Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

No, an English teacher.

You do know that words exist in a conversational context and just quoting them without the context changes their meaning, right? No, you don't because you never had an English teacher.

which poeple? Does he say? No. Next.

Well, he talks about being cleaned so I guess you DO think Israel will provide janitorial services. And when the discussion earlier was about Gaza refugees, I guess you would prefer that they not be housed. No mention of any other segment of any population. But good wishful thinkiing on your part.

Since he says "the people" maybe he is talking about the entire population of Israel, right? He is clearly being asked about "refugees from Gaza".

all you have done is demonstrated your lack of basic comprehension skills. Sad, really.
Noted, I trust this puts an end to your incessant warping of reality about this, until next time.
You islamic terrorist huggers are a sorry joke.

Read the Hamas Charter. It's the Jew killing manifesto that your heroes still live for.

Your islamic terrorist heroes have a long history of using civilians and civilian infrastructure such as schools and hospitals as places to wage gee-had from.
The source of that "history" is the IDF, the same IDF who are lying about dfiring tank shells into civilian homes on Oct 7th killing Hamas and Jews together.
It seems you ignorant twits don’t understand that Hamas has a written charter delineating a religious obligation to wipe Israel off the map.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
The source of that "history" is the IDF, the same IDF who are lying about dfiring tank shells into civilian homes on Oct 7th killing Hamas and Jews together.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
As expected, you're fine with your islamic terrorist heros and their religious war aimed at Israelis.

The islamic Gee-had carries consequences. That history dates back to the Arab Warlord who invented islamism.

Your islamic terrorist heroes are responsible for the deaths of civilians
The deaths you flail your pom poms for. More islamics will die as a result of your islamic terrorist heroes.

Wear clean underwear if you're going to high kick as you flail your pom poms.
Their deaths are on the hands of the adult palestinians and arabs that put those children in harms way. When you use a child as a human shield, prepare for that child to be shot full of holes.

Oh Please!

Not the mythical Zionist "Human Shield" lie.

There's no such thing as a "Human Shield" to those child killing IDFers

Wake up and tell the truth for aa change.

‘Not a normal war’: doctors say children have been targeted by Israeli snipers in Gaza"

EXCERPT. "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings appear to back up claims that Israeli soldiers have fired on civilians, including children, outside of combat with Hamas or other armed groups. In some cases, witnesses describe coming under fire while waving white flags. Haaretz reported on Saturday that Israel routinely fires on civilians in areas its military has declared a “combat zone”."CONTINUED

- “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.” CONTINUED

- "11,500 Children Have Been Killed in Gaza. Horror of This Scale Has No Explanation"


Now, please tell us more about the effectiveness of children as "Human Shields" in the eyes your trigger happy IDFers.
Oh Please!

Not the mythical Zionist "Human Shield" lie.

There's no such thing as a "Human Shield" to those child killing IDFers

Wake up and tell the truth for aa change.

‘Not a normal war’: doctors say children have been targeted by Israeli snipers in Gaza"

EXCERPT. "Eyewitness accounts and video recordings appear to back up claims that Israeli soldiers have fired on civilians, including children, outside of combat with Hamas or other armed groups. In some cases, witnesses describe coming under fire while waving white flags. Haaretz reported on Saturday that Israel routinely fires on civilians in areas its military has declared a “combat zone”."CONTINUED

- “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

EXCERPT “Footage released on YouTube clearly shows Israeli soldiers firing live rounds at Palestinian children playing on a roof in Al Khalil, an area of Hebron in Occupied Palestine. An important piece of evidence attesting to the brutality of Israeli occupation. Yet, Facebook users have reported that the social media platform is preventing them from sharing the video.” CONTINUED

- "11,500 Children Have Been Killed in Gaza. Horror of This Scale Has No Explanation"


Now, please tell us more about the effectiveness of children as "Human Shields" in the eyes your trigger happy IDFers.
There is nothing mythical about your islamic terrorist heroes waging gee-had from schools and hospitals.

The islamic gee-had carries consequences.
Muslim stories, like all muslim stories are garbage. Like all muslims. The only thing Israel needs is for the western world to rise up and join them in another Crusade to push the muslims back to the holes they crawled out of.
I've done more than read the original research on the subject.
Prove it. What is the country with the lowest post-war death toll and what was the rate compared to war death toll? (And I'm watching to see how long it takes for you to answer.)
Muslim stories, like all muslim stories are garbage. Like all muslims. The only thing Israel needs is for the western world to rise up and join them in another Crusade to push the muslims back to the holes they crawled out of.
Hard to do with all these Leftists spreading antisemitic propoganda.

Did you see how all the Arab countries walked out on Bibi at the U.N. this morning? We should say that if the Arabs don’t respect American allies, then we are kicking the U.N. out of NY.
Hard to do with all these Leftists spreading antisemitic propoganda.

Did you see how all the Arab countries walked out on Bibi at the U.N. this morning? We should say that if the Arabs don’t respect American allies, then we are kicking the U.N. out of NY.
We need to get the UN out of the US anyway. They do not have the interests of ANY civilized western country in mind and certainly stand against Israel.
Apparently you are not reading what I've both written and supported. I try to be specific in my criticisms and nowhere did I say that "Israel" or " the Jews" either "killed" or was "going to kill one million people."
This is what you wrote:
Finally, your dream of well over 1,000,000 men, women and children dying in Gaza is a near certainty once Winter comes and "mows the lawn" throughout Gaza's fetid refugee camps and frequently bombed "Safe Zones".
"1,000,000 men, women, and children dying in Gaza is a near certainty." That is the thought you want brought to people's minds. The implication is obviously that Israel is the cause of this. Using the language of "your dream" also carries the implication that whoever the "you" is in this sentence intends to cause this much harm. Whose dream? Mine, personally? Jews, generally? The citizens of Israel? I assume you know that I am Canadian and thus not a member of Israel's government, so you specifically could not have meant Israel's government.
Your basic argument seems to be that it is the critics of the Gaza genocide who are responsible for Israel's Right Wing Netanyahu Government's dismal reputation
No. My basic argument is that spreading lies, misinformation, and blood libels is harmful and dangerous for Israel, for Israel's citizens, and for the Jewish people.

The comment I addressed above is flagrant misinformation. (As anyone who has actually read the primary source research would know). It is intended to assign evil to some group of people, so that the readers will believe that this group of people is evil. When a group of people is "othered" in this way, it tends to lead to atrocities committed against that group of people. Something we are increasingly witnessing in the world when it comes to Israel and the Jewish people.
and not the fact that Israel's right wing Netanyahu government is bombing fetid and overcrowded refugee camps filled with sick, hungry, traumatized and wounded civilians.

Yes, we've all heard the absurd argument that it's Hamas' fault that IDF is murdering anything that moves. (1), (2)
It's Hamas' fault that IDF and militant "Settlers" block shipments of food and medicine causing a higher civilian death rate.
It's Hamas' fault that IDF drops one ton bombs on refugee camps etc.

For example, deaths from exposure will spiral in Gaza's fetid, poorly supplied refugee camps this Winter even if the shooting stops. Count on it.
Every one of the statements made above are lies, misinformation, and blood libels.
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Antisemitism is about hating someone because they are Jewish. There is nothing Jewish about Israeli foreign policy.

Let me put it another way, Israeli foreign policy has nothing to do with Judaism. Therefore, criticizing Israeli foreign policy is not antisemitic.
We all agree with this. Have you met Israelis? But your rant and swearing yesterday is not criticism of Israeli policy. Comparisons to Nazis and demons is not criticism of Israeli policy. Repeating the genocide blood libel is not criticism of Israeli policy. Using language like "pigfuckers" is not criticism of Israeli policy. Spreading outright lies like "1,000,000 people in Gaza are going to die after the war ends" is not criticism of Israeli policy.
Not according to the ICJ and ICC, there are laws, Israel is BOUND by laws and it is breaking those laws.
This is, at best, an oversimplification, depending specifically to which Opinion you refer. Israel has been accused of breaking laws, but has not been investigated nor found guilty of breaking laws. (Yes, I know you will quibble with the 19 July 2024 Opinion.)

Galia Miller Sprung,
Jewish Journal:

“I want to bring you into the everyday world of Israel’s existential war. Existential war: fighting to survive, to not be wiped out.
Excuse my chutzpah, but I want much more than that. I want the right to enjoy a normal, peaceful existence – I do not want neighbors whose goal is to annihilate us”.
Such a liar. The UN has issued more sanctions against Israel than against Syria, Iran, Iraq, and every other horrible Arab or Muslim state COMBINED.
First we were talking about the ICJ and ICC, that's what my post was talking about, no the UN.

Second Israel is out of touch with 99.9% of the human race and you characterize that as the world being antisemitic?
First we were talking about the ICJ and ICC, that's what my post was talking about, no the UN.

Second Israel is out of touch with 99.9% of the human race and you characterize that as the world being antisemitic?
When you call Israel “the Jew Supremacy State,” your antisemitism is screaming from the roof.

And Israel is NOT out of touch with 99.9% of the human race. That’s just more of your antisemitism showing.

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