Africans Beg For Money

African campaigners demand compensation for effects of global warming
Politicians and NGOs call for the developed world to provide cash to help deal with the consequences of a warming planet
They is owed !!! Lol

They have a case. Few degree increase in most of Africa represents x number of deaths. In more moderate regions it isn't yet life and death differences.
The money will go to building large Presidential mansions, with a zoo full of exotic animals, a wing for the President's 100 wives, a large staff of servants and lackeys, and a gold plated Rolls Royce.

Benefit to man on the street African?

A chance to wonder what it's like to live in such luxury.
This belongs in the conspiracy sub-forum. I haven't seen a bigger and more ludicrous load of crap for a while.

Let me get this straight. Developed nations are to blame for deleterious economic effects to less developed nations, and they just so happen to occur unevenly only in poorer nations? BS.

Yeah, put that in the conspiracy forum unless someone can back that up with proven science. Otherwise I'd say the warming would affect everyone equally. Poorer nations just have less resources to cope. We are not setting up a world government for their benefit b/c the planet is now entering a more inhospitable zone of the galaxy.

Desertification will affect some areas, flooding others, some areas that used to depend on skiing for tourism will be left out in the sun with tourist economies dried up, etc. California is sure to shrivel up and die. Why should Californians have to pay for Africa's problems, when they are going to have problems of their own?

What a bunch of hog wash.

To top it all off, nobody has ever conclusively proved that this isn't all -just a function of the position of the solar system vis-a-vie the galactic core rather than man's introduction of heavy industry.

Climactic disruptions have happened before, they will happen again. Ask the Vikings, ask the Pueblos, ask the Mayans, ask the ancient Egyptians . . . . oh wait. . . . nm. Civilizations and cultures grow and shrink because of climate change, it is a natural part of history, they shouldn't be trying to tax other civilizations to survive. They need to evolve or perish.
They should wise up and nationalize all of their resources. Africa's been raped of its resources for centuries.

But the first-world will keep paying off the tin-pot dictators so that never happens.

Fuck the global warming pennies.
Inferior cultures are easilly dominated.
They should wise up and nationalize all of their resources. Africa's been raped of its resources for centuries.

But the first-world will keep paying off the tin-pot dictators so that never happens.

Fuck the global warming pennies.
Inferior cultures are easilly dominated.
That would explain why the Confederacy was destroyed.

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