Adam and eve were deported.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

God allowed Adam and Eve to live in the Garden of Eden (paradise) forever with a set of rules they were to obey or they would suffer the consequences of death. They disobeyed the rules and was deported and never allowed in the Garden of Eden ever again. At the border of the Garden Eden God place angels (border patrol agents) with flaming swords to keep them from enter the Garden ever again.

Who get to decide “who we are” and “what we are about?” Obama has made himself lawmaker and law breaker. He has even changed God’s laws concerning gays and Illegal Aliens. Law breakers were always punished in the bible. Aliens in the bible were always in the land which they lived by permission and under he same laws and benefits as the native aliens or else they were expelled from the land. To cross a nation a traveler had to have permission. Aliens, alien resident, strangers, foreigners, settlers, sojourners were clearing know if legal or illegal by they way there were treated, what were expected of them and how they were punished for disobeying the laws of that nation. Those in the county by permission were treated as the natives were. (Gen 23;40, 12;16, 12;20, 13;1) Aliens were permanent residents and Foreigners were not. (Ex 30;33)
The Immigration Crisis.
James K. Hoffmeier

Observations on Immigration and Aliens in the Bible.
The book of genesis explains how foreign immigrants conducted themselves, how host nations received them, and the due process of becoming a legal alien. Some of the salient points. Pg 57

1. Immigration was widely practiced in the ancient Near East, and Genesis reflect this reality, (e.g., Abraham’s travels from Mesopotamia to Syria, Canaan, and Egypt and back to Canaan.)

2. National borders and personal property were recognized and respected,
even in the case of travelers who want to pass through (e.g., Moses and the Israelites were denied passage through the territory of Edom.)

3. The Egyptians and Samaritans constructed forts on the frontiers to control their borders and monitor the movements of people.

4. Immigrants moved considerable but could not just settle wherever they wanted. They would be expelled for violating the laws or mores of the land (e.g., Abraham’s expulsion by Pharaoh for lying about the marital status of his wife; Isaac’s dismissal from Gerar for the same.)

5. Permission was sought by and sometime granted to immigrants who wanted to settle in another land. (e.g., Abraham in Hebron and Gerar, Isaac in Gerar, Jacob and his family in Egypt.)

6. Aliens were not permitted to sponsor other foreigners to receive aliens. Bringing a spouse from the outside seems to be an exception to the rule (e.g., Isaac’s wife Rachel came form northern Syria to Canaan.)

7. People were given permits to enter a country for seasonal and periodic employment (e.g., Abishai and is clan as depicted in the Beni Hasan tomb in Egypt; see figure 4) something comparable to an ancient guest worker program.

8. There were a distinction made between a foreigner in a land and a legal sojourner (ger) or resident alien who was taking up more permanent residence. The latter might be likened in America to the holder of a green card. In Canada, such individuals are known as “landed Immigrants.”

9. Foreigners who assimilated into Egyptian society and learned the Egyptian language could advance in the private sector as well as in the state’s bureaucracy (e.g., Aper-el and Joseph.) Similarly, foreigners could come to Israel and be integrated into society. (the example of Ruth and the Moabite…
The aliens that cross the border illegally and those that enter their visas and don't leave are not the same as the aliens in the bible who are always in a country by permission.

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