Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

There is no genocide. Lay off the goofy slogans.
Watch this, it opens with Jews who want to reoccupy Gaza, it is their dream, they even take a boat ride, they WANT the Arabs to be eliminated, would you like to join them in this quest? this reclamation of long lost territory?

You can't really believe that, can you? Israel forcibly removed the Jews who lived there, handed the land to Arabs and provided daily aid. Do you know anything about what is going on?
Jarred Kutcher, a grifting Jew, says Gaza will yield plenty of ocean front property.
Pointless as always, You will soon find a need for even goofier slogans.
Anyone denying this is a genocide and spouting all kinds on nonsense about Arab atrocities while her country of Israel is mass murdering, can’t be too smart.
That's because - like Zionism - you have a sanitized definition of the Nakba, one in which there was no wrongdoing by the Israelis.
I haven't said a word about the Nakba since you've been here. You have no idea what I believe. You are just responding to the monster of your own imagination.
There is a genocide going on in Gaza. Israel wants to land without the people that live there. So they kill em
“…. because I dun’ seen that on the inter web, it must be true”
Your bumper sticker slogans are just the goofy slogans you steal from others in the thread.
Are you sure I'm not a right handed liar? Or maybe a carnivore liar. If you show me where I lied then we can figure out if it is related to my religion or something else.
You lied when you said that there is no genocide going on in Gaza. The whole world condems what Israel is doing. Indiscriminately killing civilians en mass to depopulate the area. Then they bring in in Easter European Jews and let them squat. Israel is basically a squatter nation.
Anyone denying this is a genocide and spouting all kinds on nonsense about Arab atrocities while her country of Israel is mass murdering, can’t be too smart.
Anyone claiming genocide™ can’t be taken seriously. Lay off the Joy Reid Clown Show.
Jarred Kutcher, a grifting Jew, says Gaza will yield plenty of ocean front property.
Ever noticed the similarity?


The guy on the left is Heydrich and the guy on the right is Kushner...hold on...I mean

Like Heydrich, Kushner has big ideas about what to do with millions of people who are an obstruction to the greater Reich, he suggested we ship them to the Negev dessert, a bit like the Nazis shipped millions of Jews around.

Next time a Zionist cries because they've been compared to the Nazis, just show him this video:

I don't typically like them either, but read so I know who the antisemites are.

Well. More and more it seems to be an ever-changing, arbitrary term that gets thrown around for cheap social and political leverage, particularly in social media settings as a matter of activism to encourage others to just hurry up and pick a side and to adopt arbitrary opinions rather than t thnk things through all the way. Much the same as terms like conservative and liberal and patriot are so arbitrarily invoked. Typical divide & conquer stuff. In my view anyway.

But, to be fair, there are also valid claims. Though they are far, far fewer than any arbitrary claims.

I think the only reason I read through this section is to observe the methods/strategies of interaction between Individuals and groups of Individuals, both foreign and domestic and ultimately what makes its way to the maude staff as well as how and through whom it makes its way to them.

There's a lot to say about how and why interactions proceed in the manner in which they do in this particular section. I routinely observe manipulatiion and deceit in a manner in which I can only quantify as a strategic methodology invoked for the purpose of using/propagandizing other people as a means to an end. Machiavellian type strategy, patently.

Basically, it just ain't no darned good without an audience. If that makes sense.

So, yeah. People watching is interesting, and sometimes entertaining. Especially when people try to be clever but are still as transparent as glass to the informed observer.

Honestly, I don't really care what they do over there. It's none of my business. And I'd like to keep it that way, but what we have, and what we have had going on is that we have the NGOs importing an exhibitionist sort of the same bumblefuckery that's going on over there into our communities, both virtual and real-world over here in America, in what seems to be for political purposes alone and to try to influence/change traditional 1776 Americanism and the traditional American philosophy of governance/role of government. Organized fear porn, for lack of a better term. Though, interestingly, nobody ever mentions those NGAs who organize, fund and import the sideshow at all. That's interesting to me. And of course, I do not approve of being forced to fund the continuation of what's going on over there at the barrel of my own government's gun.

But that's probably all I have to say about that.

Anyway. I just continue to observe. Once in a while I might chime in, but it will pretty much always be from a perspective that is more germane to American prosperity. Or whenever what I'm reading is clearly being invoked in a manner so as to encourage our own government to usurp our civil liberties and influence our laws as well as to encourage the casual passer-by to adopt the notion that it should usurp them.
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You lied when you said that there is no genocide going on in Gaza.
No, I told the truth. You just don't know what a genocide is. Your ignorance doesn't change reality.
The whole world condems what Israel is doing. Indiscriminately killing civilians en mass to depopulate the area. Then they bring in in Easter European Jews and let them squat. Israel is basically a squatter nation.
So you know nothing about what is going on and are simply repeating buzz words you heard someone shout.
Ever noticed the similarity?

View attachment 1018330View attachment 1018331

The guy on the left is Heydrich and the guy on the right is Kushner...hold on...I mean

Like Heydrich, Kushner has big ideas about what to do with millions of people who are an obstruction to the greater Reich, he suggested we ship them to the Negev dessert, a bit like the Nazis shipped millions of Jews around.

Next time a Zionist cries because they've been compared to the Nazis, just show him this video:

So first you try to create an association by posting pictures and implying that if you think 2 people look alike, you can import other commonalities. That's dumb.

Then you post a video which shows exactly what Jared said and if you understand it, you would not post it. Clearly you are missing what he said.

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