Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

And there we have it. Scratch the surface of a leftists just enough and you get them to admit they see the Jews as Nazi criminals. And apparently me too since I support Israel and the right of Jews to their own homeland.

And they are too stupid to see what an oxymoron that is.


1. No response to Hajo Meyer, you don't know how to deal with what he said.
2. Dumbfounded by the question: is a true allegation against Israel, antisemitic?

What's the problem here? The Jews I've admired over the years were/are renowned for their intellects and could answer that question without any drama.
Very few Jews are still living who experienced the Holocaust. But there are few Jews living who have not been affected in some emotional or material way by the Holocaust and other genocidal and antisemitic policies of countries who targeted the Jews.

And it was the Holocaust that was the impetus for the U.N. to establish Israel as a homeland for those Jews displaced by the hatred and abominations committed by the Nazis, Russians et al.

Few if any are now alive who were affected by well poisoning 74 years ago if that in fact happened. Attempted and intended genocide of the Jews continues.

But that's the problem. The whole world felt a big sad because of what the Nazis did in Europe, so let's take land away from people in Palestine and give it to European Jews.

It would be like if I took your house and gave it to a black family because I felt bad about slavery. Of course, I'm not giving them MY house; I've given them YOUR house. I feel so much better now.
The Israelis are terrified of close up, man to man combat with Hezbollah. Many of the Israelis are conscripts, barely started shaving.

Well they are fighting a formidable enemy, the United States and several powerful European nations. Just as Russia isn't fighting Ukraine but NATO.

The Israelis are terrified of close up, man to man combat with Hezbollah.

You'll never prove that claim with Hezbollah cowards hiding behind civilians.

Poor Arab losers. They should whine some more.
Poor Russia, perfect peaceful neighbors but no one trusts them for some reason.
The Israelis are terrified of close up, man to man combat with Hezbollah.

You'll never prove that claim with Hezbollah cowards hiding behind civilians.
Not that canard again.
Poor Arab losers. They should whine some more.
Poor Russia, perfect peaceful neighbors but no one trusts them for some reason.
I trust them, they said if NATO encroaches and moves to create a military presence along Russia's border then they'd mass troops and respond accordingly, and that's exactly what they did, they were true to their word.

You need to move on from Newsmax or whatever dumb knuckle dragger white supremacist rag you get your "news" from.
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There are 45,000 Palestinians that disagree with you!

What happened to the 420,000 lie?

According to Francesca there's still long way to go,
after all she didn't think that was "genocidey" enough a year ago.
Perhaps she's signaling to reach Assad's numbers for you to not give a falafel.

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But that's the problem. The whole world felt a big sad because of what the Nazis did in Europe, so let's take land away from people in Palestine and give it to European Jews.

It would be like if I took your house and gave it to a black family because I felt bad about slavery. Of course, I'm not giving them MY house; I've given them YOUR house. I feel so much better now.
They took nothing away from the Palestinians whatsoever. Those Palestinians that lived on the land awarded to Israel were in no way compromised and the Israelis were prepared to live peacefully among them. But when the Arabs immediately decided to obliterate the new nation of Israel, most of the Palestinians moved out of the way so they could do that. Those who abandoned the Israelis and fellow Arabs in support of the aggressors were not allowed to return once that first war was over.

The progeny of the Palestinians who stayed with Israel are still there, comprise about 20% or so of the Israeli population, enjoy the benefits of full citizenship and seats on the Knesset.
The Nazis did not round up millions of Jews and execute them all in a single day, the killing spanned several years and numerous locations and was not a uniform process.

So if we'd been around to observe back then, at what point would we conclude Germany was engaged in genocide?
They took nothing away from the Palestinians whatsoever. Those Palestinians that lived on the land awarded to Israel were in no way compromised and the Israelis were prepared to live peacefully among them. But when the Arabs immediately decided to obliterate the new nation of Israel, most of the Palestinians moved out of the way so they could do that. Those who abandoned the Israelis and fellow Arabs in support of the aggressors were not allowed to return once that first war was over.

The progeny of the Palestinians who stayed with Israel are still there, comprise about 20% or so of the Israeli population, enjoy the benefits of full citizenship and seats on the Knesset.
Your knowledge of history in this area is flawed and rather weak, I already demonstrated that by having to show you proof of Israeli biological warfare in 1948, a true scholar would have known all this already.
The Nazis did not round up millions of Jews and execute them all in a single day, the killing spanned several years and numerous locations and was not a uniform process.

So if we'd been around to observe back then, at what point would we conclude Germany was engaged in genocide?

Well the Nazis had several armies and countries to invade that delayed it all,
but the intent was very much the negative you try to deny,
no different than Hamas mission to murder Jews for an
exclusive Arab domination over the Middle East

...and Africa...

The genocidal intent of Arab imperialism
is undeniable and in the open.

Your knowledge of history in this area is flawed and rather weak, I already demonstrated that by having to show you proof of Israeli biological warfare in 1948, a true scholar would have known all this already.
Congratulations. You are now in the lead for the most non sequitur post of the day.
It seems to me that killing 40,000 civilians, including 17,000 CHILDREN to get 10 alledged "terrorists" isn't a good exchange.

Both sides are bad, but the ZIONISTS invaded Palestine, not the other way around

More like 15,000 Hamas soldiers...

Which is why you barely hear of them anymore.

But the real question is - would it be moral to kill 1 less, or more, than required to win a just war?
Not that canard again.

I trust them, they said if NATO encroaches and moves to create a military presence along Russia's border then they'd mass troops and respond accordingly, and that's exactly what they did, they were true to their word.

You need to move on from Newsmax or whatever dumb knuckle dragger white supremacist rag you get your "news" from.

Russian troops faced NATO troops for decades, when Russia was enslaving Eastern Europe.

Now that Eastern Europe is free, Russia should whine some more about facing NATO troops closer to home.

You need to move on from Pravda and the Hamas Times.
Netanyahu: "I can get the hostages out, it will take time and they will all be dead when we got to them, but we will get them out" :auiqs.jpg:

Never said that,
and you probably can't count.

Why does your narrative depend
on so many apparent strawman fallacies?
Russian troops faced NATO troops for decades, when Russia was enslaving Eastern Europe.
Yes, that's around the same time that the United States was busy exterminating millions of people in Vietnam, Laos, Korea and Cambodia using chemical warfare and killing people in Latin America and when the United States was (secretly) installing nuclear weapons on a base in Turkey which prompted the USSR to send nuclear weapons to Cuba to redress the imbalance.
Now that Eastern Europe is free, Russia should whine some more about facing NATO troops closer to home.
Free to have their economy dictated by the IMF and World Banks, "opening up" their economies.
A NATO Installation was bombed in Ukraine recently, hundreds killed, why don't you know this?
You need to move on from Pravda and the Hamas Times.
Any recommendations?
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Didn't know this thread was about you,

meanwhile try to address my post.
I asked that question before you even posted in this thread, Zionists are scared to answer it - I wonder why...

I'll tell you why, the Zionists are liars, they have a distorted view of their own significance and despise the truth. They want to reserve the right to call anyone they want, an "antisemite" irrespective of the veracity of claims made about them.

So they want to answer "yes" but can't get away with that here, they need to hide their true nature.

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