Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

but that's not what Hamas had. You made a claim about how Hamas could have made certain destruction. I showed that they had weapons designed for that. Did you have another question?
Hello! i know it's not what Hamas had it's what the Israelis had and used, the weapons you listed wouldn't cause that carnage.
You're entirely right in that one can learn the most about history by being objective and frank, as you said.
Of course the whole point of objectivity is to weigh each party's claim with the same scales and recognize that that both sides of any two sided conflict uses / used propaganda.

Yes, I'm familiar with Norman Finkelstein and admire his willingness to speak truth to power.

Objectivity and Mr. Potato Chips in the same post - that's hilarious.

Remember yesterday you claimed "projection" when I accused the anti-Israel crowd of not responding to reasoned, objective arguments?

Do the Irish people have a right to self-determination in Ireland? It's not a terribly difficult question.

Remember yesterday you claimed "projection" when I accused the anti-Israel crowd of not responding to reasoned, objective arguments?

Do the Irish people have a right to self-determination in Ireland? It's not a terribly difficult question.
Why are you seemingly equating an indigenous population (Irish in Ireland) with a colonizer population (European Jews in Palestine)? there are important difference and those difference have a direct bearing on "rights". The British occupiers in Northern Ireland are a much more appropriate comparison for Israeli Jews occupying Palestinian territory.
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You're a moron.

"If that had been the case" the Israelis would have killed the hostages, too.

They wouldn't care. If they wanted to kill everyone they would have. They know the chances of getting those hostages back alive is slim to none, and slim just left the building. They've gotten back how many in a year? If they had wanted to kill everyone, they would have done it. They're not avoiding carpet bombing Gaza because they worry about the hostages, they refuse to do it because the world would turn against them due to the incredible civilian death tolls that would occur.

You're a fucking idiot.
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Anyone who promotes the genocide lie is intentionally trying to drive hate for Jews, and will be called out for his antisemitism.

Genocide is killing EVERYONE...liberals are so naive and the other people are just Jew haters period.
Apologists for the Gaza genocide insist that the Gaza genocide is not really a genocide because the IDFers still haven't managed to kill all of Gaza's residents.

It's like the IDF isn't even trying to kill all the Arabs in Gaza.
I mean 40,000, according to the terrorists, in almost a year? Weak.
If I wanted to kill all the Arabs in Gaza, I could have got to 40,000 in the first day.
200,000 in the first week.

So why didn't the IDF hit 1,000,000 yet?

Given the global condemnation, demonstrations, troublesome International Law and annoying Geneva Convention, I promise you that Israel's genocidal Zionists are murdering Gaza's native residents as quickly as possible.

First of all, it's important to realize that not all deaths from Netanyahu's genocide are immediate and that's what Israel's genocidal Zionists are counting on; those quiet deaths from wounds, burns, disease, birth deaths, starvation, exposure and dehydration.

Because of those factors, Gaza's death toll should be well over 180,000 if the shooting had stopped in July:

“Why researchers fear the Gaza death toll could reach 186,000”

EXCERPT “If a permanent ceasefire were declared today, you might think the death toll would stop there. But warfare doesn’t just kill people through direct violence. In recent years, epidemiologists who study the spread of disease during armed conflict have begun to count what they call the indirect casualties of war. These deaths are caused by factors such as malnutrition, lack of medication, and unsanitary living conditions – the reverberations of warfare, which follow inevitably and predictably from it.

There are many reasons why conflicts kill so many people indirectly. For one, damage to healthcare infrastructure matters. When there aren’t enough doctors, hospital beds, medical supplies, or functioning diagnostic laboratories, Khatib explained, the probability of death increases not just for people who are injured by bombs or bullets, but also for those who are pregnant, or disabled, or who just happen to have had an ill-timed heart attack.”CONTINUED


Next, the figure of 40,000 are only bodies that have been found basically intact. Since most all of Gaza has been reduced to to human body parts, rubble. and at least as many undiscovered buried bodies, a more likely figure of over 80,000 is more realistic, today.

Beyond that, I'm reluctant to speculate except except to state that if any civilized country were engaged in such a blatant genocide, the international community would have imposed sanctions, boycotts and far more draconian interventions much sooner.

"Poor, little Israel" that gets picked on by the UN still casually slaughters multitudes with impunity.

The three main reason that so many governments have been so restrained in their tepid condemnations are:
  • "The Holocaust Card" always shows up with every Israeli atrocity. (1)
  • Israel's rogue nuclear arsenal and it's "Sampson Option" (2)
  • AIPAC, the Z.O.A. etc dominate America's Middle East Policy

Finally, your dream of well over 1,000,000 men, women and children dying in Gaza is a near certainty once Winter comes and "mows the lawn" throughout Gaza's fetid refugee camps and frequently bombed "Safe Zones".

(1). “Israel using Holocaust as a cover for Gaza genocide: Holocaust survivor”

"Israel is manipulating the memory of the Holocaust ‘as a justification for perpetrating the same in Gaza as a genocide against Palestinians,’ says Holocaust survivor Stephen Kapos

EXCERPTS. “- Israel has made clear it wants to ‘obliterate Gaza as a place to live at all’ and is now in ‘the last stages of ethnic cleansing by means of genocide,’ Kapos tells Anadolu

- Israel and its supporters want to ‘conflate being Jewish with support for Israel and Zionism’ but that is ‘a lie and complete untruth,’ says Kapos


Israel is manipulating the memory of the Holocaust as a cover to carry out the same atrocities in Gaza, according to a Holocaust survivor.

Stephen Kapos, an 87-year-old Holocaust survivor from Budapest, believes there is no doubt that Israel is committing a “genocide” in the Gaza Strip.

“I am here because I protest against the use of the memory of the Holocaust as a cover and as a justification for perpetrating the same in Gaza as a genocide against the Palestinian people,” Kapos, who lost most of his family in the Holocaust, told Anadolu at a recent pro-Palestine rally in London.” CONTINUED

(2). “The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal And American Foreign Policy"

EXCERPT "Hersh argues that it is virtually certain that Israel received accelerated aid from the United States during the 1973 Yom Kippuf War by "nuclear blackmail," i.e., threatening to use nuclear weapons against the Arab foes" CONTINUED
Why are you seemingly equating an indigenous population (Irish in Ireland) with a colonizer population (European Jews in Palestine)? there are important difference and those difference have a direct bearing on "rights". The British occupiers in Northern Ireland are a much more appropriate comparison for Israeli Jews occupying Palestinian territory.
What “Pal’istanian” territory would that be? The “Pal’istanians” never held sovereignty over any territory.

It may come as a shock to you but occupying lands that were controlled by the Ottoman Turks never magically created any “Pal’istanians.”. It was the Egyptian, Arafat, who invented a phony national identity of “Pal’istanians “ in the late 1960’s.
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Beyond that, I'm reluctant to speculate ...
Everything in your post is deliberate speculation designed to demonize Israel by creating false narratives about the death toll. It is intended that people have in their minds that Israel "really" killed or is going to kill a 1,000,000 people. You want those numbers to stick in people's heads, instead of the true number which is around 37,000 identified bodies, of which at least half are combatants.

The prediction of future deaths is utter nonsense, as anyone with half a brain would know if they had actually read the original research on this subject.
Ethnic cleansing plans ("a comprehensive emigration scheme" is how it was described) were discussed between the British and Zionist organizations as early as the First World War. It was recognized from very early on that huge numbers of people would need to be relocated.

Because of that EVERYTHING the Zionists say today or claim about land rights must be taken with a pinch of salt, just as we are doing with the lies about baby beheadings and ovens, it's all hand waving and smoke and mirrors.

The Zionist planned 1948 starting in 1918, they had thirty years to prepare for what they did, recognition of the state was a technicality.
Recognition of the nascent state of Israel was not a technicallity. It prompted a war waged by combined Arab armies.
Sigh. What makes the Irish people indigenous to Ireland?
They lived there before the Anglo-Norman invasion in the 12 century, this is much the same as the Arabs who lived in the Levant before huge numbers of foreign Jews colonized it in the early 20th century.
They lived there before the Anglo-Norman invasion in the 12 century, this is much the same as the Arabs who lived in the Levant before huge numbers of foreign Jews colonized it in the early 20th century.
You are fine with Arabs colonizing Ottoman controlled land?

The Ottoman Turks never recognized any such land area as Palestine or any such people as ‘Pal’istanians.”
Recognition of the nascent state of Israel was not a technicallity. It prompted a war waged by combined Arab armies.
It was significant but just one step in a long process of colonization and collusion that began in 1916 with the secret Sykes-Picot agreement.
What “Pal’istanian” territory would that be? The “Pal’istanians” never held sovereignty over any territory.
Whether they can be said to have held "sovereignty" is arguable, what is not arguable is that they lived there at the time the British were colluding with the Zionists.
It may come as a shock to you but occupying lands that were controlled by the Ottoman Turks never magically created any “Pal’istanians.”. It was the Egyptian, Arafat, who invented a phony national identity of “Pal’istanians “ in the late 1960’s.
That's not true, the indigenous were referred to as "Palestinian" decades before Israel was founded.
You are fine with Arabs colonizing Ottoman controlled land?

The Ottoman Turks never recognized any such land area as Palestine or any such people as ‘Pal’istanians.”
Arabs that lived there lived there, what is unclear about this?

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