Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

I asked that question before you even posted in this thread, Zionists are scared to answer it - I wonder why...

I'll tell you why, the Zionists are liars, they have a distorted view of their own significance and despise the truth. They want to reserve the right to call anyone they want, an "antisemite" irrespective of the veracity of claims made about them.

So they want to answer "yes" but can't get away with that here, they need to hide their true nature.

Do you go into every thread thinking it's about you?

Apparently with such an infantile and dogmatic position,
you cannot compute facts or tolerate anything resembling a conversation.
Which is actually more of a sign of overcompensating for lack of morale and confidence.
Do you into every thread thinking it's about you?
No, that's Zionists your thinking of.
Apparently with such an infantile dogmatic position
you cannot compute facts or tolerate anything resembling a conversation.
Which is actually more of a sign of overcompensating for lack of morale and confidence.
The OP said it was antisemitic to accuse Israel of poisoning Palestinian water wells, but as you've now learned it was true and hence not antisemitic so why not correct the poster of the OP? or are you happy for Zionist lies to litter these forums?
It is of course reprehensible at a time like this, to make known false accusations against people or states, you are right to emphasize this. It is especially the case with a sensitive theme like Israel's politics, history and the significance of the Holocaust.

Having said that, I assume that people agree that false accusations of antisemitism are also reprehensible. As we see above, the accusation of well poisoning cannot be an example of antisemitism because there is plenty of evidence, at least most reasonable people would admit this anyway.

So on that note, let me ask you Lisa558 - do you now accept that the Israelis did in fact deliberately poison the water supply of the village Acre, in 1948? and will you no longer refer to this claim as an "antisemitic trope"?

Here's my take on this. Well-poisoning is a well-known and oft-used antisemitic trope. It is used to characterize Jews as despicable. It has been used for centuries. So, if one were to be making a concerted effort NOT to portray oneself as antisemitic one would be exceedingly careful in bringing up this trope. One would certainly not lean hard into the trope, blubbering "but it may have happened once ... so it's completely fair to characterize Jews as well-poisoners!"
So you are saying that a true allegation levelled at the state of Israel, is always antisemitic?

By the way the Haaretz article relies on recently found documents, didn't you read it? why should anyone believe you and not Haaretz?

At least your honest unlike the other cry babies here, even if you are calling the Israeli press antisemitic. :auiqs.jpg:

No, read my post again.

Apparently your narrative can't handle even directly addressing what I'm saying.
But the ridicule, as known is already a good first sign of realization, it takes stages.

Switch your rhetoric and use it towards another ethnic minority,
women or any other group - and it becomes apparent.

Do you use the same logic for other groups?
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What happened to the 420,000 lie?

According to Francesca there's still long way to go,
after all she didn't think that was "genocidey" enough a year ago.
Perhaps she's signaling to reach Assad's numbers for you to not give a falafel.

Genocide is occurring and you fuckers say nothing!
Here's my take on this. Well-poisoning is a well-known and oft-used antisemitic trope. It is used to characterize Jews as despicable. It has been used for centuries. So, if one were to be making a concerted effort NOT to portray oneself as antisemitic one would be exceedingly careful in bringing up this trope. One would certainly not lean hard into the trope, blubbering "but it may have happened once ... so it's completely fair to characterize Jews as well-poisoners!"
My mind was obviously on the genocide lie currently being peddled, and I accidentally said poisoned wells against Palestinians when I meant the reprehensible lie that Jews poisoned wells during the Black Black Plague during Medieval times in order to kill all the gentiles.

No, that's Zionists your thinking of.

The OP said it was antisemitic to accuse Israel of poisoning Palestinian water wells, but as you've now learned it was true and hence not antisemitic so why not correct the poster of the OP? or are you happy for Zionist lies to litter these forums?

When did you learn to read people's minds?

More hyperboles than holes in cheese...
says more about the "engineer" you
claim to be.
When did you learn to read people's minds?

More hyperboles than holes in cheese...
says more about the "engineer" you
claim to be.
Also, you notice what Sherlock is doing? Deflecting from the genocide lie he and his antisemitic friends keep peddling.
Also, you notice what Sherlock is doing? Deflecting from the genocide lie he and his antisemitic friends keep peddling.
Yes, he knows his comments are antisemitic. He claims they are not because he and other Jew-haters are trying to normalize antisemitism while simultaneously enjoying verbally smacking Jews in the face. That’s what the screams of “you’re a Nazi, you Jew!” are all about.

As far as the last sentence of Sartre’s quote, yes….the last time I had him in a corner where he couldn’t defend his point, he announced in a huff that he couldn’t argue with someone so incapable of recognizing their shortcomings (or words to that effect) and he was putting me on ignore.

Unfortunately, that was bluster….as he obviously is responding to me.

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