Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

The British had formally agreed to support Arab self determination in Palestine, this is embodied in the McMahon–Hussein correspondence. That establishes an implied sovereignty. The British reneged and betrayed the Arabs though.
that must explain all the violence and attacks against the British by the Arabs.
Whether they can be said to have held "sovereignty" is arguable, what is not arguable is that they lived there at the time the British were colluding with the Zionists.

That's not true, the indigenous were referred to as "Palestinian" decades before Israel was founded.
There is loosely defined geographic area in the US called the Bible Belt. However, there is no nationality of Bible Belters.
It never ceases to amaze me how the Zionists will stop at nothing to justify their illegal occupation, the taking of hostages, shooting kids, demolishing homes, terrorizing villages, forcibly taking land, bombing hospitals, killing journalists, shutting down the press, and raping male prisoners.
Lots of slogans to include “illegal occupation”. What sovereign territory are “Zionists” occupying?
There is loosely defined geographic area in the US called the Bible Belt. However, there is no nationality of Bible Belters.
And if a foreign colonizing power assisted in creating a new colony there, by drawing a border, demarcating over 50% of the land to the new colony and allowing that new colony to impose a racist government over the people already living there despite the fact those people were a majority inside the new colony, those people would have every right to resist by all means necessary.
that sounds like the kind of things a North American would say.
Yes. Similarly, there is a geographic area referred to as Appalachia.
And if a foreign colonizing power assisted in creating a new colony there, by drawing a border, demarcating over 50% of the land to the new colony and allowing that new colony to impose a racist government over the people already living there despite the fact those people were a majority inside the new colony, those people would have every right to resist by all means necessary.
who imposed a racist™ government? Why the need to resort to silly slogans?

Why don’t you lecture us instead on the Moslem practice of Dhimmitude?
And if a foreign colonizing power assisted in creating a new colony there, by drawing a border, demarcating over 50% of the land to the new colony and allowing that new colony to impose a racist government over the people already living there despite the fact those people were a majority inside the new colony, those people would have every right to resist by all means necessary.
did you mention this to the Ottomans? They were a foreign colonizing power, weren't they? Or the British? What about the Egyptian Mamluks? The Byzantines? The Romans?
All the territory over which they exert political and military control, note too your slogan "sovereign territory".
The Arabs-Moslems never exerted any political or military control of the territory they occupied. When the combined Arab armies attacked Israel, they crossed a frontier, part of which was territory occupied by Arabs - Moslems.
Yes. Similarly, there is a geographic area referred to as Appalachia.

who imposed a racist™ government? Why the need to resort to silly slogans?
The Zionists became the government of Israel once the state was recognized and declared its independence. One evening the Palestinians there went to sleep as they had for generations, the next day they woke up to find their lives were not controlled by a Jew supremacist government.
Why don’t you lecture us instead on the Moslem practice of Dhimmitude?
No need, I can just show you something obscene that takes place daily in the cesspit Israel, fare worse than Dhimmitude.

that sounds like the kind of things a North American would say.
Bible Belters are not residents of any state, province, or legislative district. Collectively, they are people who live in a loosely defined area tagged with a colloquial name. The same applies to "Appalachians", people who live in a loosely defined area called Appalachia.
The Arabs-Moslems never exerted any political or military control of the territory they occupied. When the combined Arab armies attacked Israel, they crossed a frontier, part of which was territory occupied by Arabs - Moslems.
The solution is to wipe Zionist Israel of the face of the earth much as we wiped Nazi Germany off the face of the earth, everyone benefitted form that Jews, Germans, Europeans. Compromise is not possible, Zionist Israel is a demonic curse on the people of the region.
The solution is to wipe Zionist Israel of the face of the earth much as we wiped Nazi Germany off the face of the earth, everyone benefitted form that Jews, Germans, Europeans. Compromise is not possible, Zionist Israel is a demonic curse on the people of the region.
So Jews don't have the right to self determination. Got it.

Remember yesterday you claimed "projection" when I accused the anti-Israel crowd of not responding to reasoned, objective arguments?

Do the Irish people have a right to self-determination in Ireland? It's not a terribly difficult question.
Lol. You’re confused.

At least when I go back to my ancestral lands of Ireland to kill and steal land my ancestors actually originated from Ireland, unlike you Euro Zionists stealing Palestinian lands.
The Zionists became the government of Israel once the state was recognized and declared its independence. One evening the Palestinians there went to sleep as they had for generations, the next day they woke up to find their lives were not controlled by a Jew supremacist government.

No need, I can just show you something obscene that takes place daily in the cesspit Israel, fare worse than Dhimmitude.

Your use of tired slogans is expected but pointless. Why don’t you cut and paste YouTube videos that identify Arab legislators in the Israeli government? Then you can scour YouTube for videos of Israeli legislators in the Hamas government.

You won’t need YouTube to read the Hamas Charter.

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
The solution is to wipe Zionist Israel of the face of the earth much as we wiped Nazi Germany off the face of the earth, everyone benefitted form that Jews, Germans, Europeans. Compromise is not possible, Zionist Israel is a demonic curse on the people of the region.
Get your gee-had on, internet tough guy. Pound your Koran in front of an audience that cares.
So Jews don't have the right to self determination. Got it.
The fact that you can only conceive of self determination in the form of Zionism explains a great deal, but if you look at Germany the people have a right to self determination - Jew, German etc. replacing a racist regime with a true egalitarian democracy does not mean people have no right of self determination.
The solution is to wipe Zionist Israel of the face of the earth much as we wiped Nazi Germany off the face of the earth, everyone benefitted form that Jews, Germans, Europeans. Compromise is not possible, Zionist Israel is a demonic curse on the people of the region.
Oh! Comparisons to demons three times in one day. Bold of you.

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