Actuarial Analysis Unmasks Impossible Voter Turnouts at the Precinct Level in 11 Virginia Counties


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Actuarial Analysis Unmasks Impossible Voter Turnouts at the Precinct Level in 11 Virginia Counties

26 Oct 2024 ~~ By Joe Hoft

This actuarial analysis from a guest contributor-actuarial professional outlines evidence of serious election fraud.

In the run-up to the 2020 General election, Virginia Democrats in full control of elections did a curious thing – they mandated that absentee mail-in ballot totals processed through the Central Absentee Precinct centers would not be reported at the precinct level but rather as a single total at the county level. It is believed by election integrity activists the reason for this decision is that it would facilitate mail-in ballot cheating, given that fraudulent votes would otherwise need to be allocated to precincts carefully to ensure that precinct turnout rates would appear realistic.
As long as there was no effort to find the actual absentee mail-in allocations and check precinct turnout statistics, no one would be the wiser.
However, we looked and found evidence of serious election fraud.

The Analysis
This analysis sprang from the work of Capt. Seth Keshel, Executive Director of the Election Fairness Institute – specifically from his “Precinct Mapping Project” where counties were analyzed down to the precinct level to identify anomalies in reported election results that were not consistent with past elections, registration trends, population growth trends, and the redistricting data base information discussed above. It was found by leveraging his work under the Precinct Mapping Project, actual turnout statistics could be determined for those precincts being analyzed.
For this analysis, 11 Virginian counties were examined. The study included both the major Northern Virginia counties, as well as smaller counties around the State.
What We Found
Examination of the table reveals, however, that all 11 counties in the study exhibited an extremely unlikely number of precincts with unrealistically (if not impossible) turnout statistics.

Virginia’s voter rolls remain significantly inflated, with estimates of over 1,000,000 questionable registrations remaining on the rolls even after the Virginia Department of Election’s vaunted, but ineffective, clean-up.

Turnout statistics in Virginia are simply not believable.

Further, the analysis of turnout statistics and the geographic distribution of precincts with unrealistic turnout statistics as presented in the Heat Maps is suggestive of material fraud throughout Virginia in the 2020 General election, particularly around urban areas and along transportation corridors.

The findings presented here are part of a larger report which may be downloaded from

The only way is with strict standards imposed at the federal level to guide the States and that will only be done by a conservative (not RINO) congress.
Indeed, states can run elections as they choose, but the federal govt. has the right to throw out junk in federal elections. The feds impose standards on so many things, why do they need to accept a congressman or presidential elector that was chosen in an insecure manner. It actually is a matter of national security.
Fortunately, Neo-Marxists have been caught this year attempting to use overseas ballots that have the potential to be allocated to any swing state as needed.
It should be noted that Democrats have already cobceded that Trump will win the popular vote. The only way they can now steal the election is the Electoral vote.

Actuarial Analysis Unmasks Impossible Voter Turnouts at the Precinct Level in 11 Virginia Counties

26 Oct 2024 ~~ By Joe Hoft

This actuarial analysis from a guest contributor-actuarial professional outlines evidence of serious election fraud.

In the run-up to the 2020 General election, Virginia Democrats in full control of elections did a curious thing – they mandated that absentee mail-in ballot totals processed through the Central Absentee Precinct centers would not be reported at the precinct level but rather as a single total at the county level. It is believed by election integrity activists the reason for this decision is that it would facilitate mail-in ballot cheating, given that fraudulent votes would otherwise need to be allocated to precincts carefully to ensure that precinct turnout rates would appear realistic.
As long as there was no effort to find the actual absentee mail-in allocations and check precinct turnout statistics, no one would be the wiser.
However, we looked and found evidence of serious election fraud.

The Analysis
This analysis sprang from the work of Capt. Seth Keshel, Executive Director of the Election Fairness Institute – specifically from his “Precinct Mapping Project” where counties were analyzed down to the precinct level to identify anomalies in reported election results that were not consistent with past elections, registration trends, population growth trends, and the redistricting data base information discussed above. It was found by leveraging his work under the Precinct Mapping Project, actual turnout statistics could be determined for those precincts being analyzed.
For this analysis, 11 Virginian counties were examined. The study included both the major Northern Virginia counties, as well as smaller counties around the State.
What We Found
Examination of the table reveals, however, that all 11 counties in the study exhibited an extremely unlikely number of precincts with unrealistically (if not impossible) turnout statistics.

Virginia’s voter rolls remain significantly inflated, with estimates of over 1,000,000 questionable registrations remaining on the rolls even after the Virginia Department of Election’s vaunted, but ineffective, clean-up.

Turnout statistics in Virginia are simply not believable.

Further, the analysis of turnout statistics and the geographic distribution of precincts with unrealistic turnout statistics as presented in the Heat Maps is suggestive of material fraud throughout Virginia in the 2020 General election, particularly around urban areas and along transportation corridors.

The findings presented here are part of a larger report which may be downloaded from

The only way is with strict standards imposed at the federal level to guide the States and that will only be done by a conservative (not RINO) congress.
Indeed, states can run elections as they choose, but the federal govt. has the right to throw out junk in federal elections. The feds impose standards on so many things, why do they need to accept a congressman or presidential elector that was chosen in an insecure manner. It actually is a matter of national security.
Fortunately, Neo-Marxists have been caught this year attempting to use overseas ballots that have the potential to be allocated to any swing state as needed.
It should be noted that Democrats have already cobceded that Trump will win the popular vote. The only way they can now steal the election is the Electoral vote.
mail in ballots counted at the yrecinct level sounds unreasonable. . we work only 1 day.

the registrar and board of elections do mail in voting. the central location does count early votes and absentee votes by precinct.
Has gatewaypundit ever written a truthful article?

Not to my knowledge.

They tried these same lies in GA after the 2020 election.

I watched the hearings about the election held there and they had some "expert" that talked about statistical anomalies. He said that an individual precinct going more than 75% for one candidate was rare and that a precinct going more than 90% for one candidate was a sure sign of fraud. This sounded pretty reasonable so I did my own research. I looked at the 2016 results for Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin Tx. What I found was that not only is one precinct going 90% for one candidate not evidence of fraud, it is pretty common, for candidates from both parties.
mail in ballots counted at the yrecinct level sounds unreasonable. . we work only 1 day.

the registrar and board of elections do mail in voting. the central location does count early votes and absentee votes by precinct.
You can still report the results by precinct, that information is part of the tabulation. It's a simple query of the election server...
Why is 90% turnout impossible?

In the 2022 special election these same places got over 90% turn out.

You have been lied to again and are too fucking stupid to know it
I've never seen 90% turn-out anywhere (county level) in Virginia but I see what they are seeing at the precinct level.....I suspect there are shenanigans afoot.

Actuarial Analysis Unmasks Impossible Voter Turnouts at the Precinct Level in 11 Virginia Counties

26 Oct 2024 ~~ By Joe Hoft

This actuarial analysis from a guest contributor-actuarial professional outlines evidence of serious election fraud.

In the run-up to the 2020 General election, Virginia Democrats in full control of elections did a curious thing – they mandated that absentee mail-in ballot totals processed through the Central Absentee Precinct centers would not be reported at the precinct level but rather as a single total at the county level. It is believed by election integrity activists the reason for this decision is that it would facilitate mail-in ballot cheating, given that fraudulent votes would otherwise need to be allocated to precincts carefully to ensure that precinct turnout rates would appear realistic.
As long as there was no effort to find the actual absentee mail-in allocations and check precinct turnout statistics, no one would be the wiser.
However, we looked and found evidence of serious election fraud.

The Analysis
This analysis sprang from the work of Capt. Seth Keshel, Executive Director of the Election Fairness Institute – specifically from his “Precinct Mapping Project” where counties were analyzed down to the precinct level to identify anomalies in reported election results that were not consistent with past elections, registration trends, population growth trends, and the redistricting data base information discussed above. It was found by leveraging his work under the Precinct Mapping Project, actual turnout statistics could be determined for those precincts being analyzed.
For this analysis, 11 Virginian counties were examined. The study included both the major Northern Virginia counties, as well as smaller counties around the State.
What We Found
Examination of the table reveals, however, that all 11 counties in the study exhibited an extremely unlikely number of precincts with unrealistically (if not impossible) turnout statistics.

Virginia’s voter rolls remain significantly inflated, with estimates of over 1,000,000 questionable registrations remaining on the rolls even after the Virginia Department of Election’s vaunted, but ineffective, clean-up.

Turnout statistics in Virginia are simply not believable.

Further, the analysis of turnout statistics and the geographic distribution of precincts with unrealistic turnout statistics as presented in the Heat Maps is suggestive of material fraud throughout Virginia in the 2020 General election, particularly around urban areas and along transportation corridors.

The findings presented here are part of a larger report which may be downloaded from

The only way is with strict standards imposed at the federal level to guide the States and that will only be done by a conservative (not RINO) congress.
Indeed, states can run elections as they choose, but the federal govt. has the right to throw out junk in federal elections. The feds impose standards on so many things, why do they need to accept a congressman or presidential elector that was chosen in an insecure manner. It actually is a matter of national security.
Fortunately, Neo-Marxists have been caught this year attempting to use overseas ballots that have the potential to be allocated to any swing state as needed.
It should be noted that Democrats have already cobceded that Trump will win the popular vote. The only way they can now steal the election is the Electoral vote.
How is gateway pundit still operating?
I want to see a precinct by precinct analysis of the 2020 election to confirm that there was not an unusual amount of new voters, and not an unusual turnout compared to historical norms.

There is NFW that Trump gets 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016....and loses, not legitimately anyway.
I want to see a precinct by precinct analysis of the 2020 election to confirm that there was not an unusual amount of new voters, and not an unusual turnout compared to historical norms.

Have fun, let us know what you find out.
I want to see a precinct by precinct analysis of the 2020 election to confirm that there was not an unusual amount of new voters, and not an unusual turnout compared to historical norms.

There is NFW that Trump gets 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016....and loses, not legitimately anyway.

you can get that for louisiana at our sec state web site. i pay attention to my precinct and nearby areas.

iin my precinct 90% turnout would be very unusual (maybe 60% in 2008 is the highest i remember) but more than 90% of those voted "obama"
THE people calling them self's AMERICANS, Yet post every day against AMERICA.
We know there are scummy people on both sides of the isle. No system is perfect.
Yet real Americans believe one citizen one vote, they may not like the results but that is the honest way.
these MAGA PEOPLE are not REPUBLICANS, They promote dishonesty with a smile. and they admit they
want their idol to win, what ever the cost is to our country.
I choose a random county in NV for 2020.

View attachment 1031845

In 2024 they have 24,548 registered voters. That is a 88% turn out, and it is safe to assume they had even fewer voters in 2020 so it would put it over 90%, and that is for a whole county and not just a precinct
Turnout is generally treated as the percentage of voting age residents (sometimes voting eligible is used- i.e. excluding felons and other disqualified people), generally not the percentage of registered voters (although you can if you want).

Main thing is to compare apples to apples. Registered voters is a subset of eligible voters, which is a subset of voting age public.

You are looking at the turnout of registered voters, not the turnout of eligible voters. 2 very different measures...

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