Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Isn't it obvious?
Other than to show that Jews live in Israel, and that it is your nasty antisemitism driving all your comments, I can’t imagine what.

And matzo ball soup is delicious, although gefilte fish is an acquired taste. LOTS of great Jewish foods. Noodle kugel, yum. Potato latkes, yum. Bagel & lox on a Sunday morning, yum. Chocolate babka….yum.
Other than to show that Jews live in Israel, and that it is your nasty antisemitism driving all your comments, I can’t imagine what.

And matzo ball soup is delicious, although gefilte fish is an acquired taste. LOTS of great Jewish foods. Noodle kugel, yum. Potato latkes, yum. Bagel & lox on a Sunday morning, yum. Chocolate babka….yum.
You don't live in Israel. We don't need to smell gefilte fish around here.
You might have spent time there and graduated but you clearly didn't finish.
There's your Zionist superiority complex manifesting itself again, do try to keep that under control, we don't want thousands of civilians getting killed just because you think you're cleverer than all those non-Jews out there.
There's your Zionist superiority complex manifesting itself again, do try to keep that under control, we don't want thousands of civilians getting killed just because you think you're cleverer than all those non-Jews out there.
And there’s the code word for “Jew” again.
Nope, decent Jews don't speak as you and he do, only fanatical Zionists are this unhinged.
Too late. You already called Israel the Jew Supremacy State. Everyone sees what an antisemite you are.

The only thing I wonder is why you are given such free rein to promote all your antisemitic propaganda here.
Too late. You already called Israel the Jew Supremacy State. Everyone sees what an antisemite you are.
I got that phrase from Jews as you know, I've explained this to you many times.
The only thing I wonder is why you are given such free rein to promote all your antisemitic propaganda here.
That's because here in the West, censorship is generally frowned upon.
I got that phrase from Jews as you know, I've explained this to you many times.

yeah, a few self-loathing Jews,
That's because here in the West, censorship is generally frowned upon.
So is spreading antisemitic propoganda, and it was announced recently this is not a hate site, and tolerance for antisemitism will be low.
yeah, a few self-loathing Jews,
That sounds rather antisemitic to me, certainly if I were to say it anyway.
So is spreading antisemitic propoganda, and it was announced recently this is not a hate site, and tolerance for antisemitism will be low.
I strive to always support my posts, claims and accusations with publicly accessible, credible sources, many of which are often Jews and often Jewish media and press, I have never expressed antisemitic views here, please be cognizant of the degree to which your own prejudices are coloring your posts.
There's your Zionist superiority complex manifesting itself again, do try to keep that under control, we don't want thousands of civilians getting killed just because you think you're cleverer than all those non-Jews out there.
I don't know the non-Jews out there. It just so happens that you lack certain skills. That has nothing to do with Zionism. It has to do with your lack of education. When you try to slap labels and generalize, you just make yourself look even dumber.
I don't know the non-Jews out there. It just so happens that you lack certain skills. That has nothing to do with Zionism. It has to do with your lack of education. When you try to slap labels and generalize, you just make yourself look even dumber.
Debasing myself before radicalized Zionist terrorism advocates is not a skill I have any desire for.
how about "learning reading comprehension"?
Eats, shoots and leaves, that's my recommendation for you:


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