Adam Kokesh under investigation by DC police.

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What about 1,000 armed protesters? Wasn't that Kokesh's plan?

Was supposed to be the plan...he canceled it...wish he had gone through with it..he had the supporters..guess he would rather not get others in trouble for breaking an illegal law. The DC regime lost...he broke their illegal and immoral law he has won even if they persecute him.
If they can't authenticate the magazine is real via video tape that dickhead newscaster showed, then they shouldn't be able to authenticate anything here. After all equal justice demands it.
That march would have been a wholesale slaughter of good, but foolish people by the security apparatus.

You can't wage revolution until the collective consciousness reaches critical mass. Sort of like Egypt or Romania back in the day.
Adam Kokesh is a self absorbed rabble rouser. He has no loyalty to anything beyond his personal enrichment, that's why no one with any credibility (or money) backs his bullshit agenda.

Fuck adam kokesh and all his sycophants.
Adam Kokesh is a self absorbed rabble rouser. He has no loyalty to anything beyond his personal enrichment, that's why no one with any credibility (or money) backs his bullshit agenda.

Fuck adam kokesh and all his sycophants.

Yeah, I'm sure his YouTube videos are just raking in the dough. :rolleyes:

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