Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

They do ignore it don't they, it's pretty shameful too, everything we show that reveals a dark side of Zionism is simply brushed off, no condemnation ever.

Many of us readily condemned Oct 7th, but the Zionists do not admit error, certainly never to a non-Jew anyway because we are inferior and so cannot be right by definition.

They are silent or dismissive over

punitive home demolitions
shooting kids
violent mobs of settlers
administrative detention


If you would stop comparing us to demons and Nazis in nearly every post and we didn't have to defend ourselves from your ridiculous false accusations, we would have plenty of time to discuss actual concerns and issues.

I am neither silent nor dismissive about the actual issues. It is simply impossible to have those conversations. It took me two days to get gipper to agree the the Irish people have a right to self-determination in Ireland. And now we have to have the, "but Jews aren't really Jews discussion." Sheesh.
This thread is a perfect example of people who use the "Report" button as a weapon. In the case of this thread, they do it because they have no valid rebuttal for Israeli war crimes, so they try to silence the opposition by calling them antisemitic.
Any criticism of Israel is anti semitic. That's the starting point in every conversation with the racist Lisa.
Such is the history of Arab’ism.

lesrn your history if you want to whine about land and colonialism.

The moslem rape of the Indian Subcontinent stands as one of the greatest genocides in human history. Some 80 million people may have been killed. It’s still called the Hindu Kush, (slaughter of the Hindus) <== RELIGIOUS

The moslem conquest of Europe shortly after the death of the islams man-god: muhammud, is impossible to calculate <== RELIGIOUS
If you’re trying to justify Israel’s genocide TODAY by citing genocides of hundreds of years ago, you’re an idiot.
If you would stop comparing us to demons and Nazis in nearly every post and we didn't have to defend ourselves from your ridiculous false accusations, we would have plenty of time to discuss actual concerns and issues.
Well stop polishing a turd then, if you defend the filth and barbarity of the Israeli ideology you can expect to be considered part of it. If I defended Nazism, denied the Holocaust I'd expect to be treated in a certain way, likewise if you deny the Nakba and defend racism.
I am neither silent nor dismissive about the actual issues. It is simply impossible to have those conversations. It took me two days to get gipper to agree the the Irish people have a right to self-determination in Ireland. And now we have to have the, "but Jews aren't really Jews discussion." Sheesh.
I wasn't the person who said Hajo Meyer wasn't a Jew, that was a Jew who said that but of course Jews have privileges not bestowed on the rest of us mortals and that right there is the problem, the superiority, the entitlement of people like this which no Zionist here has condemned because frankly you all agree with him:

If here in the US a white congressman spoke to a black congressman and said they should still be slaves or something, would you notice I wonder.
I generally try to stay out of the middle eastern threads, just because they're so routinely toxic and propagandic in nature and intent and have observably reduced to a great extent the overall quality/tenor of the board in general as of late, predictably. Well...that, and because as a traditional American, I'm more interested in the prosperity of America.

But...placing that aside, I'm probably gonna say whatever I wanna say and I don't give a damn who likes it or not. View attachment 1015478

Threats to silence differing opinion, whether they come from Individuals or groups of Individuals in synergy, neither scare or intimidate me. Nor do thought police in general.

View attachment 1015475
I don't typically like them either, but read so I know who the antisemites are.
Well stop polishing a turd then, if you defend the filth and barbarity of the Israeli government you can expect to be considered part of it. If I defended Nazism, denied the Holocaust I'd expect to be treated in a certain way, likewise if you deny the Nakba and defend racism.

I wasn't the person who said Hajo Meyer wasn't a Jew, that was a Jew who said that but of course Jews have privileges not bestowed on the rest of us mortals and that right there is the problem, the superiority, the entitlement of people like this which no Zionist here has condemned because frankly you all agree with him:

If here in the US a white congressman spoke to a black congressman and said they should still be slaves or something, would you notice I wonder.

Jews believe that a Jewish life is worth more than a non Jewish life. They want everyone to believe that. I don't.
Well stop polishing a turd then, if you defend the filth and barbarity of the Israeli ideology you can expect to be considered part of it. If I defended Nazism, denied the Holocaust I'd expect to be treated in a certain way, likewise if you deny the Nakba and defend racism.
I have never denied the Nakba nor have I ever defended racism.
I wasn't the person who said Hajo Meyer wasn't a Jew, that was a Jew who said that but of course Jews have privileges not bestowed on the rest of us mortals and that right there is the problem,
Not my intent in my post. I was calling out gipper who agrees that peoples have a right to self-determination, but is now trying to opt the Jews out of that right because ... reasons. That is not Jews with privileges, but someone who is removing rights from Jews.
the superiority, the entitlement of people like this which no Zionist here has condemned because frankly you all agree with him:
I'll have to go find out what he actually said before I can respond.
Jews believe that a Jewish life is worth more than a non Jewish life. They want everyone to believe that. I don't.
Jews do not believe this. Despicable lie. (And don't go searching the internet for a video that "proves" it. I've already seen the one you are going to pull up. There are a teeny minority of Jews who have made abhorrent comments.)
Jews do not believe this. Despicable lie. (And don't go searching the internet for a video that "proves" it. I've already seen the one you are going to pull up. There are a teeny minority of Jews who have made abhorrent comments.)
You are a liar.
This is for you Hollie - maybe you'll listen to a Jew if you won't listen to me, it's preset to the point where Rochman tells Chomsky that Israel isn't a Jew supremacist state, just click and listen: NOTE THIS WAS RECORDED THREE YEARS BEFORE OCT 7

Don’t feel a a need to stalk me with yout goofy YouTube videos.
I have never denied the Nakba nor have I ever defended racism.
That's because - like Zionism - you have a sanitized definition of the Nakba, one in which there was no wrongdoing by the Israelis.
Not my intent in my post. I was calling out gipper who agrees that peoples have a right to self-determination, but is now trying to opt the Jews out of that right because ... reasons. That is not Jews with privileges, but someone who is removing rights from Jews.
There are other ways of enjoying self determination besides Zionism. One of the purported goals of Zionism was to create a safe home free from antisemitism. Well that cannot have been true, because everything the Zionists did, their terrorism and persecution of non-Zionist Jews, has only led to the development of more antisemitism and has made Israel unsafe - this is what you don't grasp, Israel is the author of it's problems, they can only be fixed by looking inward not outward, not by destroying everyone around you.
I'll have to go find out what he actually said before I can respond.
There is a genocide going on in Gaza. Israel wants to land without the people that live there. So they kill em
You can't really believe that, can you? Israel forcibly removed the Jews who lived there, handed the land to Arabs and provided daily aid. Do you know anything about what is going on?

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