world, this was a matter of law and a core value of Islamic culture.

When the British, mostly Christians, took over, Muslim laws and values that discriminated against Christians and Jews could not stand, and that is what the so called Palestinians have been trying to reestablish. There is no other aspect of the Jewish migration to Palestine that diminished the lives of the Palestinians Arabs in any way.
Save it for those who buy that bullshit, there was no Country called Israel either there was land with a few Jews and many Arabs living there, then the British decided to give it to European Jews no matter what the people already living there thought about it, the British have a lot to answer for.
Save it for those who buy that bullshit, there was no Country called Israel either there was land with a few Jews and many Arabs living there, then the British decided to give it to European Jews no matter what the people already living there thought about it, the British have a lot to answer for.
I understood you want to press your version of islamo-supremacy but the fact remains that starting in the late 1800's, Jews and Jewish organizations purchased large tracts of land from absentee Arab landowners in Egypt. Syria and elsewhere. Islamics have no special entitlement to land squatting.

The fact remains that the so-called Palestinians never held sovereignty over any of the loosely defined geographic area called Palestine.

You have nothing to say about where people choose to live.
Did others invade on Oct 7? Who else killed Jews? They shouldn't either. When the police return fire against a minority shooter, that isn't racism. If no one else is firing, why shoot at anyone else?
The IDF killed Jews that day, they shot the place up with tanks and Gunships where do you think hundreds of burned out cars came from? we know where they went they were buried in the desert to conceal the evidence from a crime scene, don't tell me some guys armed with light weapons caused this carnage.
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