Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Your use of tired slogans is expected but pointless.

Why don’t you cut and paste YouTube videos that identify Arab legislators in the Israeli government?

Then you can scour YouTube for videos of Israeli legislators in the Hamas government.

You won’t need YouTube to read the Hamas Charter.

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
Hope springs eternal.
All the territory over which they exert political and military control, note too your slogan "sovereign territory".
You forgot to append your rant with, “because I say so”.

Sovereign territory carries with it specific rights and powers. That’s why your mythical invention of some magical kingdom of Pal’istan is so laughable.
At least when I go back to my ancestral lands of Ireland to kill and steal land my ancestors actually originated from Ireland, unlike you Euro Zionists stealing Palestinian lands.
Dodge. Do the Irish people have a right to self-determination in Ireland?

Individuals with ancestry is a separate question, we can get there if we want, but we are not there yet. We are discussing the collective.
The fact that you can only conceive of self determination in the form of Zionism explains a great deal, but if you look at Germany the people have a right to self determination - Jew, German etc. replacing a racist regime with a true egalitarian democracy does not mean people have no right of self determination.
Zionism MEANS "self determination" so the fact that you think there is a concept of self-determination somehow outside of Zionism is laughable.
Sue, what? Nothing you cut and pasted was in connection with your instruction to post a YouTube video of Arab legislators in the Israeli government.
My "instruction"? I never issued such an instruction, you did. The video shows Arab legislators being called "terrorists" by a Jew and that takes place in the Knesset, are you unable to play the video?
Pay attention.
The statement "All the territory over which they exert political and military control" does not mean "Israel occupies all of mandatory Palestine".
As your magical kingdom of Pal’istan must have geographic boundaries, identify for us those boundaries recognized by the Ottoman Turks.
Zionism MEANS "self determination" so the fact that you think there is a concept of self-determination somehow outside of Zionism is laughable.
I do not rely on "definitions" of Zionism given to me by Zionists, anymore than I'd do so with a Nazi.

did you mention this to the Ottomans? They were a foreign colonizing power, weren't they? Or the British? What about the Egyptian Mamluks? The Byzantines? The Romans?
Well using your deranged logic the ancestors of Pontius Pilate have a claim on real estate in Israel.
My "instruction"? I never issued such an instruction, you did. The video shows Arab legislators being called "terrorists" by a Jew and that takes place in the Knesset, are you unable to play the video?
You didn’t do as instructed. Pay attention. I suppose you thought what you cut and pasted was something very profound?

Strange how the “Zionists” would allow Arabs to be a part of their government. Anything like that in the Hamas or Mahmoud Abbas governments?
Because what would a Zionist know about the meaning of Zionism? You are much more of an expert...
I can find out for myself what Zionism "is" by looking at what it does, what it achieves socially, what changes it makes to the world around it, is far more important than some "definition".

You want to define Zionism because you do not want people to evaluate it by its practices, by its effects, you do not want people to see it for what it is, but only for what you claim it is.
You didn’t do as instructed. Pay attention. I suppose you thought what you cut and pasted was something very profound?

Strange how the “Zionists” would allow Arabs to be a part of their government. Anything like that in the Hamas or Mahmoud Abbas governments?
This is a strawman, at no point did I say that non-Jews are not members of the Knesset, go and check, come back to me when you find such a statement.
I can find out for myself what Zionism "is" by looking at what it does, what it achieves socially, what changes it makes to the world around it, is far more important than some "definition".

You want to define Zionism because you do not want people to evaluate it by its practices, by its effects, you do not want people to see it for what it is, but only for what you claim it is.
Thumping your Koran is funny. Lecture us on Islamist imperialism and Dhimmitude. Show us what Islamic imperialism has achieved… other than failure and incompetence.
Dodge. Do the Irish people have a right to self-determination in Ireland?

Individuals with ancestry is a separate question, we can get there if we want, but we are not there yet. We are discussing the collective.
Apparently you don’t know the history of Palestine or Israel. Get informed and then we can debate.

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