Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

But that's the problem. The whole world felt a big sad because of what the Nazis did in Europe, so let's take land away from people in Palestine and give it to European Jews.

It would be like if I took your house and gave it to a black family because I felt bad about slavery. Of course, I'm not giving them MY house; I've given them YOUR house. I feel so much better now.
The Arabs didn't feel sad about the European Holocaust. They supported the Nazis and even made plans to join with them in killing all the Jews in the ME after the Nazis finished with the Russians. In 1941, the Arabs made a pact with Hitler to create a holocaust in the ME, and in 1947 they proclaimed their intention to do so and today the Palestinians continue to pursue that goal. The Palestinians see Jews in exactly the same way the Nazis did, and present pretty much the same reasons for wanting to kill the Jews.

Both the Ottoman Turks and the British kept excellent records of land ownership and land sales, and British courts adjudicated disputes, and there is no record of any land being stolen by Jews from Arabs, but there are detailed records of sales of larger tracts of land by wealthy Arab families to Jewish agencies.

The entirely and obviously bogus claim the Arabs harbored genocidal intentions toward the Jews because of "land theft" is intended to cover up the fact that after many centuries of Arabs treating Jews as second class citizens

From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce.

that under British rule they would no longer be allowed to persecute and oppress Jews as they had since the beginning of Islamic civilization.
Yes, that's around the same time that the United States was busy exterminating millions of people in Vietnam, Laos, Korea and Cambodia using chemical warfare and killing people in Latin America and when the United States was (secretly) installing nuclear weapons on a base in Turkey which prompted the USSR to send nuclear weapons to Cuba to redress the imbalance.

Free to have their economy dictated by the IMF and World Banks, "opening up" their economies.

Any recommendations?

Good old Russia, still benefitting from having their economy closed off.
But that's the problem. The whole world felt a big sad because of what the Nazis did in Europe, so let's take land away from people in Palestine and give it to European Jews.

It would be like if I took your house and gave it to a black family because I felt bad about slavery. Of course, I'm not giving them MY house; I've given them YOUR house. I feel so much better now.

so let's take land away from people in Palestine and give it to European Jews.

What Ottoman land did the Arabs in Palestine own?
Good old Russia, still benefitting from having their economy closed off.
German reunification was a huge fear the USSR had when the Berlin wall collapsed.

During WW2 the USSR lost some 14,000,000 people, that was a war initiated by Germany.

Russia looks West and sees lots of US bases in various countries, some have nuclear weapons and those weapons all point to targets in Russia, enough is enough, hence Ukraine.

You forgot to recommend some news sources for me...

Once again, debating these yacking know all deadbeats is like shooting fish in a barrel.
The Israelis are terrified of close up, man to man combat with Hezbollah. Many of the Israelis are conscripts, barely started shaving.

Well they are fighting a formidable enemy, the United States and several powerful European nations. Just as Russia isn't fighting Ukraine but NATO.

Is that what you count on?
Took you 3 days to learn beepers don't work.

Actually it's the soldiers who've addressed PM Netanyahu,
DEMANDING to let them do their job in Lebanon since October.

German reunification was a huge fear the USSR had when the Berlin wall collapsed.

During WW2 the USSR lost some 14,000,000 people, that was a war initiated by Germany.

Russia looks West and sees lots of US bases in various countries, some have nuclear weapons and those weapons all point to targets in Russia, enough is enough, hence Ukraine.

You forgot to recommend some news sources for me...

Once again, debating these yacking know all deadbeats is like shooting fish in a barrel.

During WW2 the USSR lost some 14,000,000 people, that was a war initiated by Germany.

That was awful when Stalin's ally attacked the USSR, wasn't it?

Russia looks West and sees lots of US bases in various countries

I know! All the formerly enslaved nations don't trust Russia. I wonder why? Do you?
Good old Russia, still benefitting from having their economy closed off.
Europeans can expect to pay more for their natural gas now. The US goal was to destroy the pipeline and step in as the supplier, making Europe dependent on US energy has been a goal since the end of WW2.

The US uses fracking and ultimately the street price of the resources has risen because the US wanted to dominate the market and destroy Russia as a supplier.

The US hates competition and so destroys anything that gets in its way of world dominance, thankfully China's increasing military power might finally put a stop to US war games.
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During WW2 the USSR lost some 14,000,000 people, that was a war initiated by Germany.

That was awful when Stalin's ally attacked the USSR, wasn't it?

Russia looks West and sees lots of US bases in various countries

I know! All the formerly enslaved nations don't trust Russia. I wonder why? Do you?
Yes, I do know, it's because the US has told them not too, oh by the way what is this "enslaved"? Slavery was practiced in the USA for many years, nothing like that ever happened in Europe.
Europeans can expect to pay more for their natural gas now. The US goal was to destroy the pipeline and step in as the supplier, making Europe dependent on US energy has been a goal since the end of WW2.

The US uses fracking and ultimately the street price of the resources has risen because the US wanted to dominate the market and destroy Russia as a supplier.

Europeans can expect to pay more for their natural gas now.


Russia can expect to earn less for their natural gas now.
Yes, I do know, it's because the US has told them not too, oh by the way what is this "enslaved"? Slavery was practiced in the USA for many years, nothing like that ever happened in Europe.

Yes, I do know, it's because the US has told them not too

They didn't remember being occupied by Soviet troops after 1945?
The OP claims it is antisemitic to accuse Israel of poisoning wells, but how can it be when they did do that?

Are you saying it is antisemitic to make allegations against Israel even when those allegations are true?

Any Zionist care to answer? a very reasonable question - is an allegation antisemitic even when it's true?

(Don't all rush to answer at once)

Yes, it's an old antisemitic trope,

and as far as your sources, they're limited to a single article
in an unknown newspaper and a historian known for
major inaccuracies, which provides no documents.

Therefore the intent is clearly to frame a group,
by appealing to knowingly false bloodlibes,
and lowest fears in society.

Textbook racism.
Yes, it's an old antisemitic trope,

and as far as your sources, they're limited to a single article
in an unknown newspaper and a historian known for
major inaccuracies, which provides no documents.

Therefore the intent is clearly to frame a group,
by appealing to knowingly false bloodlibes,
and lowest fears in society.

Textbook racism.

So you are saying that a true allegation levelled at the state of Israel, is always antisemitic?

By the way the Haaretz article relies on recently found documents, didn't you read it? why should anyone believe you and not Haaretz?

At least your honest unlike the other cry babies here, even if you are calling the Israeli press antisemitic. :auiqs.jpg:
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Still skipping over the tough questions again Lisa558 ?

Any Zionist care to answer? a very reasonable question - is an allegation antisemitic even when it's true?

Given the impressive expertise here in what constitutes antisemitism, why is it taking so long to get an answer to this?

(Don't all rush to answer at once)

Depends if the allegation is specific,
or to frame an entire ethnic group.

It is if the allegation uses:

1. Demonize
2. Delegitimize
3. Double Standards.

Basically try using any other ethnic minority
in your allegation, if it's bigotry it's bigotry.
No, but killing 40,000 mostly civilians including 17,000 Children certainly is.


Your numbers are wildly inaccurate, but leaving that aside, it is not NUMBERS which create the definition of a genocide - it is INTENT. So, no. You can not meet the threshold definition of genocide through numbers alone.
Still skipping over the tough questions again Lisa558 ?

Any Zionist care to answer? a very reasonable question - is an allegation antisemitic even when it's true?

Given the impressive expertise here in what constitutes antisemitism, why is it taking so long to get an answer to this?

(Don't all rush to answer at once)
Since you post nothing but lies, the question isn't relevant to you.
Depends if the allegation is specific,
or to frame an entire ethnic group.

It is if the allegation uses:

1. Demonize
2. Delegitimize
3. Double Standards.

Basically try using any other ethnic minority
in your allegation, if it's bigotry it's bigotry.
But you and other Zionists use those same tactics when speaking of Arabs, that's not fair.
So how would you respond to this gentleman?

View attachment 1015755

Well nobody is, but...

Any Zionist care to answer? a very reasonable question - is an allegation antisemitic even when it's true?

Given the impressive expertise here in what constitutes antisemitism, why is it taking so long to get an answer to this?

(Don't all rush to answer at once)

Do you know what an 'exception that proves the rule' means?

And all the "non-human" Holocaust survivors who fought to gain independence
thinking otherwise, let him express his nonsense - a miracle in the eyes of Arab imperialists.

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