admin says crime is down, but independent data shows violent crime up across 66 cities


Dec 30, 2010
significantly too small a sample size and self reported data without independent is shown here.. belies claims of crime is down. It depends on location/reportage..the migrant crime is particularly disturbing
Laura Cooper, executive director for MCCA, told Fox News Digital they request violent crime data from their member agencies, which include only the largest police departments across the U.S. This data is shared voluntarily every quarter by the departments themselves. MCAA does not use public or open-source data and only includes participating agencies.

However, when examining a longer time frame rather than just year-to-year comparisons, the data — potentially affected by underreporting or changes in crime classification — reveals crime is actually trending upward.

The most flagrant example is publicly on the Philadelphia website," Kennedy said. "There are twice as many murders in Philadelphia in the period they're describing than what the MCCA reported."
So, they have to go back to 2019 to claim the numbers are not going down under if Trump was not the POTUS in 2020
significantly too small a sample size and self reported data without independent is shown here.. belies claims of crime is down. It depends on location/reportage..the migrant crime is particularly disturbing
Laura Cooper, executive director for MCCA, told Fox News Digital they request violent crime data from their member agencies, which include only the largest police departments across the U.S. This data is shared voluntarily every quarter by the departments themselves. MCAA does not use public or open-source data and only includes participating agencies.

However, when examining a longer time frame rather than just year-to-year comparisons, the data — potentially affected by underreporting or changes in crime classification — reveals crime is actually trending upward.

The most flagrant example is publicly on the Philadelphia website," Kennedy said. "There are twice as many murders in Philadelphia in the period they're describing than what the MCCA reported."
/----/ BREAKING:
Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged.

Police sources shared with The Post a staggering estimate that as many as 75% of the people they’ve been arresting in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault, robbery and domestic violence are migrants. In parts of Queens, the figure is more than 60%, sources there estimate.

On any given day, Big Apple criminal court dockets are packed with asylum seekers who have run afoul of the law.

Making matters worse, police sources say, word has gotten out in the shelters about the city’s lax bail guidelines — meaning migrants know they’re going to get kicked back onto the street quickly after they’re nabbed.

A City Hall spokesman pointed to Mayor Eric Adams’ previous calls for the City Council to change the sanctuary city laws. Last week, Adams said, “Right now, we don’t have the authorization to be able to go and coordinate with ICE. We have to follow the law.”

FBI Crime Data Revision Scandal

Their Lives Mattered

23 Oct 2024 ~~ By Prager University

The following content is sponsored by PragerU.

One year ago, the FBI released a data report claiming violent crime had fallen by 2.1 percent in 2022 compared to 2021, and major media outlets quickly celebrated and cited the news. Despite communities experiencing surging violence, Orwellian politicians and pundits used this data as their go-to “fact-check,” insisting that our fears are unfounded and repeatedly reassuring us that crime is actually down. It has been the perfect pre-election talking point for those eager to dismiss concerns about rising crime across America.
What kind of country are we living in where the frequent murder of children in our cities warrants little more than a mention because it doesn’t fit a favored narrative of decreased crime? This is why projects like “Their Lives Mattered” are so important to shining light on an issue the media neglects to acknowledge.
It’s time to hold our leaders accountable, demanding that district attorneys and other local politicians focus on public safety, not progressive politics or social justice. We must demand that the media prioritize facts over propaganda. And we must reject misleading narratives in favor of caring for and about our neighbors. Only by demanding more can we begin to address the crisis of violent crime in America—and restore liberty and justice for all.

Few in this country know that big Blue Plantation cities, in particular, are under no legal obligation to send their crime data to the FBI. So this then becomes the timeless saying about computers: Garbage In - Garbage Out.
Why is it that the FBI continues to publish half truths and incomplete versions? A half truth is still a lie. They well knew it was false when they published it the low crime rate numbers, which means they were lying to try to get Biden/Harris elected.

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